Feel free to go down the rabbit hole I did that a number of years ago and spent most of a weekend day watching these three and four minute commercials from that part of the world. This one was the first one that somebody shared with me and what set me on that rabbit hole
@Cerridwyn we lose our shit in America over unskippable 15 second (nd now 30 second) ads on YouTube. Meanwhile in Singapore a PSA is a short film with multiple acts.
I’m waiting for a Thai Marvel series now.
OMG That is brilliant, (and definitely don’t bail out until the last frames)!
There are a lot of commercials from that part of the world that are both long, and unique
@Cerridwyn How can they be both unique and there be a lot of them?
@macromeh Rhett and Link did a similar thing some years back. I think they qualify as numerous and unique.
I still sing “At the RED House…” in my head some days.
@djslack @macromeh
Feel free to go down the rabbit hole I did that a number of years ago and spent most of a weekend day watching these three and four minute commercials from that part of the world. This one was the first one that somebody shared with me and what set me on that rabbit hole
@Cerridwyn we lose our shit in America over unskippable 15 second (nd now 30 second) ads on YouTube. Meanwhile in Singapore a PSA is a short film with multiple acts.
@djslack true dat
What a tagline that would never be allowed here.
@djslack America has/had Raid “kills bugs dead; DEAD”
@pakopako yeah but that’s so far away from:
Raid: Die.
@djslack @pakopako Makes you kind of root for the bugs.