20-Pack: Travelon Odor and Moisture Absorbing Packs

  • Sucks up nasty smells
  • Dries a place out
  • Looking for the IRK? It’s over here!
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The Warmth is Waning: A Meh-rathon

How to make the most of the last few warm days with a 20-Pack of Travelon Odor and Moisture Absorbing Packs:

  1. Go to several tag sales.
  2. Haggle.
  3. Get a bunch of good stuff.
  4. Oh wow, that stuff seemed fine outside, but in your car, it’s a bit stinky, isn’t it?
  5. Yikes.
  6. Put one of these in your car to clear out the musty smell?
  7. Sure, why not.

Stick with us all day for more great deals that’ll help you enjoy the waning warmth of summer.

What’s a Meh-rathon?

Normally, Meh is all about one deal per day—simple. But sometimes, we throw that out the window. A Meh-rathon is an all-day gauntlet of nonstop deals. One after another, untill we run out of stuff (or patience). It's chaotic. It's fun. It's a terrible way to shop responsibly. You've been warned.


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  • That’s $637 total.
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