Kid's electric dirt bike for 12 year old?
0A friend of mine wants to buy her kid an electric dirt bike as he is in love with motorcycles. He will be 12. Some of the inexpensive ones are only 28" tall to the top of the handle bars. That seems really low for a kid that age. That seems more like something for a 5 or 6 year old. I told her I’d ask here as people might know.
Does anyone have any suggestions for ones that are inexpensive for a kid that age? What is the appropriate height for the handle bars from the ground for a kid that age? Other things to take into consideration? Any specific recommendations?
Can you leave an electric one outside in the rain?
Any other things to watch out for when buying one? I told her buying from from Temu might be really risky with respect to returns if it was defective and she’d be better off with Amazon or Costco or Sam’s Club or something. Suggestions on that?
She really wants to stay under $300 if possible. Thanks.
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It is not his age but his size. My mountain bike with 100mm of travel has a bar height of 36.5".
@yakkoTDI I didn’t realize they were so low to the ground. Thanks.
For motorcycles, it is typically the seat height that is important and should be a fit for the rider’s inseam length. I personally like to be able to flatfoot both feet. For a beginner on a dirt bike, I would think it would be the same and this might be why the bikes seem small.
@kathyl I will tell her this and have her measure him. At least he might think it is clothes being measured and with his birthday so close groan about thinking he is getting clothes
I highly agree with the two previous comments. I’d suggest going into a bike (motorcycle/dirt bike) shop and check them out in person. Let him sit on one, or if it’s a surprise just go in and talk to them, asking all your questions. Then go buy where you want but I wouldn’t recommend temu either.
BTW, this kid is going to be super excited and he’s going to have a blast!

@Lynnerizer He is going to be over the moon I am sure. I told his mom she better get him a good helmet as well.
Size (and weight) will most likely be the limiting factors…more so than age.
Being able to stand with the bike vertical while flat-footed will be more important for a beginner. Weight limits will impact the amount of grade you can expect the bike to climb.
(Edit: I see now that you addressed that above while I was typing…)
@chienfou When I got my first Vespa, I asked a friend who had been riding motorcycles for decades what kind of helmet I should get and how much I should spend. His answer, “How much is your head worth?” It’s been full-face Arai helmets (Snell approved) for me since then.
@chienfou @ItalianScallion Years ago my cousin had just transitioned to a full head cover (don’t know the proper word) helmet (had been bugged by his mom for years about that). Around 3 weeks later he spun out on a dirt road corner. Broke his collar bone and needed his helmet cut off him but it saved his face and head. It took years for my aunt to stop telling him, “I told you so”.
Childproof speed governor.
Turn it up as he gains experience.
Better yet, tell him you bought an upgrade for his bike!
@blaineg Increasing the speed as he gains skill makes sense.
Best day ever!
@blaineg Yes. Hose them off before letting them in the car, house or near else that isn’t meant to be outdoors. Although you’d still need plastic in teh car for them to sit on. When I’d take my kid and her friends sledding I’d line the backseat with a painter’s plastic protective sheet for then they got back in the car soaked through from the snow.
At twelve, I’d have been riding a near-adult-size dirt bike if I’d had one. I had already been on an adult-size regular bicycle for a while at that point. An electric-assist mountain bike might be a good choice as well, and would probably have greater overall utility. (I enjoy the heck out of mine, or at least I’ll be back to doing so in a few more months.)
@werehatrack This kid is short though. I’d suspect you were tall at 12. Kid is in love with motorcycles and has been for years. That is why his mom thought about an electric dirt bike since they are made to sort of look like motorcycles.