Ballsy B2 Balls & Body Trimmer

  • You get an attachment for shaving your body and an attachment for shaving your balls
  • If you’re gonna shave your balls, why not use a product that clearly was designed to do exactly that?
  • Strong reviews on Amazon
  • Can it make a margarita: Nope, nope, nope, not even gonna try with this one
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Not As Ballsy As You'd Think

The box for this shaver from Ballsy makes a bold mission statement. In big letters right on the front, it says: Balls & Body Grooming.

Now, there’s a bit of bro-y crassness there, reminiscent of the college senior who, having spent too much time within the confines of his frat house, feels no shame in waxing poetic about the state of his gonads in public, often at volumes that demand the attention not just of his conversation partner, but all passers-by as well.

And yet, at the same time, we appreciate it. Because if you’re going to design something for shaving balls just say so.

First off, it helps customers. After all, we’re talking about an area of the body with which one is generally disinclined to throw caution to the wind. If you’re going to be running something that is essentially a razor over your nether regions, it behooves you to make good and sure that said razor is certified nethers-safe. You don’t want to get stuck analyzing blade shapes and reading between the lines on a bunch of Amazon reviews attempting to discern if something will nick or tear at your testicles. You want to know for CERTAIN that it won’t.

And that’s the peace of mind you get with this. How come? Because if the company didn’t trust it to shave your junk, they wouldn’t put “balls” in big letters on the box.

Beyond that, though, there’s a bit of a marketing Streisand effect that happens when brands don’t take the bluntest route to a name/slogan. By obscuring the basic function of their product, they invite you to piece it together, which, in turn, engages your brain more actively so that you end up conjuring up more images than if you were merely told, at the outset, what you’re dealing with.

For proof of this, consider the following two ways of describing the same thing: “an ointment to reduce the swelling of veins in the anal or rectal region” or “some ass cream for itchy hemorrhoids.” The slideshow that played when you considered the first phrase brought into your mind’s eye some things you’ll probably never unsee. Reading the second phrase, you were like, “Eh, it happens to the best of us!”

See what we mean? So yes, Ballsy might be attempting an edgy, in-your-face persona with their marketing, but we think it’s actually kinda nice and refreshing.

Anything else?

Oh, right. It can shave other parts of your body too. Probably should mention that.

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