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Citizen Men's Eco-Drive Watch

  • Eco-Drive is powered by indoor light or natural light (illumination from the sun, we mean, not the beer)
  • Blue dial has a 24 hour dial, chronograph second and minute dials, and both have a date indicator
  • They have different features and stuff, check the specs if that matters to you
  • Otherwise just choose the slender one with the simple black face or the chunky one with the complicated blue face
  • Model: CA4016-51L, BM6550-58E
see more product specs

Seize life by the wrist.

Greetings, graduates of the class of 2015, proud families, esteemed faculty, and wacky bro-dudes doing a Wedding Crashers thing on this ceremony under the mistaken impression there was an open bar.

I come before you today not to impart some secret formula for success. For one thing, every one of you will follow your own path to success, a journey as unique and distinctive as you yourselves are. For another, I don’t know anything about success. I’m only here today because the commencement committee didn’t realize Kurt Vonnegut was dead.

No, instead I call attention to a valuable resource you may have overlooked: your wrist.

Your wrist is more than, as Wikipedia puts it, “the proximal skeletal segment of the hand KALEN GILBERT EATS FARTZZZZ”. Your wrist is the battleground of the 20th century. No, wait, 21st century. Even as we speak, billions of dollars, thousands of technicians, dozens of dancing silhouettes are mobilizing to capture and monetize your valuable, valuable wrists. Wrists are fierce, people. Deal with it.

Since the LiveStrong era ended with the sudden realization that Lance Armstrong was a psychotic asshole, wrists have kept a low profile, the forgotten joint. But in the coming years, your wrist will be offered opportunities it never dreamed of. My advice to you is this:

Say yes. To everything.

Boldly thrust your wrist deep into life’s rich loam of experience. Let your wrist roam free, like a wild mustang between your forearm and hand. Whether it’s an ancient Mongolian wrist massage, a back-alley wrist-slapping fight in Tijuana, or a Citizen men’s watch, now is the time to explore everything the world has to offer your wrist.

So the question you must ask yourselves, future citizens, is not “Do I want the slim elegant watch with the classy black face, or the chunkier one with the blue face and all the little dials?” No, the question you and your wrist must ask yourselves is “I’ll take both!”

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  • We sold out at 4:28am.
  • That’s $14712 total.
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