@Lynnerizer I have 3 wonderful children and getting to an age where more would not be the best decision. It’s more piece of mind for when the stars align and things do happen.
@Lynnerizer@show_the_maw Let me tell you about my friend Eric. He decided early on that he did not want kids, so he got snipped and continued on with his life. Some time later, his wife turned up pregnant. As you might imagine, there were some tense times at their household until he got tested and it turned out his vas had reattached. (The good news is that his daughter is a real sweetheart. )
@Lynnerizer@macromeh I feel for your friend Eric! My health insurance pays for yearly testing… counting of the swimmers as you were. I plan on taking advantage of that service because as awkward as it is making a deposit into a cup to hand off to someone else… having kids into my 40’s and beyond isn’t in the cards for me.
A few thoughts:
Snipping when you are “done” having kids is a great choice. Mine came during SHMBO’s recovery from our second child.
My urology guy cut/shortened/folded/cauterized the ends. No live stuff found after.
My take on running the risk of my wife getting pregnant was pretty much “I don’t want to have to get a day pass from the nursing home to go to my kid’s graduation!” (She had cycles until over 55 … so glad I did it when I did!!)
Certainly takes a load off your mind for those spontaneous opportunities.
I keep the balls smooth and the bush tame. I use a Philips OneBlade, and this thing looks dangerous. I’d rather go my former safety razor route than try this.
The safety razor honestly wasn’t bad at all, but did require some caution to avoid nicks. I’d only intended to use the OneBlade for cleaning up the parts of my face I don’t want hair on, but it came with the attachment, so I figured why not? Turns out, super smooth, and I can do it with my eyes closed and not worry at all.
@awk@mediocrebot and if it’s that color you might have some other issues. Unless it’s dyed to match your green hair color, in which case I’m actually kind-of fascinated…
As a side note after looking at the Amazon reviews, I don’t really get the hangup about using the same tool for balls and face. I don’t know about you all, but I’ve never found myself tempted to touch anything with my balls that I wouldn’t touch with my face, just as a general rule? I get that they’re near toilets sometimes, but still… I wash my hands, I wash my face, I wash my balls, I wash the tool… What’s the problem?
@Aspirant_Fool Doctors will tell you that, given how filthy our hands tend to be, it probably makes more sense to wash your hands before touching your genitals than after.
@Aspirant_Fool@smelltastic I took a very good undergraduate-level university course in human sexuality and in fact that was one of the things I remember, how we had it all wrong with the idea that genitals are toxic and unsanitary, and that you should have clean hands before using the bathroom. Also that anything you do to clean genitals should be done before any other wiping you may do. Sorry to be graphic, but hey, it’s biology and it’s natural. Deal with it!
I understand the “hydrodynamics” of shaving as a swimmer. At some level of competition it makes sense. I disagree that not shaving makes for “some nasty people”… lack of basic soap and water do that.
BTW do you still shave your pits? Don’t they get as nasty as your groin?
Since the conversation slowed down, I must share this very old and dated joke:
An American was waiting on a London street corner.
An attractive English girl was passing by when a gust of wind blew her dress above her waist.
“A bit airy, isn’t it?” remarked the American.
Hearing this, the Cockney girl replied indignantly,“'Ell yes! What did you expect - feathers?”
And also
What’s worn under a Scotsman’s kilt?
Nothing. It’s all in perfect working order.
@lisagd@pmarin Although in Scotland since one major source of income for people with large tracts of land (eg the wealthy) is having people come hunt reindeer (so the owners have someone find where they are so they know where to bring the hunters), I’d suspect that would be actually what the Scots are worried about.
@lisagd@pmarin There is a ton of sheep too (and in NW England in the Lake District). Back when I lived there you got fined the equivalent of about $150 if you hit a sheep on the road (they’d sleep in the road at times as it was warmer than the ground).The sheep would wander all over the place. Few were fenced in. I’d imagine rounding them up would have been a giant pain. When I lived in the Lake District we sometimes rescued sheep (and goats) who got themselves stuck on a cliff and couldn’t get down. Once you used climbing webbing under their middle section to lift them so their feet didn’t touch they stopped struggling. It was dangerous at times up to that point for us rescuing them due to the kicking. Then we’d lower them down and they’d run off. Fun times when I lived in England and Scotland.
Nope. Hairspray and a lighter is faster and never cuts anything.
@yakkoTDI Your health insurance company must LOVE you.
Had to for my snipping. That’s pretty much the only time anyone is down there other than like once or twice a year.
@show_the_maw Then WHY on earth would you get snipped?
@Lynnerizer @show_the_maw In fairness, it only takes once…
@Lynnerizer I have 3 wonderful children and getting to an age where more would not be the best decision. It’s more piece of mind for when the stars align and things do happen.
@ircon96 @Lynnerizer exactly. I won’t call my daughter an oops because I knew what was going on but relying on timing and condoms still wasn’t enough.
@Lynnerizer @show_the_maw Let me tell you about my friend Eric. He decided early on that he did not want kids, so he got snipped and continued on with his life. Some time later, his wife turned up pregnant. As you might imagine, there were some tense times at their household until he got tested and it turned out his vas had reattached. (The good news is that his daughter is a real sweetheart.
@Lynnerizer @macromeh I feel for your friend Eric! My health insurance pays for yearly testing… counting of the swimmers as you were. I plan on taking advantage of that service because as awkward as it is making a deposit into a cup to hand off to someone else… having kids into my 40’s and beyond isn’t in the cards for me.
@Lynnerizer @macromeh @show_the_maw The same thing happened to my ex-BIL. They named her Cassidy.
@lisagd @Lynnerizer @macromeh @show_the_maw Is there a secret significance to her name?
@Kyeh @lisagd @Lynnerizer @macromeh @show_the_maw
A few thoughts:
Snipping when you are “done” having kids is a great choice. Mine came during SHMBO’s recovery from our second child.
My urology guy cut/shortened/folded/cauterized the ends. No live stuff found after.
My take on running the risk of my wife getting pregnant was pretty much “I don’t want to have to get a day pass from the nursing home to go to my kid’s graduation!” (She had cycles until over 55 … so glad I did it when I did!!)
Certainly takes a load off your mind for those spontaneous opportunities.
@Kyeh @Lynnerizer @macromeh @show_the_maw Something to do with the Grateful Dead.
They were big Deadheads.
My ex-inlaws were practicing Catholics until baby #3, nicknamed Oops, came along.
I prefer the clean look, so yes…and I got the tool I use for the job right here on Meh, of course.
@PooltoyWolf “I prefer the clean look,”
I hope you do a nice fade with your haircut there!
@robson Hmmm?
@PooltoyWolf You probably bought two of them, because you had to. So did I. I think it was the best purchase I ever made on Meh.
@Fuzzalini Nope, just the one!
That’s too personal a question, like asking a woman her weight.
@hchavers How much do you weigh?
@hchavers @TheCO2 You do know there are other meanings of that poop icon besides the one on meh? Right?
@hchavers @Kidsandliz Something like this?
I keep the balls smooth and the bush tame. I use a Philips OneBlade, and this thing looks dangerous. I’d rather go my former safety razor route than try this.
The safety razor honestly wasn’t bad at all, but did require some caution to avoid nicks. I’d only intended to use the OneBlade for cleaning up the parts of my face I don’t want hair on, but it came with the attachment, so I figured why not? Turns out, super smooth, and I can do it with my eyes closed and not worry at all.
Trimming yes, shaving no.
/showme a neatly trimmed parsley garden
@mediocrebot uhm that’s what it looks like before the trimming
@awk @mediocrebot and if it’s that color you might have some other issues. Unless it’s dyed to match your green hair color, in which case I’m actually kind-of fascinated…
As a side note after looking at the Amazon reviews, I don’t really get the hangup about using the same tool for balls and face. I don’t know about you all, but I’ve never found myself tempted to touch anything with my balls that I wouldn’t touch with my face, just as a general rule? I get that they’re near toilets sometimes, but still… I wash my hands, I wash my face, I wash my balls, I wash the tool… What’s the problem?
@Aspirant_Fool Doctors will tell you that, given how filthy our hands tend to be, it probably makes more sense to wash your hands before touching your genitals than after.
But I mean, why not both?
@Aspirant_Fool @smelltastic I took a very good undergraduate-level university course in human sexuality and in fact that was one of the things I remember, how we had it all wrong with the idea that genitals are toxic and unsanitary, and that you should have clean hands before using the bathroom. Also that anything you do to clean genitals should be done before any other wiping you may do. Sorry to be graphic, but hey, it’s biology and it’s natural. Deal with it!
Crisp and clean with no caffeine
@somf69 Gives new meaning to the term 7-Up.
@somf69 What’s wrong with Caffeine?
LaLaLaLaLaLaLa fingers in ears

I beg your pardon?? You could at least buy me dinner before asking that!
Are there video tutorials for this?
@benj Actually, yes, that’s probably the only place you’ll find nudity on YouTube.
@Fuzzalini YIKES!
Wax or sugar. And I do it myself.
I’ ye hae th’ need t’ noo, ye’d nae be needn t’ ask.
@werehatrack LOL
Only on days I go to the dentist and on Angie Dickerson’s birthday.
Just in the summer, as a runner, it’s to keep things cooler!
After seeing the Jean sizes that are offered on this site, it’s no wonder Nope is winning at the time of this post. Y’all some nasty people.
So do you shave your pits too?
@chienfou used to during swim and dive team in college. Shaving isn’t just biccing it to skin. Manscape people.
I understand the “hydrodynamics” of shaving as a swimmer. At some level of competition it makes sense. I disagree that not shaving makes for “some nasty people”… lack of basic soap and water do that.
BTW do you still shave your pits? Don’t they get as nasty as your groin?
/showme Clean Shaven stuff
I shaved once, and accidentally castrated myself. On the plus side, I’m told my singing voice is angelic.
I shall not dignify the question with a response
@ybmuG Lame!
Hell no, men are supposed to be hairy.
And for that matter, women are too. I quite prefer a nice bush, and honestly I wouldn’t bat an eye at a woman that didn’t shave anything.
@xterraguy Men are supposed to be whatever they wanna be! Ditto for women.
Nope, Ma Nature is taking care of that. The aging process, doncha know. Most body hair below my neck is gone.
I do have a full head of hair and annoying chin whiskers, not much else.
Since the conversation slowed down, I must share this very old and dated joke:
And also
What’s worn under a Scotsman’s kilt?
Nothing. It’s all in perfect working order.
@pmarin This. Right?
@Kidsandliz @pmarin I love that song! It’s probably my favorite song that I don’t dare sing out loud.
@pmarin @xobzoo I heard it first when I worked in the Scottish Highlands.
@Kidsandliz @pmarin I love it!
It reminds me of the old joke: Why do Scotsmen wear kilts? Because sheep can hear a zipper at 50 feet. lol
@lisagd @pmarin Although in Scotland since one major source of income for people with large tracts of land (eg the wealthy) is having people come hunt reindeer (so the owners have someone find where they are so they know where to bring the hunters), I’d suspect that would be actually what the Scots are worried about.
@Kidsandliz @pmarin Huh, I didn’t know about the reindeer hunting. In my defense, it is an old joke.
@lisagd @pmarin There is a ton of sheep too (and in NW England in the Lake District). Back when I lived there you got fined the equivalent of about $150 if you hit a sheep on the road (they’d sleep in the road at times as it was warmer than the ground).The sheep would wander all over the place. Few were fenced in. I’d imagine rounding them up would have been a giant pain. When I lived in the Lake District we sometimes rescued sheep (and goats) who got themselves stuck on a cliff and couldn’t get down. Once you used climbing webbing under their middle section to lift them so their feet didn’t touch they stopped struggling. It was dangerous at times up to that point for us rescuing them due to the kicking. Then we’d lower them down and they’d run off. Fun times when I lived in England and Scotland.
@Kidsandliz @pmarin Sheep don’t strike me as the smartest members of the animal kingdom. The goats, on the other hand, should know better.
@Kidsandliz @lisagd @pmarin @xobzoo
You picked an abridged version… here’s the “Paul Harvey” rest-of-the-story one.
24/7/365, of course.
Don’t do anything else, just that.
Quit with the creepy personal questions already, and just install your “security” cameras.
@mediocrebot now knows which DMs to slide into.