WWYD? Amazon reviews.


I’ve been contacted by a product manufacturer for an item I reviewed on Amazon maybe eight or ten months ago. The review was 5-stars and overwhelmingly positive, noting only a few minor cons with the product.

The manufacturer contacted me, told me they have discontinued that product and have replaced it with a “new and improved” version. The features and specifications I mention in my review would no longer be accurate. They’ve asked me to delete my review and have offered monetary compensation to do so. Considering the request, and the ease with which I could choose to complete their request, I would say they’ve offered a relatively significant sum.

If it was a negative review they were asking me to delete I wouldn’t consider it. Even if it was a mediocre review I would be compelled to let it stand. But this is a shining, 5 star review they are asking me to pop.

Review manipulation is a serious problem with Amazon products. Absolutely. But does this fall into that category? Or is a manufacturer simply attempting to avoid any misunderstanding by prospective buyers who might read the now obsolete specifications in my review?