2-Pack: Arcade1up Adjustable Pacman Arcade Stools
- A pair of high-quality bar stools with rad retro styling
- No wireless connectivity needed thanks to the simple retro design; also because they’re stools
- Bitchin’ colors, adjustable to 21.5" or 29.5"
- Arcade1Up is super legit; just ask everyone on the subreddit about their stuff
- Model: W4KK4-W4KK4-W4KK4-W4KK4-W4KK4
You love these?
There’s a reason there’s a “meh” button over there next to the button for buying. It’s because from the very beginning we had little-to-no idea how to guess what you guys will love (and buy) and what will make you scoff (and, for some reason, also buy).
You’re an enigma, is what we’re saying.
Sometimes we think a thing will be a home run and it isn’t. Sometimes we’ll think something is far too niche to ever generate a meaningful amount of sales and yet there we are, pushing the last Centipede-themed arcade stools out the door, a proud but bewildered tear running slowly down one cheek.
Yeah, you bought all of those. Pretty fast, too. It was cool.
Well, today we have more stools. (No scoreboard this time.)
They’re Pac-Man themed. And they’re awesome.
The design is great and the colors are rad and it seems that if you liked the Centipede ones, you’ll love these. Who cares about Centipede, anyway? That game doesn’t even have a box full of 8-bit creatures trapped in ghost purgatory. And no cherries at all! Clearly, many of you are Centipede true believers, but it seems like today’s stools should be more universally beloved.
Besides, on top of being generally awesome, these are actually really high quality—great materials, adjustable height, the whole deal.
Grab a pair of these to perfectly complement your retro gaming area or to whimsically obliterate whatever design aesthetic someone else has painstakingly created in your home.
Just get yours quickly. They’re popular. Apparently.