I used to run r/devo but I deleted my reddit account in protest of how shittily run Reddit is, and now r/devo is run by a bunch of spuds who are much more involved and better at it than I was. (I have a new account now, but I’m still not happy with how Reddit is run. Fucking r/t_d fuckers brigading every post that has anything vaguely to do with him…)
r/IllPostMyOwnInTheComments is actually the subreddit I will go with. I don’t need to come up with one. (though I guess I felt I did need to post my own in the comments. Only way to do it right, really, when you stop and think about it. After all, could I really claim it as my subreddit if I didn’t)
Haven’t been to a reddit board in several yrs. I occasionally went to a few of the more local boards but it seemed that all the people that were on the very opposite side of the thought tracks than me were there. Very few like minded individuals so I quit going.
Come visit!
@clonetek LOVE Bloom County!! Thx for the illumination, had no idea…
@clonetek now for Calvin and Hobbes, miss ’ em
@llangley r/calvinandhobbes/ is on there too.
I used to run r/devo but I deleted my reddit account in protest of how shittily run Reddit is, and now r/devo is run by a bunch of spuds who are much more involved and better at it than I was. (I have a new account now, but I’m still not happy with how Reddit is run. Fucking r/t_d fuckers brigading every post that has anything vaguely to do with him…)
@kdemo what about r/StrangersinParkingLotsWithLimeGreenUSBHubmen ?
@PocketBrain - Similar, but less elite.
Have fun with your Lime Green Hubman friends, though.
r/IllPostMyOwnInTheComments is actually the subreddit I will go with. I don’t need to come up with one. (though I guess I felt I did need to post my own in the comments. Only way to do it right, really, when you stop and think about it. After all, could I really claim it as my subreddit if I didn’t)
r/DontLetMeCatchYouInTheLeftLane slowpoke!
@hchavers learn the “PIT maneuver.”
@hchavers If I have pet peeves…this one tops the list.
you genetic freaks, cilantro is awesome.
@thismyusername Mmmm… crushed Aspirin and Windex. Delicious.
@thismyusername I love cilantro.
@Seeds /WearsShortsYearRound already covers it… unless you mean…
ok, n/m.
r/FuckCilantro exists.
r/upsnout : My parody of r/upskirt for pictures up the nose that has no submissions and will hopefully stay that way.
Not what sub I would be but yesterday I just discovered /r/BoneAppleTea and I can’t stop laughing at it
@evbarnstormer It had 1 post. Check out r/BreadStapledToTrees
@caffeine_dude 1 post? I see months worth of them.
breadstapledtotrees is the best kind of ridiculous.
Haven’t been to a reddit board in several yrs. I occasionally went to a few of the more local boards but it seemed that all the people that were on the very opposite side of the thought tracks than me were there. Very few like minded individuals so I quit going.
y’all motherfackers need to get off the internets for a few minutes.