2-Pack: Eveready Rechargeable LED Headlamps

  • Like headbands that glow!
  • Or, you know, headlamps
  • Three modes: high, low, and red light
  • How do they celebrate famous slashers in a snarky, edgy way: they don’t, so for that, you’ll want to head over to Mediocritee
see more product specs

Get Ahead (Light)

You ever see someone do that thing where they turn their phone light on, and then put their phone in their breast pocket so they can have some light and also use both hands?

Yeah, that’s, like, a really stupid move.

First of all, a shirt with breast pockets? What are you, a day trader? Okay, I know people wear button-down shirts for all sorts of jobs, but still, what have the last two years been if not a referendum on the need to dress in anything vaguely formal to get work done?

Really, though, the issue is that it’s the worst of all worlds. It’s a bad light secured poorly. And if the thing you need your hands free for is an emergency, probably the last thing you want to do is drain your phone’s battery in case you need to call 911.

And yet, I get it. Holding a light and trying to work with your other hand just isn’t an option all the time.

Which is why you should buy this two-pack of headlamps. They’re compact and rechargeable, and they feature three modes: high, low, and red light.

Now, part of the issue with headlamps is they feel a little silly unless you’re doing something as extreme as spelunking. There’s just something psychological about putting one on. Like, it makes whatever you’re doing feel like more of an ordeal than it actually is.

But if you can put that aside, we promise these are a better option than the phone-in-the-pocket trick for doing something like finding the big honkin’ box of Christmas decorations in your dim attic, or trying to re-light the pilot light of your hot water heater in the dark corner of your basement.

And you can have two of them for $12! Solid!

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