4-Pack: HOST Freeze Double-Walled Cooling Whiskey Cups

  • Four cups for whiskey (or anything)
  • Double-walled and filled with gel that freezes
  • AKA, they’ll cool your drink without diluting it
  • Are they Mac compatible: Really, this is the question we’re going with today?
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Stay Frosty

What’s worse than adding ice to a nice summer cocktail and then having it immediately melt, diluting the flavor of your drink without even fully cooling it down?

Not adding ice so that you have to slurp down a weird room temperature cup-o-booze while getting a little sweaty sitting out on the back deck.

Hence, you need these glasses. They’re the perfect compromise. They’re double-walled tumblers with gel inside that freezes to keep your cocktails nice and cold without watering them down.

And yes, we said it: cocktails!

You see, despite the product’s name, these aren’t just glasses for whiskey. They’re glasses for whatever you want to put in them.

Maybe you’ve got a bunch of limes, some lemon juice, some oranges, tequila, and Grand Marnier just sitting around, and you want to make yourself a delicious fancy-boy margarita. Then you want these glasses around!

Or maybe you’re growing mint this year and want to muddle it and mix it with some rum, lime, and seltzer for a couple nice mojitos. These would be the perfect vessels.

Or maybe you just got a blowtorch, so you want to brûlée some kumquats, grind a few pink peppercorns, crack open a bottle of fernet, and mix up a Big Foxy Karl. Why not filter it straight into one of these?

Find yourself rich with peach schnapps, heirloom tomato water, and sunflower seeds–in other words, all the ingredients you need to shake up a Distant Rockefeller? Then you’re gonna want a nice cold glass!

A Boise Medallion? A Tipsy Dandelion? A Three Nuns In A Tub? A Sidecar’s Snide Scar? A Cobbler’s Dilemma? A DSM-5-Alarm? A Conrad’s Labrador? A Gin-Is-A-Quoi? A Martyr On The Market? A Lotsa’Flotsam? A Spruce Barrister? A Columbus Come-Up?

Whatever it is you’re drinking, it’ll stay nice and cool in one of these awesome glasses!

So get one! Or, actually, get four. One is not an option.

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