Avaya HC010 Webcam/Huddle Camera

  • The picture? A crisp 1080p
  • The panning, tilting, and zooming ability? Definitely there
  • The install? Easy
  • Here’s one of our own member’s reviews from the last time we sold it
  • Can it make a margarita: no, but if you angle it right, there’s a chance that no one at the work meeting will know you’re drinking one
see more product specs

The Future Of Meetings


“No, silly! It’s not a meeting! We didn’t even put it on the schedule! This is just a huddle, so we can go over a few things as a team. Totally different!”


“No, no, no. Don’t get the wrong idea. This isn’t something as formal as a huddle. Just a little online rendezvous to discuss some numbers.”


“You’ve got the wrong impression: this isn’t some annoying hour-long online rendezvous. This is just a little mound visit to knock a few ideas around.”


“Relax! We’re not going to have some rote mound visit. Nah, today, it’s just a little power hour to talk about goals.”


“Don’t worry, I won’t need you for a whole power hour. Let’s just grab a quick cup of virtual coffee to try and hash out the new social media strategy.”


“Greetings, earth-worker 034505. We do not request your attendance at a virtual coffee conference. On the contrary, this is merely a zorblank–a word meaning a very easy-going discussion in our language–for you to explain your lack of production within the mines.”


“Ha! Don’t worry, buddy! We don’t do zorblanks anymore here! That’s something from the brief but terrifying few years there when the creatures from Ketchan-5 took over the Earth. Anyway, we’re just gonna have a quick waking siesta to discuss what to do with the ruins of Los Angeles.”


“No need for a whole overblown waking siesta here. We want to talk over metrics for the upcoming campaign, so we’re just gonna have a quick tap-tap, which is a phrase, as everyone knows, that we took from what is currently the most popular sport in the world, rocket-ball, and which describes the session that occurs when the team’s robo-cleric and human putt-reliever discuss a plan of attack through a series of taps, so as not to be overheard by the opposing team’s interceder.”


“This won’t be a whole full-blown tap-tap, by the way. We just need to discuss a few things related to last quarter’s profits, and so I wanted to get your thoughts. What would we call that? A… meeting?”

Get one of these cameras for whatever the hell they call virtual meetings today and in the future.

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