There is a famous quote “There is no such thing as a fish”, Stephen Jay Gould one of the leading biologists of our time.
Although, what he really meant by that is that, the concept of “Fish” is a bad one. Humans are more closely related to Salmon than hagfish and many other fish are to Salmon.
Terrestrially we break things out into mammals, reptiles, amphibians, but we’re all a lot more closely related than half the fish are to each other and yet they’re all “fish”. Fish is a rather meaningless term biologically. (of course in lay-speak we understand it as something in water that has a backbone and isn’t a mammal)…
… so with that in mind… why not call bees fish too?
@Cerridwyn ah, but by that definition not all sharks and tuna are fish (warm blooded). Not all catfish or eels are fish (no scales). Not all fish have gills (lungfish, and again some eels).
Many fish therefore do not meet the definition of fish, so bees are not alone.
/image abe vigoda fish
@Pavlov One of the legendary web sites.
There is a famous quote “There is no such thing as a fish”, Stephen Jay Gould one of the leading biologists of our time.
Although, what he really meant by that is that, the concept of “Fish” is a bad one. Humans are more closely related to Salmon than hagfish and many other fish are to Salmon.
Terrestrially we break things out into mammals, reptiles, amphibians, but we’re all a lot more closely related than half the fish are to each other and yet they’re all “fish”. Fish is a rather meaningless term biologically. (of course in lay-speak we understand it as something in water that has a backbone and isn’t a mammal)…
… so with that in mind… why not call bees fish too?
@OnionSoup missing the water component?
So I googled origin of word fish, cause, why not. And with the AI component that belongs to our virtual overlord, I get
“The word fish was first recorded in Old English before 900. It can be used as a noun to describe the aquatic creature or the meat from the creature.”
Vocabulary dot com gives a definition that explains more why they are all called fish, I think
"A fish is a cold-blooded aquatic vertebrate with scales and gills, "
@Cerridwyn ah, but by that definition not all sharks and tuna are fish (warm blooded). Not all catfish or eels are fish (no scales). Not all fish have gills (lungfish, and again some eels).
Many fish therefore do not meet the definition of fish, so bees are not alone.
Sorry… Correction, lungfish do have gills too.