I missed this one, but I don’t really feel any of these things since I decided after the last one that I wasn’t really going to actively try hard for them anymore. I’m broke and the ROI is less than meh. I’m glad to see some people above got one and will enjoy following the reveal thread.
This time “Irritated” that I was here on time, but it wouldn’t go through because Meh uses “shipping address” to verify your credit card, and I’d changed my address this week.
@apLundell I tried to make a regular purchase at meh and meh found a discrepancy in my shipping address and how it compared with what the credit card company had, so my purchase failed. I had used that card for over a year and no other company had objected. it would take more than 24 hours for the correction to appear at the credit card company, so it was too late for my purchase.
@djslack Huh. For me, changing the shipping address (both on the actual order form at midnight, and now on the account settings page) uses that new address for both shipping and billing address, and immediately gives me an error because it’s the wrong zip-code for my credit card.
@apLundell Ah, I just realized this is why my order didn’t go through. In my hurry I forgot that I haven’t updated the billing address on my credit card…
Didn’t get a Fuku. Didn’t notice in time because my fantasy teams suck. And work. And stuff.
And no alt intimate meaning for “fucked” outside meh today, for better or worse.
Otoh, the Longhorns are winning. And when outside this am the day was that glorious day when the autumn slant of the light first shows a tiny, almost imperceptible golden tone. And the weather was low 80s with a few raindrops and a nice breeze. And flowers.
And another thread started today reminded me that I have so much to cherish, and I’d better make serious time for the cherishing. And for some people I know who are having a tough time.
So, I retract. “Fucked” sounded cute at around midnight, as a pseudo-bitter poll response to missing out on the Fuku. But:
Not Fucked By Life. For today.
And, if days come around where I am feeling Fucked in the non-intimate sense of the term, i.e. feeling Fucked By Life, I hope I remember something.
I have been successfully GALLED! I practiced inputting all my information off and on for the past several months and it worked just fine and was complete in 50 seconds! Now, when it came time for my practice to payoff, it wouldn’t accept my credit card information, which it had done just fine many times before! I blame it on the new iOS 10, which I just installed today. It treats your credit card number like a password, and switched my keyboard for that field. Looks like I may just have to go to the trouble of memorizing the stinkin’ card number. I was done in 2 minutes, which is so meh. At least I didn’t have to do the captchas. Grrr…
Mildly annoyed, because I sensed it was about time for a fuko, so I was ready, but I ran into a patch of slow internet and didn’t check out fast enough.
I’d be more annoyed if the actual fuko’s weren’t so … how should I put it … mediocre…
East coast server lag annoyance. Usually don’t have any problems but it took forever to load/reload/reload… Tried on both my phone and pc to no avail. Looks like no Fuko for me unless I get extra lucky at 4.
This makes me so mad. I’ve never been able to get one of these despite the fact that I’ve been able to go through the transaction steps in less then 20 seconds. I was even up at 6 this morning excited to possibly get my first one after seeing that it was paused last night. But the amount of stalking on this site is ridiculous. I childishly give up.
@madmaxmedia “less than 20 sec”. That covers less than 10 sec too. Point is, I was so quick about it this morning and still couldn’t get it! I literally couldn’t have gone any faster.
@reharris I’m not sure how many posts are echoing your sentiments. This post fits me so well, I just stopped here. Somewhere along the line, I asked the people of Meh, (us ‘little people’, not the employers and employees, and I’m sure there’s a funny word for them, but it escapes me), what was the secret to getting a fuckuyouknowwhatimean. I thought there was maybe a script that the elite hackers were using. 'Cause I had been trying for like ten years. At woot, and then here. I didn’t think they’d tell me, but I thought someone would leave a hint slip, anyway. I mean, I just read a post about someone getting the last three—and I seem to remember those stories of those people getting the last 20 or whatever. And I gotta think there’s a trick.
But everyone said it was random and dumb luck.There was a lot of replies and they seemed pretty sincere.
I finally got one last time. Finally!
The one last night, I was perfect. Everything went down perfect on my end. I don’t know how I messed it up. And I was almost as mad as if I’d have never won one! I don’t remember the numbers of how many tried and how many won one last night. It was on the sold out screen, and there was over a thousand fukublahblas won.The number of hits in just a short period of time is astounding–I wish I had approximate numbers.
I don’t know what compelled me to reply. Strong feelings–all those adjectives listed! We are partners in disappointment— whatever.
I’ll take a breather. I’ll cancel my VMP for awhile, (shaves important seconds off of ordering,I figure!) And I’ll be back, to scream and kick and curse again. I hope I see ya.
(My ritual: every night at 2 till midnight–I sign in, then I open up the official atomic time website, then I refresh at a time I haven’t perfected yet. ) @reharris, if you and I are at the next one, and I had a way of seeing you got one instead of me, and I remembered who the heck you were…I’d be happy you got one and not me. So, if you get one, and I’m screaming and kicking and peeing myself–make sure you reply and tell me you got one. That will chill me the heck out pretty darn quick. And I can use those glorious words, “I ain’t even mad.”
Possiblilities, tracing the origins of “Bag End”: (I don’t know how much hard evidence there is for any of them in particular being "the explanation, but there are some sources for all of them being within Tolkien’s range of thinking.)
1). The expression “cul-de-sac” originated in England during the period when French was spoken by the English aristocracy. In French, Catalan or in Occitan, “cul-de-sac” literally means “ass of a bag.” Tolkien used the name Bag End as a literal translation of “cul-de-sac,” to poke fun at the British use of French terms.
2). Bag End. This was one of the other few, named for an actual person, or in this case, place. One of Tolkien’s aunts lived and the end of a cul-de-sac that locals referred to as Bag End
3). Tolkien wrote in Nomenclature of LotR1 that “Bag End”, meant to be associated with “Baggins”, was:
(sc. the end of a ‘bag’ or ‘pudding bag’ = cul-de-sac), the local name for Bilbo’s house. (It was the local name for my aunt’s farm in Worcestershire, which was at the end of a lane leading to it and no further.)
1 Found in Hammond & Scull’s LotR: A Reader’s Companion
These are just a of the few possible connections.
And there are likely connections between “Bag End” and “Baggins”. And if you try to trace them, it kinda goes on and on with possibilities, from OE, Norse, Finnish, and who knows what other languages, all way beyond my ken.
The truly cool part is that Tolkien was almost certainly aware of all of these linguistic threads when he chose his names. I wonder if there will ever be another gifted writer of fiction who possesses any similar sort of linguistic and academic knowledge that approaches the particular reach of Tolkien’s masteries and interests.
So yeah. The best part of the shipment might be “in the Bag”.
@cengland0 It has to be a fairly new addition. It isn’t an uncommon phenomenon. Once enough people start misusing a word (or non-word), rather than trying to get people to correct their usage, the usage is adopted as correct. For decades, “nauseous” meant “nauseating” and not “nauseated”. As more and more people starting saying “Ugh, I’m so nauseous” (prompting me to say “Yes you are!”) over time the alternate usage was incorporated into the lexicon and the dictionary now provides both definitions as correct.
@DrWorm The two that bother me more than it should is moot and anxious.
“It’s a moot point.” Usually to mean there is no sense in discussing any longer. However, moot means “subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty, and typically not admitting of a final decision.” In other words, usually the exact opposite of what people think.
“I’m anxious to go to that party.” Usually mean they are eager to go. Anxious means, “experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.” Again, usually the opposite of what people really mean.
Both moot and anxious have had their definitions appended to account for the common errors.
People should prob care a lot about biz, academic, and formal standards of language in those non-casual settings - depending on social expectations and needs, which vary wildly.
I noticed that when the kids whose first reading was stuff on the net came up in age, at first they kinda couldn’t spell or parse grammar much. This could be a cultural loss and loss in the capacity for rigorous thinking of a generation - or not. They seemed to pick up most of what they needed as they went along. And they seem to do more than their share of cultural creativity that carries weight.
As for all that erroneous and casual usage? Is it? Really? Does Webster or the OED determine this? Hmmm. I wonder how all those words and customs got there in the first place.
And as for rigor and clarity - and lack thereof - the quantities of both are clearly increasing - but the relative proportions seem similar to those of decades and centuries past. Esp when one considers the potential growth and mix of those whose words one might notice, compared to, say, 1800 or 1950.
When we are not in more formal settings:
Language belongs to the people.
And People belong to the language.
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”
Who owns language?
WTF. I do. Why not?
And you, and you, and you.
Re final decisions, and the point of debating something if no resolution can be easily reached: watched a 24 hour news channel or listened to an all-sports radio channel lately?
Lots of reasons:
Advertising revenue.
Filling up time and space with noise
Filling your airwaves with your noise as an act of ownership of part of the important conversational spectrum. (a dominance thing)
Gaining prestige and influence
Pushing a POV
Illuminating a subject
Obscuring, concealing, deception
Getting a commenting gig
Getting a talk radio show
Getting a prestige influential job.
Getting a book offer and tour
Getting an academic offer
Getting invited to the right "influence events"
Getting invited to the right social events or more general social climbing
Selling an already published book
Promoting an existing show/blog/publication/column/article, or promoting an upcoming one
Selling an investment or self help product
(Crudely) Getting laid
And on. And on.
Ever notice how those media outlets don’t have any probs finding talkative types to be in the air?
Furthermore, much of what is discussed is not susceptible to simple consensus or logical solutions, tho there may be sufficient political consensus or political weight-throwing to cause movement in a given direction.
If by frustrated, you mean waking up at 7AM to find out you missed a Fuko at Midnight, then realizing you have another chance at 8AM, only to refresh the page at 8AM sharp, get past the CAPTCHA gatekeeper, wait a full minute staring at the green bar and have “something go wrong” and natch by that time it’s sold out, only to get an email at 8:06 stating my order was placed (painstaking-parched-toucan – no kidding) that I didn’t see until after 9:00am and breathe a sigh of relief that I don’t have throw a Hail Mary at 4PM, then yeah, I’m frustrated as hell.
Pretty awesome. Good to see you guys really rubbing it in. I hope someday you sell just one. Or claim to be selling them but say they are sold out immediately. But keep slowly ticking up the “number sold” counter throughout the day. Maybe all post under fake names saying you got one and go on and on about how excited you are. And then the next day when all the hardcore people are feeling despondent and don’t check right away, actually sell them. That’d be a good April Fools joke.
Why would I feel any of those things when I just gots me a brand new fuko?
@Zebus You just delayed your frustration a couple weeks.
Breathe app on watch 3.0 …
@Zebus jealousy. I guess that’s the word where you want to maybe belt someone?
@operaticus Yeah, meh too
@operaticus Me too thanks!
@operaticus came here to say this. “MEH!”
@operaticus You got to be mehin me.
No frustration here right now.
Sorta mixed feelings right now.
Happy 'cause I got a Fuko.
Frustrated 'cause I got a Fuko.
Elated? I’ve missed the last three. So happy to finally get another one.
I missed this one, but I don’t really feel any of these things since I decided after the last one that I wasn’t really going to actively try hard for them anymore. I’m broke and the ROI is less than meh. I’m glad to see some people above got one and will enjoy following the reveal thread.
/image irk

Usually just “meh” when I miss it…
This time “Irritated” that I was here on time, but it wouldn’t go through because Meh uses “shipping address” to verify your credit card, and I’d changed my address this week.
@apLundell I tried to make a regular purchase at meh and meh found a discrepancy in my shipping address and how it compared with what the credit card company had, so my purchase failed. I had used that card for over a year and no other company had objected. it would take more than 24 hours for the correction to appear at the credit card company, so it was too late for my purchase.
@apLundell I just moved and had no problems with my new shipping address. Left the billing address alone, though.
@pellucid Ah, Good. Well at least I have a partner in misery.
I’m noticing that the Meh account settings page LOOKS like it lets you set a separate billing and shipping addresses, but actually it does not.
So I can’t even try again until the bank gets around to changing the address on my accounts.
@djslack Huh. For me, changing the shipping address (both on the actual order form at midnight, and now on the account settings page) uses that new address for both shipping and billing address, and immediately gives me an error because it’s the wrong zip-code for my credit card.
@apLundell Did you uncheck the box that says my billing address is the same as my shopping address?
@djslack Aha! So I was doing something stupid!
@apLundell Ah, I just realized this is why my order didn’t go through. In my hurry I forgot that I haven’t updated the billing address on my credit card…
@f00l Do you mean you got one or you didn’t? Or…something else…
Didn’t get a Fuku. Didn’t notice in time because my fantasy teams suck. And work. And stuff.
And no alt intimate meaning for “fucked” outside meh today, for better or worse.
Otoh, the Longhorns are winning. And when outside this am the day was that glorious day when the autumn slant of the light first shows a tiny, almost imperceptible golden tone. And the weather was low 80s with a few raindrops and a nice breeze. And flowers.
And another thread started today reminded me that I have so much to cherish, and I’d better make serious time for the cherishing. And for some people I know who are having a tough time.
So, I retract. “Fucked” sounded cute at around midnight, as a pseudo-bitter poll response to missing out on the Fuku. But:
Not Fucked By Life. For today.
And, if days come around where I am feeling Fucked in the non-intimate sense of the term, i.e. feeling Fucked By Life, I hope I remember something.
Life is a Bitch. But she’s my bitch.
So pls forgive last night’s cleverness. All good.
@f00l Nothing to forgive. I wasn’t upset about it, just asking.
I have been successfully GALLED! I practiced inputting all my information off and on for the past several months and it worked just fine and was complete in 50 seconds! Now, when it came time for my practice to payoff, it wouldn’t accept my credit card information, which it had done just fine many times before! I blame it on the new iOS 10, which I just installed today. It treats your credit card number like a password, and switched my keyboard for that field. Looks like I may just have to go to the trouble of memorizing the stinkin’ card number. I was done in 2 minutes, which is so meh. At least I didn’t have to do the captchas. Grrr…
@pellucid You actually have to enter everything before you buy? You have no chance then.
How about Oblivious?
Mildly annoyed, because I sensed it was about time for a fuko, so I was ready, but I ran into a patch of slow internet and didn’t check out fast enough.
I’d be more annoyed if the actual fuko’s weren’t so … how should I put it … mediocre…
Here; eat a Snickers.
You look like Hillary Clinton / Donald Trump when you’re hungry.
@TheCO2 Disturbing
@caffeine_dude Did you read the comments? They are just as good as the picture.
Just a bit robotic.
I’m not frustrated at all. This is first time since joining that I have a shot åt a fufu. It’s kind of å groovy feeling.
@cranky1950 You’re not cranky!!
Feeling groovy?
East coast server lag annoyance. Usually don’t have any problems but it took forever to load/reload/reload… Tried on both my phone and pc to no avail. Looks like no Fuko for me unless I get extra lucky at 4.
Why oh why did I have to be capcha’d? Effing capcha. Capcha. Grrr. Disappointed I’m not going to be disappointed.
This makes me so mad. I’ve never been able to get one of these despite the fact that I’ve been able to go through the transaction steps in less then 20 seconds. I was even up at 6 this morning excited to possibly get my first one after seeing that it was paused last night. But the amount of stalking on this site is ridiculous. I childishly give up.
@reharris What
@reharris Less than 10 seconds, maybe. 20 seconds? Fugget about it-
@madmaxmedia “less than 20 sec”. That covers less than 10 sec too.
Point is, I was so quick about it this morning and still couldn’t get it! I literally couldn’t have gone any faster.
@reharris I’m not sure how many posts are echoing your sentiments. This post fits me so well, I just stopped here. Somewhere along the line, I asked the people of Meh, (us ‘little people’, not the employers and employees, and I’m sure there’s a funny word for them, but it escapes me), what was the secret to getting a fuckuyouknowwhatimean. I thought there was maybe a script that the elite hackers were using. 'Cause I had been trying for like ten years. At woot, and then here. I didn’t think they’d tell me, but I thought someone would leave a hint slip, anyway. I mean, I just read a post about someone getting the last three—and I seem to remember those stories of those people getting the last 20 or whatever. And I gotta think there’s a trick.
But everyone said it was random and dumb luck.There was a lot of replies and they seemed pretty sincere.
I finally got one last time. Finally!
The one last night, I was perfect. Everything went down perfect on my end. I don’t know how I messed it up. And I was almost as mad as if I’d have never won one! I don’t remember the numbers of how many tried and how many won one last night. It was on the sold out screen, and there was over a thousand fukublahblas won.The number of hits in just a short period of time is astounding–I wish I had approximate numbers.
I don’t know what compelled me to reply. Strong feelings–all those adjectives listed! We are partners in disappointment— whatever.
I’ll take a breather. I’ll cancel my VMP for awhile, (shaves important seconds off of ordering,I figure!) And I’ll be back, to scream and kick and curse again. I hope I see ya.
(My ritual: every night at 2 till midnight–I sign in, then I open up the official atomic time website, then I refresh at a time I haven’t perfected yet. )
@reharris, if you and I are at the next one, and I had a way of seeing you got one instead of me, and I remembered who the heck you were…I’d be happy you got one and not me. So, if you get one, and I’m screaming and kicking and peeing myself–make sure you reply and tell me you got one. That will chill me the heck out pretty darn quick. And I can use those glorious words, “I ain’t even mad.”
(tl,dr shorten these up for goodness sakes, wew!)
No reason to live anymore…
@ELUNO Scratch that. Order did go through despite meh playing with my heart.
Tons of reasons to live!
@ELUNO None of which are contained in the bag.
@Al_Coholic The bag is all the reasons that have ever existed
@ELUNO Until you open it. It’s Pandora’s Bag.

Possiblilities, tracing the origins of “Bag End”: (I don’t know how much hard evidence there is for any of them in particular being "the explanation, but there are some sources for all of them being within Tolkien’s range of thinking.)
1). The expression “cul-de-sac” originated in England during the period when French was spoken by the English aristocracy. In French, Catalan or in Occitan, “cul-de-sac” literally means “ass of a bag.” Tolkien used the name Bag End as a literal translation of “cul-de-sac,” to poke fun at the British use of French terms.
2). Bag End. This was one of the other few, named for an actual person, or in this case, place. One of Tolkien’s aunts lived and the end of a cul-de-sac that locals referred to as Bag End
3). Tolkien wrote in Nomenclature of LotR1 that “Bag End”, meant to be associated with “Baggins”, was:
(sc. the end of a ‘bag’ or ‘pudding bag’ = cul-de-sac), the local name for Bilbo’s house. (It was the local name for my aunt’s farm in Worcestershire, which was at the end of a lane leading to it and no further.)
1 Found in Hammond & Scull’s LotR: A Reader’s Companion
These are just a of the few possible connections.
And there are likely connections between “Bag End” and “Baggins”. And if you try to trace them, it kinda goes on and on with possibilities, from OE, Norse, Finnish, and who knows what other languages, all way beyond my ken.
The truly cool part is that Tolkien was almost certainly aware of all of these linguistic threads when he chose his names. I wonder if there will ever be another gifted writer of fiction who possesses any similar sort of linguistic and academic knowledge that approaches the particular reach of Tolkien’s masteries and interests.
So yeah. The best part of the shipment might be “in the Bag”.
House I’m at doesn’t get us mail and I haven’t opened a po box yet, so

/giphy shrug
Just as long as you don’t use the non-word “flustrated” that I hear people say so often (presumably a conflation of flustered and frustrated)
@DrWorm Is it considered a non-word if it’s in the Merriam-Webster dictionary?

@cengland0 It has to be a fairly new addition. It isn’t an uncommon phenomenon. Once enough people start misusing a word (or non-word), rather than trying to get people to correct their usage, the usage is adopted as correct. For decades, “nauseous” meant “nauseating” and not “nauseated”. As more and more people starting saying “Ugh, I’m so nauseous” (prompting me to say “Yes you are!”) over time the alternate usage was incorporated into the lexicon and the dictionary now provides both definitions as correct.
@DrWorm The two that bother me more than it should is moot and anxious.
“It’s a moot point.” Usually to mean there is no sense in discussing any longer. However, moot means “subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty, and typically not admitting of a final decision.” In other words, usually the exact opposite of what people think.
“I’m anxious to go to that party.” Usually mean they are eager to go. Anxious means, “experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.” Again, usually the opposite of what people really mean.
Both moot and anxious have had their definitions appended to account for the common errors.
(Pls note, I have no brain)
People should prob care a lot about biz, academic, and formal standards of language in those non-casual settings - depending on social expectations and needs, which vary wildly.
I noticed that when the kids whose first reading was stuff on the net came up in age, at first they kinda couldn’t spell or parse grammar much. This could be a cultural loss and loss in the capacity for rigorous thinking of a generation - or not. They seemed to pick up most of what they needed as they went along. And they seem to do more than their share of cultural creativity that carries weight.
As for all that erroneous and casual usage? Is it? Really? Does Webster or the OED determine this? Hmmm. I wonder how all those words and customs got there in the first place.
And as for rigor and clarity - and lack thereof - the quantities of both are clearly increasing - but the relative proportions seem similar to those of decades and centuries past. Esp when one considers the potential growth and mix of those whose words one might notice, compared to, say, 1800 or 1950.
When we are not in more formal settings:
Language belongs to the people.
And People belong to the language.
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”
Who owns language?
WTF. I do. Why not?
And you, and you, and you.
/giphy let it burn

/image Phoenix

@cengland0 How are those definitions of moot different? If something can’t have a final decision what’s the point of debating it?

on the Ngram viewer, or etymonline puts it at 1712.
Re final decisions, and the point of debating something if no resolution can be easily reached: watched a 24 hour news channel or listened to an all-sports radio channel lately?
Lots of reasons:
Advertising revenue.
Filling up time and space with noise
Filling your airwaves with your noise as an act of ownership of part of the important conversational spectrum. (a dominance thing)
Gaining prestige and influence
Pushing a POV
Illuminating a subject
Obscuring, concealing, deception
Getting a commenting gig
Getting a talk radio show
Getting a prestige influential job.
Getting a book offer and tour
Getting an academic offer
Getting invited to the right "influence events"
Getting invited to the right social events or more general social climbing
Selling an already published book
Promoting an existing show/blog/publication/column/article, or promoting an upcoming one
Selling an investment or self help product
(Crudely) Getting laid
And on. And on.
Ever notice how those media outlets don’t have any probs finding talkative types to be in the air?
Furthermore, much of what is discussed is not susceptible to simple consensus or logical solutions, tho there may be sufficient political consensus or political weight-throwing to cause movement in a given direction.
/giphy mute moot

If by frustrated, you mean waking up at 7AM to find out you missed a Fuko at Midnight, then realizing you have another chance at 8AM, only to refresh the page at 8AM sharp, get past the CAPTCHA gatekeeper, wait a full minute staring at the green bar and have “something go wrong” and natch by that time it’s sold out, only to get an email at 8:06 stating my order was placed (painstaking-parched-toucan – no kidding) that I didn’t see until after 9:00am and breathe a sigh of relief that I don’t have throw a Hail Mary at 4PM, then yeah, I’m frustrated as hell.
They just love you.
I try to stay cheerful
Reasons to be Cheerful - Part 3
by the last but great Ian Dury (and the blockheads)
My gruntle is so dissed right now.
I’m always spiteful. why should today be any different?
Pretty awesome. Good to see you guys really rubbing it in. I hope someday you sell just one. Or claim to be selling them but say they are sold out immediately. But keep slowly ticking up the “number sold” counter throughout the day. Maybe all post under fake names saying you got one and go on and on about how excited you are. And then the next day when all the hardcore people are feeling despondent and don’t check right away, actually sell them. That’d be a good April Fools joke.