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Echobox Traveler "Not So Entry Level" Titanium Headphones

  • Actually really good earbuds for just $12
  • Seriously, the reviews are good
  • Check out these from Soundguys, Majorhifi, and Techno Warriors
  • Model: 3CH0-3CH0-3CH0-3CH0-80X
see more product specs


My phone has a headphone jack. I didn’t plan this. It was just that my old phone finally kicked the bucket and the Verizon store was stressing me out, so I crossed my arms, hunched my shoulders, and avoided eye contact as I mumbled, over and over until it appeared in front of me: “Cheapest iPhone. Cheapest iPhone. Cheapest iPhone…”

But, while I use bluetooth earbuds most of the time, having that jack is convenient. Like, when my bluetooth ones die. Or when I thought they were charging, but they got shaken up in their charging case, or when the case itself wasn’t charged. When something like that happens, it’s nice to be able to plug in a pair of wired buds so I can walk my dog in the morning without having to listen to my own terrible train of thought.

The other thing? You can actually get a pretty decent pair of wired buds for cheap. Spend $12 on a wireless pair, even if it’s not true wireless, and you get something bulky and uncomfortable with a big chunky control bar and sound quality only slightly better than how it was like when your friend would play you their favorite new song through the phone in high school. Spend $12 on a wired pair and you get… well… these.

Are they super high-end? No. But they’re totally durable and solid. Or even better than solid. The Soundguysreview says:

…for the sleek style and low-profile, The Traveler is a great earphone and can definitely keep up with and surpass other similarly priced earphones.

(For context, similarly priced here means about $100.)

The review on Majorhifi echoes the benefits of the size:

The earpieces are slim as well. In fact, they’re so low-profile that they sit almost flush inside my ear. If you’re looking for a pair of earphones to fall asleep with, these might be the ones.

And comes to pretty much the same conclusion as Soundguys:

At the competitive price of $99, the Echobox Traveler offers detailed lows and mids but may skimp on the high end. While it won’t be the ideal headphone for classical music fans, the rich, detailed sound is perfect for rock or hip-hop.

The takeaway: all the refined violin nerds can eat it! These bad boys are for the cool kids!

The other takeaway, from both of these reviews: people thought these were good when they cost ALMOST A HUNDRED BUCKS! And we’re selling them for $12, the price you expect to pay for the backup to your backup earbuds.

So if you got a jack, consider grabbing a pair.

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  • That’s $22217 total.
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