@lisagd Sidewalk is like Amazon’s version of Apple: s Find My, or a commercial version of Lorawan.
It’s a long range low volume low power network that allows devices to communicate through a central server. Devices use Bluetooth or 915MHz radio to communicate with newer Echo devices. Then the data is transferred through the Internet.
So far Tile is the biggest user.
It’s a really cool thing that got a lot of bad press when it was announced, written either by people who didn’t take the time to understand how it works or didn’t care as long as they could write sensational headlines.
It does not allow people to use your internet connection. It’s low volume and potentially laggy. It only communicates with Sidewalk servers and devices.
@kuoh so… About two hours ago as I was leaving my mom’s. I walked across the street, started my truck, backed in, left it running to load just a box or two, then proceeded to just subconsciously “check” my pockets before I left. Cause everything goes somewhere and I’d had things in and out all day.
Wallet/phone/knife/keys… Wait my keys aren’t in my watch pocket… Where did I leave my keys … As there is a running truck next to me.
Lol. Was a split second but. Ugh. Some days
@Kidsandliz@kuoh Actually, the switch is still on the right side of the column on those, so no, the photo is of a very odd vehicle, or else someone just got sloppy about photoshopping something and didn’t think to edit out the keys and switch. (My actual bet is the latter, particularly in view of the column-mounted shift lever being on the wrong side as well, but an opportunity for a bit of snark is seldom best wasted.)
I can remember “once upon a time” when the occasional pic got flipped due to getting a negative in the enlarger backwards.
One particular incident always comes to mind of a pic in a copy of National Geographic. It showed a bunch of folks sitting around in a tent, eating from a communal bowl with their hands. Since the pic was reversed it showed everyone in the bowl with their left hands which was a giant NO-No for a bunch of Muslims!
…when they are not actively in use:
The Rav set hangs from a hook by the front door
The Focus set hangs with them (usually behind them since it’s the backup vehicle)
The ones to Mom’s house (with the garage door opener) live on the counter of the wet bar in front of the Lenovo tablet that is being used as a monitor for Mom’s (6) cameras. I very rarely have to hunt for keys… unless i come in the back door with packages and set them down rather than walk across the house to hang them where they belong.
I actually was in the parking lot letting the a/c cool down the car before driving.
I work in an ER … trust me I know what texting while you drive will get you!
On the spot in front of the TV I’ve apparently decided is the place to keep my keys.
Funnily enough, I had a dream this morning in which some guy (I knew who he was in the dream) who had done some work for me or made a delivery had left his keys on my kitchen table and had to come back to get them. I told him how I alwayIs kept them on a decorative pillar I used to have by my front door and how great it was that I always knew where they were.
Some kid also left his keys on my kitchen table. One of his keys had some sort of cover made of red plastic over the part you hold on to; one of the first guy’s keys had a green plastic cover. My dreams are full of details like that.
I find your question disturbing. If you had asked: “Where are your keys?” I could have echoed @yakkoTDI and pointed to my keys. The addition of “right now” to the question implies that they may be somewhere else at any time. Now I keep looking around the monitor to make sure my keys are where they are supposed to be and have not gone wandering off without me. Thanks a lot, Meh.
Over there
----me points to keys
@yakkoTDI That’s right where I keep mine, too!
@xobzoo That explains the extras.
@xobzoo @yakkoTDI So that’s why they’ve gotten so heavy lately.
On the hook with the dozen trackrs from my IRK. I do regret it though so. As advertised.
Alexa says my keys were last seen three minutes ago very close to my bedroom Dot.
Google Assistant says they were last seen at 12:08 near my address.
I assume it’s Sidewalk that allows Alexa to know which room.
@craigthom I did not know about Amazon Sidewalk. Thanks for the heads up.
@craigthom What’s Sidewalk?
@lisagd Sidewalk is like Amazon’s version of Apple: s Find My, or a commercial version of Lorawan.
It’s a long range low volume low power network that allows devices to communicate through a central server. Devices use Bluetooth or 915MHz radio to communicate with newer Echo devices. Then the data is transferred through the Internet.
So far Tile is the biggest user.
It’s a really cool thing that got a lot of bad press when it was announced, written either by people who didn’t take the time to understand how it works or didn’t care as long as they could write sensational headlines.
It does not allow people to use your internet connection. It’s low volume and potentially laggy. It only communicates with Sidewalk servers and devices.
Hanging on the side of the fridge via the power of magnets.
In my work backpack, where they usually live.
In the dark, underneath the cabinet.
Right where I forgot them.
@kuoh That is a very odd vehicle, to have the switch on the left side of the column.
@kuoh so… About two hours ago as I was leaving my mom’s. I walked across the street, started my truck, backed in, left it running to load just a box or two, then proceeded to just subconsciously “check” my pockets before I left. Cause everything goes somewhere and I’d had things in and out all day.
Wallet/phone/knife/keys… Wait my keys aren’t in my watch pocket… Where did I leave my keys … As there is a running truck next to me.
Lol. Was a split second but. Ugh. Some days
@kuoh @werehatrack
That would be a right hand drive car like in the UK.
@Kidsandliz @kuoh Actually, the switch is still on the right side of the column on those, so no, the photo is of a very odd vehicle, or else someone just got sloppy about photoshopping something and didn’t think to edit out the keys and switch. (My actual bet is the latter, particularly in view of the column-mounted shift lever being on the wrong side as well, but an opportunity for a bit of snark is seldom best wasted.)
@Kidsandliz @kuoh @werehatrack I’ll second the vote for sloppy photoshopping.
I don’t know if there’s any particular reason they needed it to be facing that direction, but it looks to me like it just got flipped.
Here it what it looks like the other direction:
(it appears I lost the looping… oh well, it’s not that important)
@Kidsandliz @kuoh @werehatrack @xobzoo
I can remember “once upon a time” when the occasional pic got flipped due to getting a negative in the enlarger backwards.
One particular incident always comes to mind of a pic in a copy of National Geographic. It showed a bunch of folks sitting around in a tent, eating from a communal bowl with their hands. Since the pic was reversed it showed everyone in the bowl with their left hands which was a giant NO-No for a bunch of Muslims!
On the thing.
@ZeroCharisma Where? I don’t see them on there.
@yakkoTDI 1973 model.
@yakkoTDI No, I meant the other thing.
In my ignition. I’m leaving work now!
…when they are not actively in use:
The Rav set hangs from a hook by the front door
The Focus set hangs with them (usually behind them since it’s the backup vehicle)
The ones to Mom’s house (with the garage door opener) live on the counter of the wet bar in front of the Lenovo tablet that is being used as a monitor for Mom’s (6) cameras. I very rarely have to hunt for keys… unless i come in the back door with packages and set them down rather than walk across the house to hang them where they belong.
@chienfou texting and driving at the same time? tisk tisk tisk.
I actually was in the parking lot letting the a/c cool down the car before driving.
I work in an ER … trust me I know what texting while you drive will get you!
Somewhere in San Diego, CA. I hope the person I entrusted with my car while I travel Europe this summer is keeping track of them.
In a drawer in my credenza.
Hanging from my wife’s left nipple. We’re both very excited!
keys are in the truck cuz that’s what they do
the kitchen counter where they belong
On the spot in front of the TV I’ve apparently decided is the place to keep my keys.
Funnily enough, I had a dream this morning in which some guy (I knew who he was in the dream) who had done some work for me or made a delivery had left his keys on my kitchen table and had to come back to get them. I told him how I alwayIs kept them on a decorative pillar I used to have by my front door and how great it was that I always knew where they were.
Some kid also left his keys on my kitchen table. One of his keys had some sort of cover made of red plastic over the part you hold on to; one of the first guy’s keys had a green plastic cover. My dreams are full of details like that.
I find your question disturbing. If you had asked: “Where are your keys?” I could have echoed @yakkoTDI and pointed to my keys. The addition of “right now” to the question implies that they may be somewhere else at any time. Now I keep looking around the monitor to make sure my keys are where they are supposed to be and have not gone wandering off without me. Thanks a lot, Meh.
/youtube do you know where your kids are right now
@Yoda_Daenerys - Did you ever find yours?
before i answer, can i ask, is mediocrebot just out of ideas, that is has to plagiarize mine?!?
and, yes, i have found, and then lost again, my keys…
at the time of this writing, i’m not sure where my other pair of glasses is though.
@Yoda_Daenerys We’ll just have to see if he runs a poll asking where our glasses are next.
(Have you checked on top of your head?)