Today's SideDeal

Energizer 1200W Generator & 200W Solar Panel Bundle

  • Whether you’re dealing with a power outage or working from a campsite, this thing can keep you powered up
  • Can run fridges, computers, coffee makers, blenders, etc.
  • Includes a solar panel so you can charge it during the day and use it at night during extended outages
  • Is it available in Georgia Red: No, but you can use it to watch the Georgia game even if a tree downs your power line on Saturday
see more product specs

Just Plain Useful

To you, our customers, we just wanna say: sorry!

Not for selling this thing again. We’ve offered this a bunch now, but we haven’t seen any real drop-off in sales.

No, we’re just sorry you’re dealing with what you’re dealing with.

You see, we decided to check the comments on previous sales for customer reviews. But our hopes weren’t high. After all, as much as we’ve tried to pitch it as something that can be used for fun, this is mostly for emergencies. As such, we thought maybe someone might have run some tests after unboxing, but we didn’t think (or want) to read a bunch of testimonials about these being put to use in dire conditions.

Well, it just so happens that a bunch of you who shop here have recently been hit with some pretty severe nastiness.

Like @punkynpye, for example:

Our power just got turned back on this morning, after a 3 day outage, due to terrible storms here in Michigan. I used this battery brick to power up my fridge and freezer for a half hour every six hours, and it worked like a dream. Everything remained cold, and I didn’t need a gas powered monstrosity like most of my neighbors.

@orphum beat that by two days:

Picked up one the last time it was offered. A couple weeks later we got hit with 100mph straight-line winds that took trees out across the city. We didn’t get our power back for 5 days, during a 100-degree heat wave.

They give an in-depth review, touching on fridge-powering potential (turned it on but didn’t keep it running overnight) and solar charging (maxed out around 120W on a full sun day) before concluding:

tl;dr it’s not a replacement for a full-on generator, but it can keep you sane when you have sufficient sunlight.

Glad it helped, @orphum and @punkynpye. (And that you’re okay!)

Still, we stand by our previous statement; you can use this thing for non-emergency purposes too. And @BrendaJ agrees:

We got the non solar panel version of this when meh offered it to use in our boat. It powers fans and even our coffee maker! Great purchase! Can only assume this one is too!

At least someone’s having fun, right?

Anyway, buy one of these things, please. You won’t regret it.

So far today...

  • 19331 of you visited.
  • 50% on a phone, 2% on a tablet.
  • 1193 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 10 of these.
  • There’s still some left.
  • That’s $6473 total.
  • (including shipping)

Who's buying this crap?

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