Got two of the motion-tracking lights last time, and they're bolted to the house and powered up now, so I guess I am an electrician. They are not bad for a really small space (my yard is about 20'x20').
can one run the wire out the window to the solar panel but use the lamp itself for indoor lighting? I have to guess that the solar panel is waterproof. Just thinking outside the box for a change.
I was sorely tempted for the price, but evidently the manufacturer doesn't get much in the way of good reviews, and there are some issues with the item.. MEH
Have a couple of 200 lumens flashlights and that's not a lot of light. That and the not waterproof deal (what were they thinking/likely why it's for sale here) screams Meh.
Would have grabbed a few if i didnt buy a beautiful Mr. Beams last week for 15 bucks that lights up like a torch ...ty anyway Meh very nice item indeed and discount.
@mehjohnson Oh yeah, on thread topic: I ordered this light because of the 15 foot solar panel separation - panel will go outside my apt window, motion light in the dark hallway where my dark dog sometimes lies. Less tripping when I stumble in, I hope.
I am always surprised at the large number of sales compared to the tiny number of posts for any item. For those keeping track, 31 posts, 490 sales!!! Those who are buying this, what the heck are you using it for, please post!!!
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year XEPA
Estimated Delivery: 7/7 - 7/9
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Light
1x Base plate
1x Solar panel
1x Mounting kit
Retail boxes
The light
Everything included
Price Comparison
$69.99 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, March 18th - Friday, March 22nd
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
Ollie, lol
at least 2 different amazon reviews say its not waterproof so you have to keep it out of the rain .
@communist I live in California so that wouldn't be a problem.
Reddy Kilowatt? Really?

The raccoons around here would like the light, to help them sort through the trash more effectively.
@thismyusername Same here. Now if Meh would sell a laser that could track and fry raccoons, I'd be in for three.
I'd buy some if they were waterproof.
Baby arm!
Love the write-up but I don't know what kind of raccoons you have. The ones around here don't scare.
"no drilling holes" -- What the heck are those screws and anchors for then?
@cengland0 Obviously you'll want to use the baby arm mount method if you'd like to avoid drilling.
@bradleyland props for username!
Any idea how long the light stays lit once triggered?
@Pufferfishy in Texas, it stays on until your neighbor pulls their trigger.
Got two of the motion-tracking lights last time, and they're bolted to the house and powered up now, so I guess I am an electrician. They are not bad for a really small space (my yard is about 20'x20').
can one run the wire out the window to the solar panel but use the lamp itself for indoor lighting? I have to guess that the solar panel is waterproof. Just thinking outside the box for a change.
@GeriatricDragon Use it as a shed light (that you have to keep flailing your {baby} arms around to keep lit).
@GeriatricDragon this may be the most useful use actually.
I love Reddy Kilowatt. Might be because my dad worked for PG&E for 36 years.

@SSteve What is that in his hands? Oh, right,... that's news paper from long ago.
I have lighters that make more light. These things really suck. Changing back to old school flood lights this weekend
I was sorely tempted for the price, but evidently the manufacturer doesn't get much in the way of good reviews, and there are some issues with the item.. MEH
Do these have leaky batteries?
Baby Arm.
Have a couple of 200 lumens flashlights and that's not a lot of light. That and the not waterproof deal (what were they thinking/likely why it's for sale here) screams Meh.
Would have grabbed a few if i didnt buy a beautiful Mr. Beams last week for 15 bucks that lights up like a torch ...ty anyway Meh very nice item indeed and discount.
Hey meh-ers, hope all is well here. Too busy with long hours on new job for the past few months to keep up. Speedy recovery to @Pavlov.
First order phrase in a while:

indefinite image:
@mehjohnson Oh yeah, on thread topic: I ordered this light because of the 15 foot solar panel separation - panel will go outside my apt window, motion light in the dark hallway where my dark dog sometimes lies. Less tripping when I stumble in, I hope.
@mehjohnson Wow, that's a really good idea.
I am always surprised at the large number of sales compared to the tiny number of posts for any item. For those keeping track, 31 posts, 490 sales!!! Those who are buying this, what the heck are you using it for, please post!!!
I wanted to get this in the hopes the light would scare away the deer, but if it isn't waterproof...