@therealjrn My rooster was hatched in an elementary school classroom. His siblings all died because we fed them only Kelloggs corn flakes so he never knew he was a chicken. He used to sit on my lap and watch TV with me. He liked being petted.
If you get close to my Mugsy (and he’ll be on a leash), he might jump up so you can give him pettins. If you’re a girl and you bend down, he’ll lick your face.
I swear in his former life, he was an eighty year old on a park bench saying to every cute lady who walked by, “C’mere, cutie!” I’m not sure if his current incarnation is a step up or down, but he seems fine.
Literally had a dog bite me on the arse, breaking the skin, right at the point the owner had gotten as far as, “Don’t worry, he won’t…” in her aspirational thinking.
Their vet said the dog had a biter warning on file.
And was I petting the dog? No, no, I was running down the sidewalk, and had run off of the path just into the yard next to me to give the owner time to cinch up the leash’s spool. I think she kept it on “free spoolin’”.
My father has killed two of his dogs due to this. He would always say, “Nah, she’s fine.” Both were due to cars. One was crushed in his driveway. Another was hit by a car. It was a black chow and it was at night, ffs.
The type of people who don’t leash their dogs don’t say thank you to bus drivers, don’t put the shopping cart back, litter, leave their ringtone on in movie theaters and are a waste of carbon.
My dog is just fine.
It’s a trap!
I say “I still have all my fingers.”
I’d like to see a response video from someone who has been traumatized by a pet chicken.
@Kenbo I had a pet rooster. He was fine.
@Kenbo @sammydog01 My daughter has two pet chickens. You can pick them up, hold them, whatever. It’s very weird.
@therealjrn My rooster was hatched in an elementary school classroom. His siblings all died because we fed them only Kelloggs corn flakes so he never knew he was a chicken. He used to sit on my lap and watch TV with me. He liked being petted.
Somehow, finding out that you had a pet rooster doesn’t faze me.
@Kenbo - George the rooster used to chase us in the house and up the stairs pecking at our heels.
George was mean.
As a runner, this speaks to me.

@Willijs3 your pic is broken.
@RiotDemon It seems that my everything is broken…
Edit: There we go. Fixed it.
@RiotDemon @Willijs3 you have to take the s off. Otherwise it only loads if it’s already cached.
If you get close to my Mugsy (and he’ll be on a leash), he might jump up so you can give him pettins. If you’re a girl and you bend down, he’ll lick your face.
I swear in his former life, he was an eighty year old on a park bench saying to every cute lady who walked by, “C’mere, cutie!” I’m not sure if his current incarnation is a step up or down, but he seems fine.
@wishlish That is one adorable little doggo, I am going to send you a Fuko!
This isn’t right. Ever since I stopped keeping track of Mediocre employees, things have changed.
Care to introduce yourself?
@cardiganb OMG thank you! Mugsy says thanks!
@PlacidPenguin no stalking.
@cardiganb @PlacidPenguin
Me? Stalk? Never.
Oh. I had heads up about you.
Literally had a dog bite me on the arse, breaking the skin, right at the point the owner had gotten as far as, “Don’t worry, he won’t…” in her aspirational thinking.
Their vet said the dog had a biter warning on file.
And was I petting the dog? No, no, I was running down the sidewalk, and had run off of the path just into the yard next to me to give the owner time to cinch up the leash’s spool. I think she kept it on “free spoolin’”.
/giphy major fail

My father has killed two of his dogs due to this. He would always say, “Nah, she’s fine.” Both were due to cars. One was crushed in his driveway. Another was hit by a car. It was a black chow and it was at night, ffs.
The type of people who don’t leash their dogs don’t say thank you to bus drivers, don’t put the shopping cart back, litter, leave their ringtone on in movie theaters and are a waste of carbon.