Amy Miller 2-Pack 17" Sequin Pillows

  • 2 pillows from famed pillow-sequiner Amy Miller
  • Each pillow contains between 40 - 40,000,000,000 sequins
  • Your pet lizard may consider this new scaled roommate a friend (or mortal enemy)
see more product specs

Letters from the Mehditor

We hired a freelancer to write the entire Meh-rathon. But out of spite or laziness or or insanity he just wrote letters to random companies and people. Meh regrets the error.

SUBJ: RE: It’s me you no good son of a bitch.

Hey sorry I just realized I got a new debit card and didn’t update my payment info. Fixed on my end. Hope you’re keepin’ it sleazy.

Forget what I said about the lightsaber, and in case those rumors are true there’s no need to dispatch your private personal militia.

My bad,


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