Yahoo Mail
3So I use Yahoo Mail as my junk mailbox (yes, emails go there, too.)
Has anyone else lost emails from Friday to this morning?? It seems they rolled back to the midnight backups on Friday. I KNOW I had an email on Friday, and I reeeallyyy need it, but it is gone!!!
Just wondering if it is a personal affront or more global in nature.
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Yahoo mail?
@mfladd What do you use? I used to have ATT for years as my ISP, when I fired them I thought I’d lose access to that mailbox so I got a yahoo address to bridge me to the new ISP. Time Warner never offered me a mailbox so I just stuck with the yahoo account. ATT didn’t close my old account, and when I started using Android I was forced to open a Gmail address, so I have three active email addresses. I want to create a Facebook page for my art, and as near as I can figure I have to make it a completely separate account to keep it from data sharing with my personal page. I’ve been wondering where I should base it’s account.
You technically don’t need a Gmail account for Android.
There are a lot of people who have moved away from using Google Play Services in order to have more privacy. I.e Encrypted email addresses, open source texting apps etc.
I scrolled through my yahoo inbox back to the 7th and there doesn’t appear to be anything missing.
You made me open my yahoo mail client… and the cobwebs and dust were thick… the webs had caught so many little cans of spam that it was very heavy…
…but I show mail for 8,9,10,12,13 and it is totally possible it didn’t get any the 11th as I have been retiring that address (unsubscribing, removing it from any real accounts) before y! gets sold…
if it is a technical failure i am sure they will eventually restore it
Yahoo email.
I have several. Look perhaps once a year.
Sorry, @mikibell.
Look in spam and trash, of course. Search everywhere or request a re-send if you can.
/giphy dust bunnies
Kudos to Yahoo… my emails are being restored…