Woot 15 years
6HOLY CATS! That’s 15 thousand BOCs for this week’s #Woot 15th Birthday celebration! -
15K seems excessive you are not getting the random crap that was left over they have to make 15k bags of junk.
Its like an Oprah thing . you get a boc and you get a boc. I feel more like the T-shirt … I miss the old Woot.
- 32 comments, 147 replies
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/giphy sigh

15,000 of them just means all that much that I don’t want one. They’ve become such utter garbage.
@cinoclav To be fair, there was plenty of garbage in the old BOCs too. Some of us just rather not think about it.
@narfcake If the new forums weren’t so crappy I’d check it out in a month to read all the complaints. Good luck!
@cinoclav The new forums work pretty well, actually. You can view the previous reveal threads for a perspective on what’s going into them these days.
Yes, the odds of a high-value item is much worse at Woot than it is here at meh, but a new $3 spatula is still more usable than a $100 TV with a cracked screen.
@cinoclav @narfcake I like the new forums better unless I’m on a phone and way behind, then it crashes.
And my favorite colander came from crap. It’s purple.
@cinoclav @narfcake
Is that true @medz?
@cinoclav I have to admit that I got one not long ago that had a few good things in it. I was surprised by my lack of disappointment.
@cinoclav @narfcake @therealjrn no idea. Never got a cracked tv
I love purple.
Oh, is that place still around?
I have had better luck here. saying that now has guaranteed my utterly crushing disappointment for this instant regret sac
George Takei will be on Woot Friday at 2 est. Cool!
@sammydog01 Why can’t we get George Takei?!

@sammydog01 - I
his voice. Won’t be the same in text.
I just hope they have finally run out of NFL apparel. My last BOC had 4 nfl shirts in it. I always get at least one usable thing out of my boxes but I’m tired of the nfl stuffs.
@tnhillbillygal I never get NFL apparel. Boo.
@sammydog01 lol, I can send you some. I still have the last box laying in front of my closet.
@sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal What teams did you get?
@mfladd @tnhillbillygal Yeah, what teams? If it was the Patriots you need to burn it and fumigate your house with sage.
@mfladd @tnhillbillygal @sammydog01 Gee, sammydog, you turned down my offer to send you NFL stuff. My dining room was/is(?) crammed with it.
Yeah, I had Patriots jerseys and some other Patriots stuff. It’s buried in the backyard in a lead coffin so that it doesn’t contaminate the neighborhood.
@mfladd @sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal
Then again, maybe it wasn’t Patriots stuff. I always get them confused with the Tampa Bay Bucs.
@Barney @mfladd @tnhillbillygal The Tampa Bay Bucaneers have pirates on their merchandise. Pirates rock. And I don’t remember this at all. Damn I’m old.
@mfladd @sammydog01 Raiders, Colts, Seahawks, Ravens, and Jaguars (hat)
ETA: Chiefs
Turns out there were 6 nfl items in that box.
@mfladd @tnhillbillygal I have owned players from all to those teams! I love them! Especially the Raiders. Because, again, pirates rock.
@mfladd @sammydog01 I’ll go rooting around in the boxes tomorrow and see what I can come up with. I honestly don’t remember what I have left because I did take two or three boxes to goodwill.
Yeah, @tnhillbillygal, for a while it seemed like that NFL merchandise was all that I was getting in my BoC’s.
@mfladd @sammydog01 The Raiders shirt says its a medium. If you want it, I don’t care at all to send it your way. Chiefs is a Ladies Large V-neck jersey top; Colts is a large tee; Seahawks is a medium but I don’t know if it is meant for ladies but think it is; and Ravens is a small V-neck jersey top.
@mfladd @sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal
@tinamarie1974 is always wanting women’s V-necks.
@tnhillbillygal Thanks, but those are probably too small. Moo. Bummer about the Ravens jersey, that sounds pretty nice. And I bet it’s purple too.
@sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal Hey, sammydog, I’ve got something that will fit you and it’s got the bucs logo on it. Some very nice poly fleece shorts. SIZE 5X
@sammydog01 I’ve also have a size lg. men’s Raiders shirt. It kind of looks like a bowling shirt. (Bowling shirts were popular a number of years ago.) However I think this shirt would be too big for you. It is nice, as far as I can tell – it’s still in its plastic.
I also have a women’s m. v-neck Seahawks, I think. Aren’t they green and navy blue?
What the heck is a double extra large? Anyway, it’s Green Bay, some kind of a shirt. Still in its package and I don’t know what it is.
Oh, and I have the same thing in a New York Giants shirt when they won the Super Bowl (back in the Caveman days). Size XL. Looks nice.
Yep, it’s all junk.
I guess everything else, I took to goodwill. Except for the Patriots stuff that’s polluting the groundwater.
Like in the 50’s?
@therealjrn No, there was a revival of them – in the 90’s, I think. And then a couple of years ago. What cave have you been living in?
@sammydog01 I love purple, but I’m also a KC Chiefs fan.
@sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal Jaguars (snickers)
@Barney I have no sense of fashion.
@Barney @mfladd @sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal haha. Thanks Barney, but I am a one sport kind of gal. I don’t follow football
@tinamarie1974 That’s right, you like hockey. Well, I did get an Islanders cap…
@Barney @therealjrn I think bowling shirts got a boost from Charlie Sheen wearing that style in Two and a Half Men.
@Barney you have a women’s Seahawks shirt? What size?
@moonhat It’s a v-neck sweater, size medium. If this is close to the right size, I’ll take it out of the package (never been opened) and snap a picture of it for you. It looks pretty nice.
Remember it’s CRAP DAY! I got some on the app this morning.
@sammydog01 I’m sorry.
@sammydog01 https://www.woot.com/offers/george-takei-bag-50000z
@boc The are posting them on Twitch. BOCs for everyone!
@boc @sammydog01 I got one of the George Bags. It’s over now - he wasn’t there for very long. 2 bags released and a Limit Edition BOC for the few who answered his last question correctly. The forums were really glitchy during it.
@boc @mfladd @sammydog01 I had to bail on the forum–they were awfully backed up.
@boc @sammydog01 @therealjrn I got kicked out for some and saw 2 bags released. I could have had either 1st or 2nd but weirdly the 2nd processed faster than the first. Was there more than 2 bags and the limited edition one?
@boc @mfladd @sammydog01 I can’t say.
@boc @mfladd @sammydog01 There were 5 links (500 bags total) + the LE bag
@mfladd @sammydog01 @therealjrn It was five regular BOC’s. One after each of the first five questions were answered correctly. Anyone could try to snag one of the five regular BOC’s. George then asked a 6th question and the person who answered it correctly first was given (via PM) a chance to buy an LE BOC.
@boc @mfladd @therealjrn That thread was going too fast to follow. Thanks for the rundown.
@therealjrn and it’s gone.
LOOK WHAT I BOUGHT! It’s like all the branded stuff I bought from Meh at one low price.
@sammydog01 WOO HOO! WOOT!
@sammydog01 oh crap I missed this!? Ive been trying to get a woot off light for years!
@nolrak TT said they would have another sale tonight. Good luck!
@sammydog01 I’m furiously refreshing!
@sammydog01 SCOREEEEE
@nolrak Best deal of the day! Congrats!
So has anyone here bought a woot locker yet?
I always say im not going to buy it but they get me every time
I said I was out of the BOC buying business.
I folded like a lawn chair when I had that purple buy button in front of me.
@therealjrn yeahhhh it took me until after lunch before I got one, and then I actually got some work done for the day afterward.
@therealjrn Blame George Takei! There is just something about seeing a BOC with his name on it.
@mfladd The man does have a delicious, hypnotic voice.
@therealjrn One person on the wOOt forum said they hoped it was just full of stuff from his house
Those forums are, how should I say it? Annoying for some reason (ok, many reasons).
I just missed the 15th birthday pack thing @sammydog01 got. Drats! I had in in my cart but the order wouldn’t complete and then it sold out from under me. DAG NABBIT
@therealjrn that has been my luck all day. I pop over every once in a while and have just missed a BOC three times now (2 were limited edition)
@tinamarie1974 I was logged into the forum, but not into Woot proper as well. It took precious seconds to log into Woot to get to my cart. pffft.
@therealjrn sorry

@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 Limited editions are next to impossible to get. Crap, on the other hand, 15,000 people! I got mine at 4 am! Get cracking!
@sammydog01 @therealjrn Yes ma’am! Looks like I have about a half hour left
If I do not score, I will be happy knowing Irk>BOC I am just happy I scored an Irk

@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 That’s the spirit!
@therealjrn Bummer! That stuff was way harder to get than crap.
Took a stab at one BOC but got stuck in the patience queue. But it was just a shot in the dark; Woot is no longer the Woot I am looking for.
@duodec That vestibule of patience is a real pain in the neck.
@duodec @therealjrn The VOP is better than the whole site crashing! …
Of course, this is Woot we’re talking about.
/image why not both?

@duodec @narfcake I thought the George Takei event was pretty close to shutting down the forums.
@duodec @therealjrn The forums AND the site because of the 5 runs of BOCs that were put up in the half hour or so.
@duodec @narfcake That’s when I got my BOC! lol It was crazy.
@therealjrn So did @thumperchick.
@narfcake @Thumperchick :shhhhhh:
@therealjrn And it’s gone
@therealjrn missed it again.
@tinamarie1974 sorry
@therealjrn thanks for posting
@therealjrn Made it all of the way through, only to get a “Payment denied”.
No frigging idea why.
To whom should I lay the blame on?
@hems79 @therealjrn We have a perfectly good goat here we can blame this on.
(Hi, @cinoclav!)
@cinoclav @narfcake @therealjrn

/giphy soulless goat
@hems79 @narfcake @therealjrn

I actually survived the Vestibule…its been years!
@studerc Wow. I have never met anybody who managed to get out of the Vestibule and live to talk about it…
@studerc @therealjrn It happens, but it’s said the person is changed. Many summarize that they come back soulless.

Warning, when you mouse hover over wine.woot do not be alarmed, it’s just a bag of coffee

Boy, you gotta be fast to catch the LE Birthday Bag Code Name Jeff Bezos
@therealjrn Has anyone here bought one yet today? I told myself not to even entertain the thought or I am in trouble! So far I am listening.
@therealjrn i so had it…then the app crashed.
Wait, the last BOC was $50?!
What is going on? -Please explain for those of us who barely care any more and haven’t been paying attention.
@zachdecker Limited Edition BOC’s. I have no idea what that comprises, except for more junk.
@zachdecker limited edition. More stuff at a Bezos-y price.
@zachdecker They’re “Limited Edition” craps. They were sprinkled throughout the day, along with a couple of $15 “birthday packs” of Woot branded swag.
I would have thought there would have to be something more to justify spending $50.
@zachdecker They have list of guaranteed Woot branded merchandise plus generally one high end electronics doohickey. And a certificate- that’s important too. I guess?
Well balls! The Woot-off is over and I walked away empty handed. Oh well!!
/giphy darn it


/giphy ditto
@hems79 sorry
@hems79 @tinamarie1974 The Woot-off is over and I’m still in the vestibule of patience for the last limited edition boc.
@hems79 @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 You can probably come out now Sammy
@tinamarie1974 Seriously? Nuthin?
@mfladd nada senor
@hems79 @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 NEVER!
@hems79 @sammydog01 @therealjrn don’t lose hope! I will cross my fingers for you.

@hems79 @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 I can bring you a nice cup of coffee when my $50 coffee maker gets here. Do you want a pillow or anything?
@hems79 @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 some cookies would be nice- maybe fig newtons? Update: still in the VOP.
@hems79 @sammydog01 @therealjrn a tissue to wipe my tears from failure.
@hems79 @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 Update: rolled over to something was yanked from your cart after 40 minutes. You win some, you lose most.
@hems79 @sammydog01 @therealjrn sorry honey
@tinamarie1974 App crap is still available- it’s worth a shot if you have a smart phone.
@sammydog01 Thanks, but I already tried it! Crashed and burned
/giphy top gun

@tinamarie1974 You make me giggle.
@Barney Making people smile is always my goal!
/giphy success

@tinamarie1974 You do that well, and I thank you.
@tinamarie1974 ONE MORE TRY! Good luck.
@sammydog01 Thank you! Sadly Woot said
@tinamarie1974 No! I was offered crap this morning. I wish I could have given it to you.
@sammydog01 maybe I was too late! Thanks
Don’t worry about it, @tinamarie1974. @sammydog01 gives me enough crap for the both of us.
@sammydog01 guess what!!! I JUST GOT ONE!!!

/giphy Happy Dance!
@tinamarie1974 Well, it’s about time.
@Barney IKR! Woot was really screwing with me!
@Barney @tinamarie1974 Now I just hope you get something worth ten bucks.
@sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 What are the odds of that happening with Woot sending out 15K of them?
@Barney @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 And remember to post in the Woot July Craps forum!
It’s already filling up…and I see Sammy has a bestie there in AnniKat! What’s AnniKat’s nick over here on meh?
@Barney @sammydog01 thanks! That goes both ways
@therealjrn I think it’s @AnniKat. Hey, crap buddy, you here? We both got two craps and one IRK last week.
They are selling the leftover stuff. How the hell did this not sell out? I just nabbed one for Xmas for $9.99. These are overly expensive at full price.

I am expecting more than enough crap with my IRK currently on the way, but I did buy one of those weighted blankets they have for sale.
The scavengers are picking the meat off the clearance bones quite quickly now.

@mfladd I saw a nice coffee maker…doh!
@therealjrn Might as well go for the hat trick!
@mfladd But I didn’t see anything worth grabbing
So were the people in the twitch stream any of the more well known staffers?
@nolrak Davejlives was the guy at the end in the mask. Jeff is the guy who streams video games sometimes.
The next few weeks should be, interesting an irk and a boc
There is crap on the app o crapless ones (gotta play a game, not a guaranteed win). If it’s not sold out.
Woot pulls shirt… Spineless.
@jml326 They didn’t pull it, they just stopped advertising it on the front page of shirt.
(There’s a discussion in the goat thread.)
@jml326 @sammydog01 There’s also discussion in the woot forums.
There are cat pics.
@jml326 @narfcake Don’t go there- you’ll be sorry. Do we have a final count of pulled posts?
@sammydog01 I didn’t count, but if I had to guess …

Thought I replied to new bestie @sammydog01 earlier today here. seems to disappear. I must be doing it wrong. 1 BOC arrived, 1 IRK by about Tuesday, no new info on Birthday/App Crap yet
@AnniKat My crap from Saturday hasn’t even shipped yet. I hope all three come on the same day- a crap explosion!
Was the first one good?
Still up https://sellout.woot.com/offers/boom-of-cannons-1
I ended up getting a BOC pretty early and was trying not to think about the LE BOCs as hubbie had expressed concern. After we talked about what we had gotten in the past from the big ones, he gave me the go ahead. It took several tries and operating two phones simultaneously on my lap while he drove but I finally managed to buy one while we were stopped at a gas station.
I also bought that $1 Xbox One Fallout Pip Boy Edition thingy from the WTF pricing last week.
Mon sac de merde a atterri sur woot.com! Tous les trucs très excitant!
@therealjrn Sweet and entertaining BOC. I hope I get dog nail clippers. My Takei ii BOC has an estimated delivery of 29 July. Damn.
@mfladd Dammit! I don’t have a dog, and my cat has been declawed by his previous humans. You want the clippers? Whisper me your address and they’re yours!

@mfladd @therealjrn Guess what I have? A new dog! New to me anyway. Got her this afternoon.
@mfladd @sammydog01 aww, what kind is she?
@sammydog01 Pic or it didn’t happen.
@Barney @sammydog01 yes! Yes! We need pics and details!!!
@mfladd @sammydog01 @therealjrn yes! Pics please!!!
@mfladd @moonhat @therealjrn

Her name was Mercury but we changed it to Cora. They think she’s a lab/hound mix.
@sammydog01 D’awww, Cora has a such a happy look! Look at those big feet! Is Cora fully grown yet?
@moonhat @sammydog01 @therealjrn She is beautiful. Congratulations!!! How big is she? Was she a rescue?
@mfladd @moonhat @therealjrn She weight 53 and is close to fully grown. They found her loose in the country.
@mfladd @moonhat @sammydog01 @therealjrn she is adorable! Congratulations
@mfladd @moonhat @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 Our last dog was a demanding yappy pain in the butt who didn’t get along with other dogs. I took Cora to the dog park today and she behaved beautifully. I’m so happy!
Oh my gosh Sammy, she’s so cute! And looks like a sweetheart. What a lucky girl (both of you!). Cora is a great name for her. She looks like a Cora.