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5-Pack: GenTek 9H Ceramic Liquid Screen Protector

  • Put it on your screen and maybe it protects it from scratches?
  • Does it really work?
  • It is a $4 5-pack
  • Model: *SCR333333333N-MY-PH0N3-C4LL5
see more product specs

Greetings... FROM THE FUTURE: A Meh-rathon!

The date? January 20th, 2220. We have discovered, on the floor of the Pacifitlantic Ocean, a fully preserved house from the 2020s. Follow along as we describe what’s inside!

In what appeared to be a home office, we found several tubes of something called “GenTek 9H Ceramic Liquid Screen Protector.” Apparently, one could dribble it onto one’s ancient smart phone screen and it would protect it from scratches. It’s ironic to think of protecting smart phones, of course, considering that, when the Glork invaded earth in 2096, they mobilized our mobile phones–which at that point were equipped with dangerously intelligent AI. Since capturing the last of the Glork ships, there hasn’t been much desire to use physical phones again. Certainly, it is much safer the way we communicate now: by using the chip inserted directly into our brains at birth to transmit thought-messages instantly from one mind to another. What could go wrong?

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  • 90713 of you visited.
  • 48% on a phone, 4% on a tablet.
  • 563 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 81 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $358 total.
  • (including shipping)

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