Absolutely, Totally An Adult

  • Coloring books, putty, a glitter goop set, and a gaming keyboard
  • All for distressing after a long day of doing business stuff or whatever
  • Also, some “magic grass” socks, which are super mature
  • Super-limited-edition bundle (in that, we don’t have many of them, because we doubt they’ll be popular)
  • Model: 816-5T4RR1N6-T0M-H4NK5
see more product specs

Bundles of Personality: a Meh-rathon

During a Meh-rathon, we usually offer one item after another. But this is the height of the holiday shopping season! Desperate times call for desperate measures! Which is why we’ve decided to do something a little different. We put together gift bundles corresponding to a variety of personalty types. That way, you can get all your shopping done for a person with JUST ONE purchase! Our current bundle?

Absolutely, Totally An Adult

Ah yes, we’ve all got friends and loved ones we need to shop for this holiday season who are absolutely, totally adults. Like, they’re probably going home after work, eating something for dinner that is definitely not cereal, drinking something that is definitely not strawberry soda, and watching something that is definitely not a cartoon (or a movie based on a cartoon).

You know, that friend whose age is firmly within the range that makes them definitively technically an adult. We’re talking someone who is certainly old enough to no longer be called a child. A verifiable mature person.

Anyway, get them this bundle of goofy stuff and tell them: “You can give it to your nieces and nephews!” Then wink, so they know you know… that they’re 100% a grown-up.

So far today...

  • 54615 of you visited.
  • 51% on a phone, 4% on a tablet.
  • 707 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 28 of these.
  • We sold out at 8:53am.
  • That’s $888 total.
  • (including shipping)

Who's buying this crap?