Instant Regret Kit

  • It costs $50
  • If you spend $49.99 on stuff in the SideDeal-o-Rama, we’ll refund $49.99 off this IRK
  • Any other IRKs you find in the SideDeal-o-Rama do NOT count towards that $49.99
  • Is it available in Georgia Red: Who knows!
see more product specs

One Cent

So, this IRK costs $50. That’s a lot. But, it could cost 1 cent. That’s not a lot.

Here’s how: if you head over to the SideDeal-o-Rama and spend $49.99, we’ll refund $49.99 off the IRK you purchase from this website, as in: meh dot com.

If you’re like, “Hey, weird, wonder why they made sure to bold that tidbit,” it’s because, in the process of exploring the SideDeal-o-Rama, you may encounter other IRKs. These SideDeal IRKs DO NOT count towards the $49.99 you need to spend to earn the $49.99 refund on this IRK.

In other words, you have to buy this IRK and spend $49.99 on non-IRK products in the SideDeal-o-Rama (items on SideDeal outside of the SideDeal-o-Rama do not count towards your $49.99) to get the $49.99 off. Which means you’ll still spend $50, but instead of getting just this IRK, you’ll get this IRK plus $49.99 worth of other stuff.

What happens if you buy this IRK and spend $49.98 at the SideDeal-o-Rama (an amount of money, we should say, that is likely impossible to spend)? Then you pay $50 for the IRK and $49.98 for the other stuff, for a grand total of $99.98.

Are we really hitting you over the head with this stuff? Yes. Because we like our customer service people and don’t want them to quit en masse when we get a slew of complaints due to the copy being unclear.

So, you got it, right? $50 for the IRK. $49.99 at the SideDeal-o-Rama. $49.99 off the IRK.

Good, great.

Now, for the fun part. Here are the 7 SideDeal-o-Rama sales:

Buy One Of These For Your IRK Refund: An array of things that cost, you guessed it, $49.99.

Technology That Likely Involves Some USB Port: A sale of tech products, AKA stuff that turns on (or charges stuff that turns on).

Things That Are Big: Do you measure the bang for your buck based solely on size? Then you’re gonna want to check this out.

Stuff That Is Smaller Than Other Stuff: Looking to spend some money without depleting your other resources, such as space? Then you’re gonna want to check this out.

Things That Are Blue: It’s some things that are blue, duh(-ba-dee).

Summer Season Savings: The days are getting longer and the temperatures are getting warmer. Better get prepared!

Things That Are Edible: Every sale is a sale of edible items if you really put your mind to it. (But this is stuff you should eat, as in: it’s food.)

So, there you have it. Seven sales so you to spend $49.99 and get this IRK for a penny.

Friends: let’s get shopping.

So far today...

  • 81587 of you visited.
  • 47% on a phone, 2% on a tablet.
  • 2746 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 967 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $51547 total.
  • (including shipping)

Who's buying this crap?