16 - 40-Pack: Samyang Ramen Noodles

  • Spicy as all fuck
  • Except for the ones that are just spicy as all heck
  • Don’t forget the IRK!
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Twinning: a 2-pack Meh-rathon

“What?” Gil/Cork said. “Courage? All you admitted was that you’re a bunch of huge assholes. Seriously, your twins were right. They’re all highly trained space professionals, and they’re not talking down to you when they say they know more about space travel than you. They’re just stating fact.”

“Way to minimize our contributions,” Horner said.

“You just asked if, in space, distance numbers go down as distance goes up,” Gil/Cork said.

“I really wish we could move past this whole distance going down when it goes up thing,” Horner said with a sigh.

“Yeah, seriously,” Laney said. “You keep talking about this intergalactic crime you committed. Was it mansplaining?”

“Can’t be me man-spraining if he’s not a hu-man,” Paul said.

“Oh, I totally forgot about that, he’s been talking so long,” Laney said.

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