@dashcloud Drinking terrible is one of my favorites. It would be my favorite if every video had a clip of @matthew drinking (just a sip of) the drink at the end.
@BillLehecka It is a beautiful sight! Thanks for showing yours since I'm too lazy to go through the whole process of putting mine up. I wonder how many of us there are left.
@PurplePawprints Well, only 485 people even had shot of having a perfect score (only 485 people clicked Meh on Day 0). A few have fallen. I think @dave is still intact as well. I don't think too many perfect meh streaks still exist.
@BillLehecka For the record, I consider it a full streak from day one. Day zero is just extra credit. (Also, I think there should be another term for a complete streak from whenever a person joined, even if that was yesterday.)
It scares me how many of these I remember watching. 2 minutes (average) times 200 is 6.66 hours of my life. Think of all the things I could have done with those hours.
@christinerenee@chellemonkey It's actually @matthew. The higher-ups have actually threatened to fire me if I ever come within 10 feet of a running piece of graphics software again
@jimmyd103 I'm simultaneously sad and excited that I missed so many. I think I need a weekend binge watch. Maybe we should all have a simulcast sort of party event thing? @matthew@JonT
Congrats on 200!!! That's freaking awesome!
I'm so glad there haven't been many totally not rigged games of chance lately. You're a good guy @Matthew.
@molfsontan I think that one was put to death permanently. Thank goodness.
@molfsontan I think Drinking Terrible with Meh replaced it. (Which I highly approve of).
@dashcloud Drinking terrible is one of my favorites. It would be my favorite if every video had a clip of @matthew drinking (just a sip of) the drink at the end.
@molfsontan TNRGOC was my favorite series. I stopped watching the videos when that ended.
200 is a good number.

@BillLehecka It is a beautiful sight! Thanks for showing yours since I'm too lazy to go through the whole process of putting mine up. I wonder how many of us there are left.
@PurplePawprints Well, only 485 people even had shot of having a perfect score (only 485 people clicked Meh on Day 0). A few have fallen. I think @dave is still intact as well. I don't think too many perfect meh streaks still exist.
@BillLehecka For the record, I consider it a full streak from day one. Day zero is just extra credit. (Also, I think there should be another term for a complete streak from whenever a person joined, even if that was yesterday.)
200 reasons not to join a communist regime.
@er1c Or 200 reasons to join a communist regime.
It scares me how many of these I remember watching. 2 minutes (average) times 200 is 6.66 hours of my life. Think of all the things I could have done with those hours.
Here's to 200 more videos and more wasted life.
@Collin1000 I guess I won't be binge watching the ones I've missed (most of them) after all. At least not tonight.
@christinerenee The youtube page is a good way to filter out the "best" ones by view count, but a handful of my favorites don't make the top 20 so it isn't foolproof https://www.youtube.com/user/mediocrelabs/videos?view=0&flow=grid&sort=p
@Collin1000 I plan on watching the ones I missed based on this video.
Congrats on 200 days of meh!

Favorites: Hyram and Donnie Dempster
Can't even watch: Creepy chin face
Speaking of faces, my very most favorite thing:
200 faces and never a smiley face - that deserves a very special award.
@KDemo there should be a video to introduce us to the person who makes the faces.
@christinerenee I thought someone said it was @harrison?
@chellemonkey - and that he draws the face on a napkin at breakfast every morning?
@chellemonkey @chellemonkey thanks, I didn't know that. Maybe it was mentioned before I was here.
@christinerenee @chellemonkey It's actually @matthew. The higher-ups have actually threatened to fire me if I ever come within 10 feet of a running piece of graphics software again
As Billy, Jeffy, Dolly, and P.J. used to say, not me
@matthew - It Wasn't Me.
@matthew @KDemo - It Wasn't Me.
rehashing videos, rehashing speaker docks. how very meh. yay!
Awesome, makes me love @matthew even more when you see them all like that - great job!!
Been saving this for such an occasion:
(To Meh with you. Ah, so delightful)
@Ozzie2191 Awesome.
I think the Hank clips made me laugh most. That's an impressive oeuvre, @matthew. Congratulations.
I loved the possum head chronicles. They were hilarious. Those are the ones that actually got me watching all the videos.
Meh, a clip show, the least favorite episode in all of sitcoms. (Meh is the exception I plan to use this to find the videos I missed.)
Surprised that I recognized alot of these.... Thanks for the 200+ laughs and looking forward to 200 more!
@jimmyd103 I'm simultaneously sad and excited that I missed so many. I think I need a weekend binge watch. Maybe we should all have a simulcast sort of party event thing? @matthew @JonT
Congrats Meh and @matthew!
Amazing creativity, @matthew Keep up the kick-butt videos and ditties. P.S. Hyram's pencil moustache speaks to my soul. May it live on forever.
I still think the pumpkin smash was the best video. Even better than the one that featured my own kids.
Don't tell me I'm the only one that did this:
I'm 184
and squishy
@joelmw You're such a fucking narcissist.
This is truly epic. I know, it's a cliche. It's my turn to say it again. I love this place.
Nice first 200! Hoping for more Donny Dempster!