Please don’t show this to the daughter unit. … she discovered dry shampoo this summer and it has been a struggle to teach her that it is not a long term replacement for normal shampoo!
I was watching an old To Tell The Truth ( the where Tom Landry when he was a coach for the Giants is one of the fake contestants) and it was sponsored by something called Arrid Perstop, and it claimed to stop dress rot. Now no current deodorant currently sold claims to stop dress rot. So has deodorant technology devolved or what?
If you have more time though, try this.
@PlacidPenguin Three bucks for a gallon? Kinda pricey, no?
@sammydog01 Are you saying it would be cheaper to pour gasoline in your bath?
Depends on where you get the gas from.
@sammydog01 Unfortunately only for a 1/2 gallon.
Figure the average person uses around 30 gallons for a bath. $178.20 for a single bath. Diluting bubble bath with water is for suckers.
Please don’t show this to the daughter unit. … she discovered dry shampoo this summer and it has been a struggle to teach her that it is not a long term replacement for normal shampoo!
@mikibell it’s just replacement for deodorant, not for all over… At least I hope people don’t use it that way.
@RiotDemon Yes, I get it… but my 14 year old would come up with a good reason not to need a shower now…
@Barney Only your best friends will tell you.
@SSteve @Barney is one of our best friends?!
@ELUNO Yes I am.
@Barney Not for long! I ordered a sample!

@therealjrn I get it.
@Barney I think I
@therealjrn Aww…
@Barney I think I get it…
@therealjrn That’s what I thought. I remember those commercials too. Dude, never skip a day. Even if you can’t take a shower put on another coat.
Hint: Don’t follow the advice in @therealjrn’s ad video if you ever want a significant other who’s not a tarantula.
I think even crickets and ladybugs would avoid a non-bather who used high-tech antiperspirant as an excuse.
@f00l So I should find an anti-perspirant WITH Hexachlorophene?
@f00l You imply I’m endorsing it. here FINE I HAVE NO REGERTS!
@f00l BTW, that is actually how I met my tarantula.
@f00l that would be the new insect repellant then?
@narfcake T-shirts…is there ANYTHING they can’t do?
I say this knowing that @narfcake may blacklist me:
Yes. There are some things they can’t do.
What’s on that list?
Letters grouped into names.
@PlacidPenguin Don’t worry - you’re safe.
Oh dear. A new way to be anxious about how I might smell.
I wanted a free sample, but the website keeps kicking me out
Since I’ve lasered off my underarm hair, regular anti perspirant seems overkill.
@RiotDemon Gee, I just went back to it and had no problem. Try a different browser?
@RiotDemon I left and came back but i had to watch the video again to get to the free sample form.
@therealjrn you can skip to the end of the video without watching it.
@carl669 And miss all of the excitement?
@carl669 NOW you tell me!
That was the first thing I noticed while trying it from my phone, but of course I had the same issue as you.
Naturally I made sure to remember it when I tried it an hour ago from my laptop
@therealjrn well… you didn’t ask me before. i just assumed everyone here had my number to ask me random questions.
@Barney I’ll try it on my computer later. Of course I’m the only one with problems, lol
@RiotDemon Does this link work?
@ELUNO I had to request desktop view, then it worked.
@RiotDemon So you were able to request your free sample?! Hooray!
@ELUNO I’ll have to wait 6-8 weeks to smell like citrus and apple.
@RiotDemon yummy!
@ELUNO oh shoot. Do I need to worry about the wild animals trying to chomp on me?
@RiotDemon yet another reason to avoid camping. yay! Aint nobody need no camping dishes.
@RiotDemon only me!
@RiotDemon firefox with ublock wouldnt work
internet explorer 9 does work though
/youtube softsoap in the bathtub
The jingle at 1:54 has been randomly popping into my head for about 40 years.
I was watching an old To Tell The Truth ( the where Tom Landry when he was a coach for the Giants is one of the fake contestants) and it was sponsored by something called Arrid Perstop, and it claimed to stop dress rot. Now no current deodorant currently sold claims to stop dress rot. So has deodorant technology devolved or what?