WTF did I buy???
15Seeing old sale posts resurrected Here and Here made me wonder what my old purchases looks like.
Let’s stroll down memory lane and pick out one (1) item from each year we have been a member that you either still use regularly or are particularly fond of having had at one time.
Here’s mine to start us off.
2015 Still in use
2016 on our bed right now
2017 still in use on occasion
2018 LOVE this thing
2019 One of my all time Favorite meh buys. Use this a lot
2020 our travel headphones
2021 used when I mow or work outside
2022 my only buy this year so far!
- 13 comments, 24 replies
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Lol I just came across my old ooma
While I rarely receive calls on my Ooma anymore (other than robocalls) I do use it to call overseas relatively frequently since my extrnded family still lives in France. It’s also very handy when people from my remote pass decide to call me up out of the blue, since that same phone number has been in use since 1988! Costs me way less than $100 a year to keep it up, so that’s what I do. #luddite
@chienfou @mbersiam My wife runs a small community library that operates on a limited budget. I set them up with an Ooma to use as their phone - it has worked great for them for several years now.
Does candy corn, stroopwaffles, and corn nuts count?
I ran across a stray stroopwaffel the other day in a pocket of my lunch bag!
I found stroopwafel liquor the other day
That sounds interesting… one of my favorite buys when we go to NOLA is praline liqueur!
@Cerridwyn I still use my candy corn stabber
Mom is still using the dash cam I bought her here, along with the spare mount another Mehmber sent us when the original mount broke.

To be determined.
One of my Braven’s currently resides full time in our shower in the master bath and is one of several BT speakers from here that gets frequent use.
@narfcake Those Bubba bottles were the good shit. I gave one away and used the other for years, but I’m using a smaller mug now that I’m trying to cut back on caffeine. Still have the big one if I really need a kick, though.
@narfcake I originally bought those KN95 masks to filter dust, pollen, etc. when mowing the lawn. But they came in handy recently when me, my wife and our son came down with Covid and my daughter visited while we were recovering. We all masked up when she was here and she remained uninfected.
Maybe coincidence, maybe just luck - who knows?
@chienfou Why not use the noise canceling headphones while mowing the lawn?
I use the earbuds under a set of hearing protectors currently. Since I basically use my lawn mower as a riding bush hog I’m afraid I would get the noise canceling headphones totally trashed and wouldn’t be able to use them for travel anymore. That being said, I just ordered a set of the Santana Oye noise canceling from a sister site and I’m planning to try one or the other (or both) on the lawn mower in the next couple weeks…
I’ll still use the earbuds for other chores, I’m sure, since over the ear cans would be ridiculously hot when working in the garden etc.
Despite the writeup’s opinion, I use the keychain light way more. The headlamp lives in my car’s glove compartment, in the event that I ever need to change a tire at night.
I use this all the time for weekend trips or short flights before the pandemic. (Also bought Bubba bottles this year, as described above.)
This got me into the Hue ecosystem. I wish Meh would carry more Hue stuff now and then. I can find refurb deals on the mothership sometimes, but that’s not as fun.
Bonus 2017 buy:
This would easily land somewhere on the top ten of the most “meh” Meh deals of all time.
Of all the things I’ve bought from Meh, I expect this to last the longest.
Knives! But not the cool type of knives that Meh got known for in the early years. Still, they’re better than the hand-me-down knives I had before.
I should drink more tea and less coffee. Good thing I have this nice teapot that I got during one of the dozens of meh-rathons during this era of Meh.
This is really stretching the definition of “still use regularly,” but I have four of these bottles chilling out in the dark at the back of a cabinet.
The only thing I’ve bought so far this year, but I still have some left in the cabinet, so it also counts! (Sort of.)
your membership predates me by over half a year, but I remember most all of these items. (couldn’t but the wine for shipment to AL and already had a Kitchenaid… it’s about 25 yrs old now)
@lljk Apparently I’ve bought 500 fidget spinners from here… whoa.
@fuzzmanmatt @lljk I bought them almost every time they came up, because the kids (and parents) loved them for Trick-or-Treat on Halloween!
A trip down meh-mory lane:

My wife still uses the green one at work.
This is my favorite mug I’ve ever owned. I’m on my second now.
Still gets plenty of use. Holding up great.
2 gray ones with rocking horses live in the trunk of my car.
These were great for early pandemic video calls. I felt so prepared.
RICOLA! I finally ran out in February.
These are my grocery bags. They’re great. I bought more from one of the sister sites.
My daughter was unkind to earbuds. These earbuds were unkind to her. She’s recently graduated to the Voza ones, we’ll see…
I often find myself lunching alone. This is the perfect height for my kindle.
I’m glad to see that people keep using the stuff they get here…
I also bought a Food Saver Vac, but got mine in June 1, 2015. Definitely one of my best meh purchases.
Never Forget 2017
@ticklescratch A bunch of trick or treaters were in 7th heaven with the ones I gave out.
Solar flashlights. Have one in my car on the dash and several in the house. Occasionally have to get the dust and cat hair off them so they can charge but other than they they are still going strong. I presume eventually the power storage battery will die, but not yet.
Oh and the puck lights in my closet that has no light.
I still have my TRYM, love it also, love the 2 dollar headphones.
mine is sitting on the counter in the master bath as well. Even bought another (identical but different branding) when I broke the guard I use.
Looking back through my list, there’s a few things I don’t even remember buying or receiving. I must have given them away as gifts or perhaps I’ll find them in a box hidden away in the corner of this place. And it makes me realize just how many meh shirts I really have.
What we need now is mashup products. Fidget knives, spinner docks, stroop gummies, art sets with sonic paintbrushes, you get the idea.

The good old days when I could buy more. These have all been useful.

In the second fuku I got a remote control drone thing that the kid I gave it to loved!!
This is so useful because of how wide some charger plug things are. Wish I had bought 2.
We need more of these!!!
Used the jumper cables more than once although not me needing jumped.
I keep this on the dash of my car. White plastic turned yellow with age and sun exposure but it still works and have used it occasionally when it has really helped to have it there.
@Kidsandliz Huh, that expanding surge protector sounds like a really good idea, but evidently they’re not being sold anywhere anymore.
Wow… these were all “before my time”
@Kyeh I know. I have looked and looked. It is great.
@chienfou I saw the site about 2-3 days after it formally opened (via kickstarter - didn’t donate as it was closed at that point, I was looking for something to use in class, I had bought a couple of things on woot but hadn’t even realized it was more than a clearance site connected to Amazon; didn’t know the history. Learned reading about it for the class where I wanted to use it as an example.). Came and looked a couple of times then shortly there after created an account. OK Just looked. Kidsandliz joined us Tue, Jul 15th 2014 at 2:09pm ET.
For the life of me I have no idea how I stumbled across the site (but I’m glad I did).