@PocketBrain I had the feeling someone would say something about that. There was several different versions, with Obama in there, but this one was the closest to looking real.
@SSteve No. Jefferson earned that last place. Philandering slaver. Phht, it wasn't even his ideas in the declaration. He's just a glorified plagiarist. Barely involved in the war. Compared to the other three, he's that kinda creepy uncle who is either homeless or a leech. Or wears plaid suits. Or all three. Then he tried to slip my mom anime porn to give to me. When I was 7. Yeah, I lost control of that one.
@SSteve I know, it is insane. Washington certainly earned his role as our first president. Lincoln is certainly one of the most important presidents. But Jefferson more than any other on this list symbolizes democracy, liberty and education. Yes, he owned slaves, but they all did at the time. And he admitted it was wrong.
I can't believe Theodore Roosevelt would rank this high. Yes, he signed if a few good things. But he was a war mongering white supremacist. He orchestrated immoral wars and supported the removal of native americans. Here's a quote of his: "I don't go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are, and I shouldn't inquire too closely into the case of the tenth. The most vicious cowboy has more moral principle than the average Indian."
TR was a bombastic, arrogant s.o.b,....if you're into that sort of thing. Washington was one of the few leaders in history who actually chose to relinquish power, when he could have been king-elect for life.
Benjamin Franklin.
Crazy Horse
Some other one you'll mention in the comments.
Anyone who doesn't recognize Teddy as the most awesomely macho renaissance man ever can back right off.
@WilhelmScreamer Oh dang Kate Beaton is the best
@f00l Huh?
William J. Le Petomane
awww. Only 2 Mel Brooks fans here?
I named my son Theodore for a reason.
@TheCO2 How DARE you replace Lincoln? He made America free for all people!
@PocketBrain I had the feeling someone would say something about that. There was several different versions, with Obama in there, but this one was the closest to looking real.
Excellent question!
Jefferson is coming in last? Are you fucking kidding me!?
@SSteve It's tough competition
@SSteve No. Jefferson earned that last place. Philandering slaver. Phht, it wasn't even his ideas in the declaration. He's just a glorified plagiarist. Barely involved in the war. Compared to the other three, he's that kinda creepy uncle who is either homeless or a leech. Or wears plaid suits. Or all three. Then he tried to slip my mom anime porn to give to me. When I was 7. Yeah, I lost control of that one.
@SSteve I know, it is insane. Washington certainly earned his role as our first president. Lincoln is certainly one of the most important presidents. But Jefferson more than any other on this list symbolizes democracy, liberty and education. Yes, he owned slaves, but they all did at the time. And he admitted it was wrong.
@SSteve ... Was Washington really the best or was it that they didn't have anyone to compare him to? (abby normal minds wanna know).
@varriform Alexander Hamilton didn't own slaves. Plenty of people didn't. Jefferson was a walking contradiction.
/I get your point though =P
@SSteve @dis_member @simplersimon @varriform Long read, but worth it.
@Pavlov Can I change my vote?
Suck it, Jefferson!
I can't believe Theodore Roosevelt would rank this high. Yes, he signed if a few good things. But he was a war mongering white supremacist. He orchestrated immoral wars and supported the removal of native americans. Here's a quote of his: "I don't go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are, and I shouldn't inquire too closely into the case of the tenth. The most vicious cowboy has more moral principle than the average Indian."
@varriform You really should go to one of his museums to learn more.
George Jefferson!
Franchot Tone.. !!
TR was a bombastic, arrogant s.o.b,....if you're into that sort of thing. Washington was one of the few leaders in history who actually chose to relinquish power, when he could have been king-elect for life.
He'll save children but not the British children.
Charles Koch
Rufus T. Firefly. (Look it up, youngsters.)
Greatest known leader of the nation of Freedonia.