Dream Theory Premium Microfiber 6-Piece Sheet Set
- A fitted sheet, a flat sheet and 4 pillowcases
- Get some new sheets
- You know, for your bed
- We have a theory that you can dream with these
- Are they Mac-compatible: Some of you Apple dorks probably do have beds for your computers
Replace Regularly
We’ve talked about this concept before: how there are some products that keep serving their function for years and years, even if they haven’t served that function particularly well for a long time. And we’re not talking about your weird uncle who still has a functional Motorola Krzr that he uses to type out three-word text messages in just eight minutes flat. We’re actually not talking about tech stuff at all here.
Last time we brought this up, we were selling backpacks. Unless a hole tears in the fabric or a zipper busts, that thing’s going to keep going and going until eventually it’s gross enough and worn enough that you can no longer delude yourself into thinking, this is fine.
But sheets are an even better example of this.
You might have four sets, none of which have any visible issues. No holes, no threadbare areas, no upsetting stains, no excessive pilling, still plenty (or, at least, enough) elasticity in the fitted sheet band. In short, they’re sheets.
But then, why don’t you feel comfortable in them anymore? How come they never give you that completely cozy feeling, not even when they’re freshly washed and still warm from the dryer? Like, that first night sleep with clean, fresh sheets–that should feel like paradise. But it doesn’t. So, again: why?
Because your sheets are old. They can still protect you from your bare mattress and your bare mattress from you. But the magic has gone the way of the sweat and dead skin and hair follicles you’ve deposited on them each night: down the drain of your washing machine.
The solution is simple: to regularly refresh your collection of sheets. But–and this is another way sheets are similar to backpacks–they’re often shockingly more expensive than you expect. Unless you shop with us. Then you can get a nice, super comfy new set of swanky microfiber sheets for just $25.
So get some, even if your other sheets are totally fine. Or, at least, they seem like they should be…