2-Pack: CRKT Ruger Go-N-Heavy Compact Veff Serrated Knives

- “Stonewashed drop-point blade” isn’t just the name of your post-hardcore band anymore.
- You got hard anodized handles and a nylon fabric sheath; or, to put it differently: a little bit of savory, a little bit of sweet. (Just… sorry…)
- Ok, we’re no knife experts (obviously) but apparently these Veff Serrations are worth reading about
- Designed by Bill Harsey, a fact that is been confirmed. It’s not just some Bill Hearsay.
- Model: R1804, which is short for The Year Of R-Lord, 1804.
We Put The Sub In Super!
This one goes out to all our friends over at the popular Subreddit, Everyday Carry. We noticed from a lot of your photos that y’all seem to be fans of knives, so we thought you might be interested in these C.R.K.T. Ruger Compact Serrated Knives. $29 for two really isn’t a bad deal, after all!
And while we’re on the topic of Everyday Carry, isn’t it sorta funny how that took off? A Subreddit devoted entirely to people emptying their pockets, who could’ve guessed! Seems like there’s a thriving online community for everything now… but actually there’s not. That’s why we’d like to suggest a few Subreddits that don’t exist but should:
r/ExplainThisNewYorkerCartoonToMe: Who among us has not read a New Yorker Cartoon and thought, what am I missing? Now, we can finally know!
r/AskMeNothing: The AMA can be great, but it’s also invasive. Don’t celebrities and influencers deserve some peace and quiet now and then?
r/YouOKAnnie?: We’re all worried about Annie, especially after that run-in she had with the the dapper lawbreaker, or whatever he was called.
r/WholesomeMemes: Memes can be so gross and mean. Shouldn’t there be a place where kind-hearted internet junkies can go? Wait? There is? Shit. I mean… shoot.
r/MildOpinionsOnly: I can go anywhere to find some dweeb arguing that Allen Iverson actually had a better career than Michael Jordan. But what about when I want to talk about how Manhattan Clam Chowder, while not as good as New England Clam Chowder, is still a decent soup?
r/WeAreTheWeirdosWhoHateDogs: Everyone deserves a place where they can feel comfortable. Even these morons!
r/AxeMeAnything: What if instead of posting “What inspired you to pursue journalism?” and getting a canned response, you could just be like, “IDK, a watermelon?” and then get a dope video of somebody axing a watermelon?
r/NatureIsFuckingLit: There are plenty of places to find great serene nature photography, but is there anywhere to find the the most fire fucking nature pics ever? Oh, there is. Greetings, nature friends!
r/NSFW_MrRogers: America’s favorite friendly neighbor had to go off the rails once in a while. AND WE ARE HERE FOR IT!
r/FunctionalRelationships: You can complain all you want about your significant other. There are places for that. But sometimes I want to talk about my wife and my egalitarian approach to dinner prep, cooking, and cleanup.
r/ReasonableDiscussions: “While I don’t exactly agree with you, I see what you are trying to say, and honestly, it has made me reassess my stance.”
r/LinksToViruses: Because sometimes you want to take your computer for a WILD RIDE!
r/SwallowedPoolWater: You’ve swallowed nearly a gallon of heavily chlorinated water. You’re scared. You feel sick. You feel alone… but there are others!
r/WordsYouPronouncedWrongBecauseYouNeverHeardButOnlyReadThem: Share your list of words and see if they’re comparable to those of others! (But wait, is that: compare-able? Or comp-ar-a-bull?)
r/ExplainItToMeLikeImSteve: We’re all familiar with Steve so this one is pretty self-explanatory.
r/TextsFromMyLostUberDriver: As the only saying goes–one man’s “I’m going to miss my flight” is another man’s, “LOL!”
r/slavs_squatting: Okay, now we’re just being silly. Obviously we don’t need a whole Subreddit of Slavs squatting. That would be ridicu-
Wait, seriously? That exists? Are you kidding? You know what: just forget it. We give up.