@f00l CCC is mostly wonderful, but it is short in two ways:
not time-granular enough… perhaps understandable given the oodles of things they have to monitor. There’s a fair amount of time lag in discovering a price drop and hike. It sometimes completely misses a drop.
doesn’t catch Litghning deals or promo codes. - also understandable.
That being said, we have loads of stuff being tracked and do save tons of money as a result.
Yeah Amazon does not let c*3 scrape Kindle deals. Perhaps no to all digital stuff. Not certain.
And yeah it misses stuff, and misses all the lightning stuff.
I’ve stopped paying attention to the Lightning stuff except on major sale dates. Too much time to get thru it, the discounts are barely there, and I wind up buying crap that’s cool but I don’t need it.
The Gold Box deals are now usually nothing compared to what they were once.
@f00l Meh daily item is right on the main woot tracker, so I didn’t think I needed it there. I’ll probably get rid of most other trackers anyways, I don’t think they get used much, and I don’t maintain them so if they break, I have no idea. At some point, I will link mehstalker on there, but I’d rather keep it external so I don’t have to maintain it in two places.
@f00l I looked into it before, but I don’t own any apple devices, which makes development a pain in the ass, and also it gets into a legal grey area with compiling/license issues. At least, last I looked that was the case. I’m sure there are workarounds.
Kinda happy I didn’t get a BoC. It would have meant that in the last month I literally doubled the amount of purchases made since creating my account. (I’d had 2 purchases total until last month. Now I’m up to 3.)
Whoops, just remembered that last week I purchased a 15 inch Minnie Mouse plush.
I actually was gonna get an 8 inch one, but I had removed it from my cart.
Couldn’t find it again, though I find the 15 inch one for slightly more money.
@f00l@redoak Ok, I unblame the goat @mikibell because the team building event was that Second City Comedy came in and did improv exercises with us for 4 hours and I had a LOT of fun,.
Tonight we are having dinner and doing some type of event to raise money for the Boys and Girls Club of Atlanta. This is the 1st meeting that hasn’t sucked.
“camel*3”? Feels like a reference I should recognize but do not. Even when I lived on woot and faithfully followed woot offs I rarely bought anything.
The best Amazon price tracker.
Tracks Amazon, 3rd party new, and 3rd party used pricing on Amazon.
Because woot is currently selling some stuff that is no where close to Amazon’s lowest price for the identical item in identical condition.
@f00l @PlacidPenguin That does ring a bell, I think one lonely brain cell knew that but couldn’t shout loud enough to be heard.
You were able to save a brain cell? How did you do that? Wow!
@f00l I don’t drink alcohol. Helps to save the handful of rational ones on the little raft floating on the sea of insanity, confusion and despair.
@f00l CCC is mostly wonderful, but it is short in two ways:
not time-granular enough… perhaps understandable given the oodles of things they have to monitor. There’s a fair amount of time lag in discovering a price drop and hike. It sometimes completely misses a drop.
doesn’t catch Litghning deals or promo codes. - also understandable.
That being said, we have loads of stuff being tracked and do save tons of money as a result.
Yeah Amazon does not let c*3 scrape Kindle deals. Perhaps no to all digital stuff. Not certain.
And yeah it misses stuff, and misses all the lightning stuff.
I’ve stopped paying attention to the Lightning stuff except on major sale dates. Too much time to get thru it, the discounts are barely there, and I wind up buying crap that’s cool but I don’t need it.
The Gold Box deals are now usually nothing compared to what they were once.
@f00l yep - agreed, Both Lightning and Gold too much muck to wade thru… to find a gem… we don’t really need afterall.
I got crap, so I’m mostly out. I keep wootstalker up to keep apprised of the offerings though.
@ACraigL Hey, me too!
Just got mine for today. Thanks, @lichme. (Last one I got had a few useful items, so I’m giving it another shot.)
What is this woot you speak of?
@ELUNO Some online retailer that went out of business I think
@PantHeist it’s a label Amazon puts on the pages of stuff they want to clear out without having to drop prices.
… and force the customer to pay shipping at the same time!
@ELUNO you don’t get weekly invitations from Amazon to join?

/giphy prime spam
Who reads those sorts of emails?
Wootstalker sux. I go check it everyday to make sure it still sux. : )
BTW, on the wootstalker site, you refer to having trackers for other sites, but you don’t mention Meh. ???
Why not?
@f00l Meh daily item is right on the main woot tracker, so I didn’t think I needed it there. I’ll probably get rid of most other trackers anyways, I don’t think they get used much, and I don’t maintain them so if they break, I have no idea. At some point, I will link mehstalker on there, but I’d rather keep it external so I don’t have to maintain it in two places.
What about an iOS app? Do you hate the idea of doing one?
@f00l I looked into it before, but I don’t own any apple devices, which makes development a pain in the ass, and also it gets into a legal grey area with compiling/license issues. At least, last I looked that was the case. I’m sure there are workarounds.
As of 7:16pm CT the cases of Wellington reds are up at
12 reds $139.99
Choice of
Heavy Cabernet
Heavy Zin
Heavy Syrah
If anyone wants some
I got crap and used my coupon to buy a Pokémon tee, all while out of the country on vacation.
@sammydog01 sounds like fun. where did you go?
@chienfou Caribbean cruise- we were at St. Thomas yesterday. I put in maybe ten minutes total on the Woot-off. Lucked out.
I got a BOC & a cheap wrench. That’s about it…
$5 shipping all day is nice…
Kinda happy I didn’t get a BoC. It would have meant that in the last month I literally doubled the amount of purchases made since creating my account. (I’d had 2 purchases total until last month. Now I’m up to 3.)
Whoops, just remembered that last week I purchased a 15 inch Minnie Mouse plush.
I actually was gonna get an 8 inch one, but I had removed it from my cart.
Couldn’t find it again, though I find the 15 inch one for slightly more money.
I scored lots of things on the woot-offf, but no crap.
Ok, have to run for team building - wtf! I hate these National meetings
@mfladd “team building” events: when HR or HR-types have far too much influence in an otherwise successful company.
These team building events are scientifically valid proof that, even if you don’t believe in heaven,
“Yes, Virginia, there is a Hell.”
@f00l @redoak Ok, I unblame the goat @mikibell because the team building event was that Second City Comedy came in and did improv exercises with us for 4 hours and I had a LOT of fun,.
Tonight we are having dinner and doing some type of event to raise money for the Boys and Girls Club of Atlanta. This is the 1st meeting that hasn’t sucked.
@mfladd cool beans…
2nd City is too good for you.
But I forgive you as long as you listen to Eva Cassidy singing and tell me if you like her.
I was going to say it’s still going on, then I realized I hadn’t looked at the tab since yesterday and when I hit F5 it went away… awww.