BlissLights Trio Laser Projector (Refurbished)
- A laser projector for $29 or two laser projectors for $48
- You’ll prob need 2 if you want ur house to be festive AF, TBH
- Get them cheap now for next Christmas, or for the next time your house could use some LASERS
- We technically have to call them “refurbished,” but you’re not going to be able to tell
- “4x the number of stars compared to leading competitors,” it says, if you believe them
- Model: SPR-TGRB-RFB (Some Pretty Rad ‘Ttention-Grabbin’ Really Bright Retro-Futuristic Bliss)
For Soon, Forsooth!
“Now is the perfect time to buy Christmas decorations like these laser BlissLights,” we could say. And it’s true. When every retailer on the planet unloads their Christmas glut, supply shoots up and prices shoot down.
But everybody knows that.
What everybody doesn’t know is that now is the perfect time to buy President’s Day decorations like these laser BlissLights.
“President’s Day decorations??” You may be asking, incredulously. “I’ve never seen President’s Day decorations!”
You’re right, you probably haven’t. But we expect that you will, either this year or soon. We make this prediction based on recent market trends that show holiday traditions spilling into one another willy-nilly. Remember when cheesy inflatable lawn creatures were a Halloween decorations? Now you see inflatable Santas aplenty and even inflatable Nativity scenes
Inflatable Nativity scenes, forsooth!
Remember when Peeps were only foisted upon us in the vernal months? Now you’ve got your Halloween Peeps, Christmas Peeps, and even Patriotic Peeps for the 4th of July.
Patriotic Peeps, forsooth!
It’s inevitable, then, that Christmas traditions like festooning your home with brightly colored lights will spill into other holidays — holidays like President’s Day. You may laugh now, but you won’t be laughing when you realize every other house on the block has a pair of BlissLights paying laser-powered homage to our founding fathers.