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Bosma Aegis Smart Door Lock & Wireless Bluetooth Fingerprint Keypad Bundle

  • Unlocks as you approach (if you want)
  • Or use the fingerprint scanner, or the keypad
  • PCMag thinks it’s “excellent”
  • Easily installs with your existing lock hardware. For compatible locks. Like the normal deadbolt setup. Follow the link if you’re not sure.
  • Can it make a margarita? It can make a margarita more secure.
see more product specs

Not a Fluke.

This is the Lockpicking Lawyer, and today we’re having a look at the Bosma Aegis Smart Door Lock and Fingerprint Keypad. This is a fairly unique approach to smart lock design, where instead of installing a new deadbolt, the smart attachment is simply placed over the top of your exiting interior thumb turn.

Unfortunately, even the most robust security solution is only as strong as its weakest link, and in this case, that weak link will almost certainly be the laughably ineffective piece of dogshit masquerading as an exterior lock that you have on your house right now.

To demonstrate, I’m going to infiltrate your home presently, and for added effect, satisfy your spouse physically and emotionally. Of course, I’ll need to do this twice to ensure that the first instance was indeed not a fluke. Okay, let’s get picking. Little click out of one…

Yes, we realize this is one of those references where readers will either enjoy it very much or be left completely baffled. If you’re in the latter category, it’s worth a quick google to get up to speed and learn how woefully insecure 99 percent of consumer locks apparently are. If, on the other hand, you happen to be something of a lockpicking nerd (or at least someone who watches lockpicking videos without fully understanding why), we’ll sneak in one more lockpicking joke right here. Get it? Yeah, you do.

In any case, today’s deal is a pretty rad setup, and basically lets you take the lock you have and turn it into the smart lock you want. In addition to the obvious benefits of being able to lock and unlock remotely or from your doorstep with just a fingerprint, it also has some great features to help you manage access to your home for guests or the cat sitter or whatever.

You can even set it up so that your door unlocks as you approach (via your iPhone or Android phone).

It’s pretty great.

And unlike most smart lock solutions, this one can be yours for just sixty bucks and installed with a minimum of fuss—no taking your door apart or anything potentially intimidating like that.

Go ahead and order one of these. It probably won’t keep a lockpicking internet lawyer out of your house, but to be fair we’re pretty sure that nothing would.

*…and, as always, have a nice day.”

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