It's that time of year again - SUPPORT TEACHERS!


In the past we have done donor choose funding of teacher projects. The projects are vetted by the site and the supplies the teachers list are sent to them, not the money raised.

What we have done is pick two or three at a time, fund them fully because the teacher gets nothing if they aren’t funded fully by the deadline (and the donated money gets returned to the donor if that happens) and we then as projects are funded we post a few more. In the past we have often funded a dozen or so projects.

In the past we have funded everything from Indian reservation schools and inner city schools to STEM, art projects, etc. - whatever someone felt a connection with to fund. We also have funded a couple of meh members’ requests in the past as well.

What do people think? Should we do this?

If you see something you want to see funded reply with a project you’d like funded. If a couple are already posted save yours until those are funded as we want to make sure each teacher we pick has theirs fully funded and that doesn’t happen if we have too many posted at the same time.

Anyone who wants to comment on an individual choice to fund hit reply to the choice (so we can keep mini threads on individual teacher projects we are funding - it is less confusing that way) and then once it is funded someone post in that mini thread.

Here is the site:

If someone could start it out with a school project of their choice and post it below that would be great. I am not picking the first as I have done that before and so want others to have first choice of what we fund.