With infinite complacence people went to and fro over the earth about their little affairs, serene in the assurance of their dominion over this small spinning fragment of solar driftwood which by chance or design man has inherited out of the dark mystery of Time and Space.
But what about the one in PA, NY, and CA?
@Cerridwyn I’d have to research his itinerary but he may have been visiting those areas and got hungry while waiting for an interview. Stay tuned!
@Cerridwyn and Ramstein Air Base…
Maybe he had a craving for some bratwurst
/showme Chris Christie eating Bratwurst at Ramstein Air Base surrounded by drones delivering sausage
That is the BEST explanation I have heard!
But perhaps…
@aetris Damn, I’ve been wondering about this for about 60 years. That pretty well sums it up. ”solar driftwood” FTW.