Post a picture of something semi obscure or seemingly forgotten bit of trivia from your past. Don’t post what it is. Simply post a picture and let others try and figure it out.
@Ignorant@RiotDemon@ybmuG This was a pic from a business trip/port tour. It was either the Port of Houston or Port of Miami … can’t remember which one it is and there are no discernable landmarks.
Those vessels are HUGE, but it was very interesting.
@ybmuG Since I’m an old techie, that’s a safe bet. Telstar 1 was launched when I was still in elementary school, but I remember some of the first (very short) news broadcasts from Europe. They were poor quality and the sound didn’t always sync with the image, but hey! - got to see the Eiffel Tower live! Or it could have been a still photo in the background with a few blinky lights to simulate traffic.
During the Halley’s Comet fly-by, a friend and I made I think 4-6 quick drives to west Texas to get away from “earthlight”.
Sometimes just to “West until things got really dark”. Sometimes to the Big Bend area thereabouts. (The Davis Observatory is there.)
The comet was incredible. But the genuine revelation was the night sky per se, esp the Milky Way.
(I’ve mostly lived around cities.)
That friend is gone now, by cancer. But I still cherish the memory of those trips.
It’s worth a trip. I was particularly pleased with what lead up to this photo. I went all the way up in spite of my history of A-FIB, being overweight, and generally being lazy. I almost didn’t do it.
@jst1ofknd From what I had read they closed it for repairs, including replacement of one of the ladders. Looks like Alcove House is now accessible again but the kiva is still closed due to structural issues.
What you see in the picture is pretty much all there is. It is worth a stop if you are driving by there, but probably not worth a long trip to get there as your destination.
@jst1ofknd@ybmuG I actually looked it up as I MAY be going to TX in Dec for a Quinceanera. I thought it would be a fun detour. That said the party would be in Austin which is very, very far away. So I will just file it away and if I am ever in N Texas…
@ELUNO This was your childhood Christmas while you were being raised by wolves in the back country. The ornaments were taken from lost hikers that your pack killed every Christmas.
@mediocrity You were in a not-too-famous rock band?
@Targaryen That time in your life when you were really into The Cure and Robert Smith?
@cinoclav Not me, but didn’t even think of that until I read this.
@tinamarie1974 I got to visit one of those that my dad was doing repairs on. Holy shit they are massive.
Don’t know the significance of your photo though.
@RiotDemon you are pretty close
@tinamarie1974 your dad worked with @RiotDemon’s dad?
@Ignorant @RiotDemon nope!
@Ignorant @tinamarie1974 your dad was the crane operator and trained Tom Cruise how to look professional for the opening of War of the Worlds?
@Ignorant @RiotDemon no, but that would have been amazing!!
@Ignorant @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 your catch phrase in college was “Hey sailor!”
@Ignorant @RiotDemon @ybmuG you mean
Or maybe
And NOPE, after college
@Ignorant @RiotDemon @ybmuG This was a pic from a business trip/port tour. It was either the Port of Houston or Port of Miami … can’t remember which one it is and there are no discernable landmarks.
Those vessels are HUGE, but it was very interesting.
Edit: Port of Miami per the crane
@Ignorant @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
/giphy zoom
The crane says Port Miami
@Ignorant @RiotDemon @ybmuG haha thanks. I was editing to add that. Caught it after I posted
@rockblossom you were on the Telstar launch team?
@Ignorant Hah! I’m old, but I’m not quite that old.
@rockblossom haha!
@Ignorant @rockblossom you once built a model of the Telstar satellite completely out of pasta you got on Side Deal
@rockblossom ok, you did satellite ops during your stint in the military
@ybmuG Since I’m an old techie, that’s a safe bet. Telstar 1 was launched when I was still in elementary school, but I remember some of the first (very short) news broadcasts from Europe. They were poor quality and the sound didn’t always sync with the image, but hey! - got to see the Eiffel Tower live! Or it could have been a still photo in the background with a few blinky lights to simulate traffic.
@Targaryen The time you tried out to be a MTV VJ and lost.
@Ignorant It wasn’t but look at you, you got it. Although, he actually won. But a lot of people think it was shenanigans.
@Ignorant @Targaryen oh my.
@Ignorant @Targaryen I forgot how much I disliked this guy on MTV. He’s still weird:
@RiotDemon you once went to dental school?
@Ignorant lol.
@RiotDemon you sang for Sponge
@ybmuG exactly!
@RiotDemon Jimmy?
@ybmuG I’m trying to lay low.
@RiotDemon seems like a band custom made for meh
@RiotDemon @ybmuG
Not exactly a head-scratcher here:
@f00l you came to earth on a comet?
Or an apparent comet.
I traveled with Superman and Starman and all those Close Encounters creatures.
I was at the end of the equipment and costume and exit line. So my personal superpower is the amazing
/giphy exceptional assholery
@f00l You were once in a suicidal religious cult with a fixation on comets?
@f00l You scratch your head with comets?
@ELUNO @rockblossom
During the Halley’s Comet fly-by, a friend and I made I think 4-6 quick drives to west Texas to get away from “earthlight”.
Sometimes just to “West until things got really dark”. Sometimes to the Big Bend area thereabouts. (The Davis Observatory is there.)
The comet was incredible. But the genuine revelation was the night sky per se, esp the Milky Way.
(I’ve mostly lived around cities.)
That friend is gone now, by cancer. But I still cherish the memory of those trips.
/image night sky Milky Way 3
@ELUNO @f00l @rockblossom that is a nice story and it is always fun to reminisce about long gone friends
@jst1ofknd you were crowned King of Burgers during an all night Meh forum bender?
/giphy Exactly right!
/giphy YES!!!
All my pictures are packed away so this will have to do:
@therealjrn you flew reconnaissance missions over Russia in the 70’s
@ybmuG Oh…so close…but no. Those are trails if that helps.
@therealjrn you were a cartographer for the national parks service
@therealjrn @ybmuG that is the paths you ran training for a marathon?
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
That’s Terra 2. He’s planet building.
Oklahoma is just a cover story.
@f00l @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG Oh! All very good guesses!
Those are the trials around St. Crispin’s Episcopal Church Camp & Conference Center.
My Jr. High years were greatly enhanced there. It was coed, so…
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
Coed, huh.
Didja ever catch poison ivy in a very weird body location while at camp?
@f00l @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG No, but we…I mean I did get some chiggars.
@therealjrn oh, the trials and tribulations of youth!
@llangley @therealjrn
/giphy band camp hannigan
@llangley @mike808 I don’t remember that from church camp.
@ybmuG were you in the service?
@ybmuG You were in Israel getting ready to blow up that church.
@tinamarie1974 no, (though many in my family were, including my great uncle who lied his way into WWI at the age of 15, but that’s a different story…)
The pic marks the year of my birth
@therealjrn well, someone was…
This was that time @jst1ofknd wasn’t going to bed like he said he would. To be fair, his bedroom was at the top of the ladder.
@jst1ofknd @therealjrn
I hope he can reach the light switch after he’s in bed. That’s a pretty well-lit bedroom.
@jst1ofknd cliff dwellings in NM?
Yep. The wife (who has a better memory than me) is pretty sure it’s at Bandolier National Park.
@f00l @therealjrn
Just so ya’ll know I laugh out loud with your replies.
@jst1ofknd never actually been, but on our list as my brother is in ABQ so we do go from time to time.
It’s worth a trip. I was particularly pleased with what lead up to this photo. I went all the way up in spite of my history of A-FIB, being overweight, and generally being lazy. I almost didn’t do it.
@jst1ofknd great memories, and great sense of accomplishment.
@jst1ofknd It’s definitely Bandolier. I have photos of me at the same spot. Last I heard they closed the climb up to Alcove House.
Why would they close it?
@jst1ofknd From what I had read they closed it for repairs, including replacement of one of the ladders. Looks like Alcove House is now accessible again but the kiva is still closed due to structural issues.
@jst1ofknd you took a trip visiting the great art galleries of Canada?
It was a place much closer to home than Canada. Though Canadians apparently visited there too.
@jst1ofknd oh, didn’t see the car pic. That’s Route 66, isn’t it?
It probably was at one point, but it is off of I-40 now.
@jst1ofknd @ybmuG whereabouts?
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
Cadillac Ranch
13651 I-40 Frontage Rd, Amarillo, TX 79124
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
Take a couple of cans of spray paint when you go. Graffiti is perfectly acceptable here.
@jst1ofknd @ybmuG thanks and that sounds like fun!!!
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
What you see in the picture is pretty much all there is. It is worth a stop if you are driving by there, but probably not worth a long trip to get there as your destination.
@jst1ofknd @ybmuG I actually looked it up as I MAY be going to TX in Dec for a Quinceanera. I thought it would be a fun detour. That said the party would be in Austin which is very, very far away. So I will just file it away and if I am ever in N Texas…
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
Yeah. Definitely go when you are close.
@msklzannie you toured with the Wiggles as DJ Trash Panda?
@hems79 the last fuko?
@hems79 @RiotDemon
The lost Fuko?
@hems79 a two-fer Fuko?
@hems79 Two of each in stock? Give him a sombrero!
@hems79 You have won both a Fuku and a Fuko?
@ELUNO Was this a stop on a hiking trail the day you went to see M-M-M-MONSTER JAM in KENNESAW?
@ELUNO Blair Witch project??
@ELUNO This was your childhood Christmas while you were being raised by wolves in the back country. The ornaments were taken from lost hikers that your pack killed every Christmas.
@Limewater no MMMmMMooooonster jam for me
@ELUNO now I am scared lol
@ELUNO @tinamarie1974 my favorite Christmas ornament.
@ELUNO oh well hello there!! I think I can fit him in my pocket!
@RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 i don’t have one but it is my favorite as well
@ELUNO @tinamarie1974
This one has a Blair Witch vibe.
@f00l @tinamarie1974 Welcome to the Blair Witch party pal!
Is this sports related? All I know about sports are that most of them ball related.
@jst1ofknd @moonhat or puck!!
/giphy st louis blues
@moonhat @tinamarie1974
Isn’t a puck just a flat ball?
@jst1ofknd @moonhat a very solid, frozen one made of vulcanized rubber