Wine Coupon Code
4I got this coupon code in the mail with some check books that I ordered (custom printing, photos of my dogs, yay!). I’m super allergic to sulfur and cannot drink wine if I enjoy breathing so I’ve got no use for this. I don’t know if it’s any good or not. I don’t know if it’s single-use or not. I got 4 packages of checks and I only opened one, odds are there’s three more in the packages. If this turns out to be single use and is worthwhile I should be able to put up three more. I’m just posting it in case anybody would like to try using it. I got an Omaha Steaks coupon as well if anyone is interested.
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I have a $5 Domino’s Pizza e-gift card code. Who wants it?

/giphy raises hand
@RiotDemon Cool. Whisper incoming.
@medz thanks!
@medz well, the website had a bunch of technical difficulties and it took me 20+ minutes to order, but I got my pizza!
Thanks again!
I’ve got secret information on where to buy $5 large round classic pepperoni or cheese pizzas. Ping me for details.
@therealjrn little ceasars?
/giphy tell me more!

@capguncowboy @riotdemon

/giphy pizza pizza
@capguncowboy @therealjrn I call shenanigans. There is no dog licking the pizza in the overhead shot.
@capguncowboy @RiotDemon @therealjrn
hands aren’t there either
You should post over on casemates. It’s a discounted $60 first-time customer price for some plonk.