Calphalon Premier Space-Saving 8-Piece Hard-Anodized Nonstick Cookware Set

  • Re-up your cookware all at once
  • Stacks to save space
  • Looking for the IRK? It’s over here !
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An Exorcise In Sales: A Halloween Meh-rathon

“You guys want me to help you?” Chad said, looking from one priest to the next, all of them swaying on their feet, shaking and woozy. “But you’re the best at this.”

“That’s just the thing, Chad,” said Father Brad, sliding into the booth across from him. “We thought so, too. But this spirit, it’s more powerful than any we’ve ever dealt with.”

“It’s done unspeakable things,” said Father Thad.

“It shrunk my thumb,” said Father Spike. He now opened his right hand, revealing his left thumb, currently the size of a large wart.

“And this spirit,” said Father Brad. “He said you, Chad Darrington, are the only one powerful enough to banish him.”

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