1 or 2-pack: Window Wonderland Deluxe Indoor Holiday Projector
- The cheer is coming from inside the house!
- Put up the window projections screen, plug in the projector, and boom: your house is festive as fuck
- Connect your own speaker with an 8mm aux cable and hear santa laugh and other creepy X-mas sounds
- One for $9, two for $12
- Model: CH33R-W3-60-4641N**
Get Your Cheer Right Here
What are these things? This infomercial should answer that:
Pretty good, right? Like, it hits every classic infomercial trope. You got your exaggerated problems shown in black and white. You got the wa-wa-waaaaah sound. You got the shooting star effect around the name and the xylophone tinkle, the sparkle/ding, the vague nonsense explanation of the technology, the testimonial that’s definitely scripted, all of it!
Seriously, though, maybe these aren’t your thing. Maybe your house remains unadorned in the weeks leading up to the holidays. Or maybe you like playing Clark Griswald and getting up on that ladder to hang some big strings of classic Christmas lights.
But for those of us who want to get in on the cheer-spreading, only we’re afraid of heights (or just lazy), these might be just the ticket! As the infomercial lays out, all you need to do is adhere the screen to the window, plug in the projector, flip the switch, and viola: your house appears to be alive with jolliness (or terror, if you choose one of the Halloween projections).
And sure, this is more of a thinking ahead thing. After all, it’s already December so by the time these come you’ll only have a couple weeks to use them. Which is why we’re selling them for so cheap. You can get one for $9 or 2 for $12. Meaning you can get enough projectors to fill six whole windows for just $36. That’s gotta be cheaper than a long string of lights!
Is it, though? Seriously, we’re lazy and afraid of heights, so we have no idea how much lights cost.
Anyway, get some projectors, spread a little cheer this year, and spread a lot more cheer next year. Or don’t. Honestly, we can’t tell you what to do.