96-Pack: Daelmans or Finger Licking Dutch Caramel Stroopwafels

  • The Daelmans are best by 8/19
  • The Finger Licking are best by 8/12
  • Best-by dates are merely a suggestion
  • We’re all out of Daelmans here today, but we have individually wrapped Daelmans over on Sidedeal
  • What you’ll exclaim when they arrive: “Stroop! There it is!”
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-Fels not -Ffles

In our experience, there are two ways to indulge in things.

First, you’ve got your regular-interval indulgences. In this category, you find your weekly pizza night or movie night. Board games on Thursday, homemade waffles on Sunday morning. That sort of thing. Basically, you choose a day each week to partake in something you enjoy, and then you can keep on enjoying it week after week after week ad infinitum.

In the second category, you’ve got the full-blown-binge indulgences. You find a show you like, and you watch six seasons over the course of two days. Your favorite band releases a new album, and you listen to it on repeat until you almost start to hate it. You buy snacks in bulk and you eat them and eat them and eat them until you can’t stand the taste. And then, a few months later, when you’ve recovered from the burnout, you go back to that show or album or snack, and you do it all over again.

Now, based on our chosen examples here, you might realize we believe stroopwafels fall into that second category. (For this copywriter they certainly do.)

And yet, it has not been a few months since we’ve sold stroopwafels. The last time we offered them as a daily sale was late in June. And then we sold them again in the Meh-rathon just last weekend.


If you happened to have missed those, then your last chance at stroopwafels would’ve been when we had them back in November of last year. And before that, it was in August. And so, those of you who bought way back then are likely just now coming out of the fog of a stroop-induced hangover and ready to enjoy chewy Dutch cookies again.

Oh, also, this sale is also unique in that you get to choose which brand of stroops you want: Daelmans (which have a best-by date of 8/19 [lol]) or Finger Licking (which have a best-by date of 8/12 [lol]). So, if you’ve been holding out for more Daelman’s, you’re covered. Or, on the other hand, if you tried the Finger Licking ones and were like, “Oh, shit, I should get some more of those before Meh switches to yet another stroopwafel brand,” you’re also covered.

In conclusion, eat some stroopwafels, please.

So far today...

  • 68738 of you visited.
  • 50% on a phone, 2% on a tablet.
  • 2985 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 215 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $6972 total.
  • (including shipping)

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