Thank you for sharing! This is better than Googling “woot thingyourelookingfor” and getting a bunch of outdated/closed offers, when you know you saw whatever it was yesterday, but you don’t want to scroll through pages of the category.
To search for something specific on a specific site using Google, you can use the Google search operator “site:”:
Go to
Type “site:” followed by the name of the website you want to search
Add a space after the website name
Type the search phrase
Press Enter or Return to start the search
Here are some other tips for searching on Google:
Use quotation marks
To search for an exact phrase or name, put quotation marks around it. For example, searching for “Joe Bloggs” will only return results that have the exact name “Joe Bloggs” on the page.
Use the minus sign
To exclude a word or phrase from your search, put a minus sign (-) in front of it. For example, “jaguar speed -car”.
Use the OR operator
To search for pages that contain either one term or another, use the OR operator. For example, " “term one” OR “term two”.
Use the AND operator
To refine your search to only include results that contain both specified terms, use the AND operator. For example, " “term one” AND “term two”.
Use filters
To narrow results to a specific type, such as videos, news, images, or web, you can use the filters.
Add topics
To get more specific information or explore related information, you can add terms to your query. seems to be available.
Thank you for sharing! This is better than Googling “woot thingyourelookingfor” and getting a bunch of outdated/closed offers, when you know you saw whatever it was yesterday, but you don’t want to scroll through pages of the category.
To search for something specific on a specific site using Google, you can use the Google search operator “site:”:
Go to
Type “site:” followed by the name of the website you want to search
Add a space after the website name
Type the search phrase
Press Enter or Return to start the search
Here are some other tips for searching on Google:
Use quotation marks
To search for an exact phrase or name, put quotation marks around it. For example, searching for “Joe Bloggs” will only return results that have the exact name “Joe Bloggs” on the page.
Use the minus sign
To exclude a word or phrase from your search, put a minus sign (-) in front of it. For example, “jaguar speed -car”.
Use the OR operator
To search for pages that contain either one term or another, use the OR operator. For example, " “term one” OR “term two”.
Use the AND operator
To refine your search to only include results that contain both specified terms, use the AND operator. For example, " “term one” AND “term two”.
Use filters
To narrow results to a specific type, such as videos, news, images, or web, you can use the filters.
Add topics
To get more specific information or explore related information, you can add terms to your query.
@PhysAssist wish that really worked as well as it used to. But it still will often turn up a whole slew of extraneous garbage
@PhysAssist And you’ll find lots of sales, all of which have expired…
(Yes, you can filter by date, but that only sometimes works)