@UncleVinny That just opens you up for “social interactions.” Look at them, circling like vultures, asking if they can have a piece. Acting like you’re the rude one to say no. Did they ever consider that gum cost you money? Hard-earned money, that you get by working a job? A job that causes so much stress, you need something to sooth your orally-fixated mind? Sounds like you could use some gum.
Will there be people at this party? Like, you know, actual people? I don’t like no people man. I ain’t gonna go to no party with actual people man. Now if you wanna send everyone home, I’d consider it.
I have a playlist called “All Happy” on my phone Google Play app (Pharrell’s Happy, De-Lite’s Groove Is In the Heart, Marky Mark’s Good Vibrations, Bowling for Soup’s Today Is Gonna Be a Great Day, and about 20 others) so that at any moment I can start it and jam out. Usually while alone doing chores, but I’ve used it a few times at group gatherings. Several of those times the younger folks (like my teen kids/nieces/nephews) have begged me to stop, they are such fuddy-duddies.
@mollama I hope that includes Ren & Stimpy’s Happy Happy, Joy Joy. That one frequently pops up on my playlist when I hit shuffle. It seems to embarrass the kids for some reason. They have no sense of humor these days.
Perfect timing! My Win Them Back Bundle just arrived! I’m cranking up the bluetooth speaker dock - Yogurt Pretzels, anyone? Caramel Popcorn? Razor blades?
I am here to chew bubble gum.
@UncleVinny That just opens you up for “social interactions.” Look at them, circling like vultures, asking if they can have a piece. Acting like you’re the rude one to say no. Did they ever consider that gum cost you money? Hard-earned money, that you get by working a job? A job that causes so much stress, you need something to sooth your orally-fixated mind? Sounds like you could use some gum.
@simplersimon @UncleVinny Huh. That’s something to chew on…
@simplersimon @UncleVinny well not if you work for Lucky Smells Lumbermill then thats yer payment!
@simplersimon That all depends on what type of gum they have. I don’t like gum with flavor that only lasts a few minutes.
I should not be here.
'Cause they say two thousand zero zero
Party over, oops out of time
So tonight I’m gonna party like it’s 1999
What is it the kids are saying these days…Dilly Dilly
@wmbarr Sorry, the kids are NOT saying that - we can’t understand what they’re saying, because we’re old and painfully out of touch.
Will there be people at this party? Like, you know, actual people? I don’t like no people man. I ain’t gonna go to no party with actual people man. Now if you wanna send everyone home, I’d consider it.
After yesterday?
@rtjhnstn And why wasn’t “not after St. Patrick’s Day” a poll choice.
I have a playlist called “All Happy” on my phone Google Play app (Pharrell’s Happy, De-Lite’s Groove Is In the Heart, Marky Mark’s Good Vibrations, Bowling for Soup’s Today Is Gonna Be a Great Day, and about 20 others) so that at any moment I can start it and jam out. Usually while alone doing chores, but I’ve used it a few times at group gatherings. Several of those times the younger folks (like my teen kids/nieces/nephews) have begged me to stop, they are such fuddy-duddies.
@mollama I hope that includes Ren & Stimpy’s Happy Happy, Joy Joy. That one frequently pops up on my playlist when I hit shuffle. It seems to embarrass the kids for some reason. They have no sense of humor these days.
Perfect timing! My Win Them Back Bundle just arrived! I’m cranking up the bluetooth speaker dock - Yogurt Pretzels, anyone? Caramel Popcorn? Razor blades?
/giphy time to party hearty