It takes about thirty seconds to get to the pantry, thirty seconds to fill the press with hot water, and then four minutes to brew. So, five minutes after I get to work.
@smyle I’m not a morning person. Coffee tastes gross unless there’s a shit ton of cream and sugar. Dunkin Donuts coffee Coolata or the Starbucks bottled frappucino things, something along those lines. I drink those rarely. Mt. Dew used to be my caffeine fix. I mostly drink water or milk now. If I drink anything with caffeine, it keeps me awake.
I feel better day to day that I don’t drink caffeine. I sleep more easily at night.
i drink maybe 3 cups or so while working on my work e-mails in the morning, then 3-4 during the day while actually working. Just bought several K-Cup packs yesterday, but we also have 7 different brand packages of coffee at home and I do various mixes for me & my wife. We’re also gold members at Starbucks, for when cold coffee is needed. I cherish my addiction.
Starbucks might not be truly extreme great coffee or anything. It’s sure nothing as good as what you can get in Little Italy. But they have drive-thru and now they have almond-milk. And I am weak and lazy and, “just gimme the fucking coffee already”.
So when I am tired and want to eat something because I am tired, an almond-milk latte or similar iced coffee fixes me. No longer want 4 tacos or a large bag of m&m’s or a box of crackers.
@f00l Starbucks is nice, if you like dark roasts. I for one enjoy their espresso roast a lot and before my foray into the fancy specialized coffees French roast (and French coffee in general) was my choice.
That being said, they don’t have packaged hazelnut coffee and they discontinued hazelnut drizzle for frapps months ago (those bastards). Thankfully, I bought 64 hazelnut K-Cups and 7 pounds of hazelnuts themselves, so it should tide me over.
I can’t. Coffee gives me a hangover. A real, swear upon all that is true and verifiable, hangover. And it’s not the caffeine. Multiple energy drinks don’t do me in the way a single mouthful of coffee will.
I can’t even have frickin’ tiramisu. I don’t know what I did to deserve this.
@Pixy not caffeine? Seriously would like to understand this.
My doc told me I have a caffeine intolerance. It built up over years. In my teens I could have 4 sodas a day and it only bothered me when I ran (shortness of breathe). By my mid 30s 1 cup of coffee a day and I’d get what I’d call a killer “hangover” (a 3 day migraine) if I didn’t drink a cup the next day. Now even a tiny amount of caffeine of any type (half cup of decaf, a Hershey minature, half a bottle Crush orange soda) and I get that migraine every time. I had to give up coffee, chocolate, etc (tirami su).
But you say yours isn’t caffeine. What is it?
P.S. I am an annoyingly happy morning person without coffee (it’s 5:30 on Sat and am wide awake so trying to figure out things I can work on without waking family), but I miss chocolate and coffee and this poll made me sad.
@mollama I wish I knew. But I am one of those people who practically has a tea cup grafted to her hand (if it ain’t strong enough to melt the spoon, it’s not steeped enough), I’ve even taken caffeine pills without the same effect that coffee has on me. The ONLY times tea has done it to me are a few cases where I’ve had Tim Hortons steeped tea… and that might be because they use the same filter baskets as when they make coffee and maybe someone didn’t rinse it very well so there was cross contamination.
And I am NOT a cheery morning person. If I could, I would volunteer for graveyard shifts. When I did work those (different job) I actually felt LESS tired at the end of my shift.
Do. Not. Drink. Coffee. Smells gross tastes even worse. Hate anything coffee flavored. Including coffee ice cream and ice cream is one of my favorite foods (well that and chocolate, which if you eat it as M&M’s I am positive it is a vitamin as in vitamin M - chocolate is necessary for your health, well being and future happiness).
@Kidsandliz How do you feel about cilantro, licorice, and saffron? Like cilantro, but licorice gives me a whopper headache, & I hate the taste. Doing better with the saffron these days. No problems when eating all the paella everywhere because buttery ricey flavorful goodness. It used to give me headaches, too.
(I will gratefully accept the burden of drinking your share of coffee, although I’m supposed to be shifting to drinking half caff because my heart got an irritable attitude about the caffeine.)
@LaVikinga A big no to those too except never had paella. You can have all my coffee. A lifetime supply. And I’ll be nice - it won’t even be walmart generic brand.
@LaVikinga I have wondered that myself. My dad and I were at odds with the rest of the family over spices, pepper (even a few grains tastes too hot to me), things with after taste (which is why I hate alcohol), etc.
If coffee tasted the way it smelled I would be all over it.
Coffee does NOT taste the way it smells so I have to be content hanging out by the coffee grinders.
Living as an adult and Not Loving Coffee much be such a terrible burden. I am glad to hear that chocolate works as an alternate supreme pleasure. I hope your chocolate emergency supply never falls below 6 months worth.
Just kicked coffee after a couple years of ungodly early work hours + free breakroom coffee led me to form more of a habit than I was comfortable with. I didn’t think I’d miss it, since I considered it more of a convenient caffeine delivery system rather than a taste I actually enjoyed, but now my mouth is watering just thinking about it :__;
I stopped drinking caffeine a few years ago. I get my caffeine from pills that cost less than a dime each, 200mg at a time.
I get my morning caffeine before I even get out of bed. I carry extra with me in a little canister on my key chain. Most days, I don’t use those pills most days.
Now that I’m on pharmaceutical-grade speed for my ADD, I’m drinking a lot less coffee than I used to. I’ll still enjoy a cup from time to time, but usually later in the day, after I take my medication. I find if I drink coffee before I take my Adderall, it reduces the effect. Afterwards, I don’t notice much difference, as long as I don’t have too much.
Go much more or mostly vegetarian or vegan and dump the processed food for a week (hidden salt). See if it fixes much of the blood pressure issue. It did for my cousin.
Oh yeah. Dump the sodas and colas too for the test week. Use water or iced tea.
If you drink beer during that week, make it a craft beer.
@PlacidPenguin I have never seen a whole episode of “The View,” “The Talk” or “The Wendy Williams Show.” I have seen a whole episode of “Fab Life” though.
They had some kinda themed special sale once. Literary t-shirts or something? No, I remember, it was special sale that honored that shirt for being in the top 20 for five years straight.
And I think you could get a cream-colored one and perhaps another color. Or a light text black shirt. There were color options. and also a hoodie or jacket. I think a tote.
That might be the sale I remember. Perhaps I now have the light and dark grey shirts? I would have to figure out where I have hidden that shirts from myself, in order to be sure.
But I do remember it specifically being mentioned on the sale page, or in a link to the page, about the sale being specifically in honor of that shirt being in the top 20 for five years. I remember I was both happy and sad for that shirt. Happy the design was being honored. Sad, because if a buncha holdouts bought it from that special sale, it would prob drop off the top 20. And that did happen, within a few weeks if I remember.
Only beware my memory sux.
Pretty sure “Nevermore” was the first shirt - possibly the first thing - I ever bought from Woot. Too lazy to go check my purchase history to confirm.
In the afternoon, with breakfast.
You mean orally, right?
Usually at work. The Aroma Polti could pull a shot before my computer gets to the login.
Taking it medicinally now
I drink it with breakfast after I get to work. I read the news and will myself to do stuff that I actually get paid to do.
It takes about thirty seconds to get to the pantry, thirty seconds to fill the press with hot water, and then four minutes to brew. So, five minutes after I get to work.
Coffee is my got to caffeine source, but I only punch that horse when I have no chance of staying awake otherwise.
Who are all these freaks who don’t drink coffee???
They’re probably those disgusting cheery-morning-type people. I hate cheery-morning-type people.
@smyle Can’t stand those morning types. We don’t take kindly to those around 'ere. Bring on the eternal night!
@smyle I hate cheery-morning-type people. They’re disgusting, like the taste of coffee.
@smyle I’m not a morning person. Coffee tastes gross unless there’s a shit ton of cream and sugar. Dunkin Donuts coffee Coolata or the Starbucks bottled frappucino things, something along those lines. I drink those rarely. Mt. Dew used to be my caffeine fix. I mostly drink water or milk now. If I drink anything with caffeine, it keeps me awake.
I feel better day to day that I don’t drink caffeine. I sleep more easily at night.
Always relevant.
I usually waddle out to the coffee machine about 6:30 after I fire up the computer.
i drink maybe 3 cups or so while working on my work e-mails in the morning, then 3-4 during the day while actually working. Just bought several K-Cup packs yesterday, but we also have 7 different brand packages of coffee at home and I do various mixes for me & my wife. We’re also gold members at Starbucks, for when cold coffee is needed. I cherish my addiction.
Starbucks might not be truly extreme great coffee or anything. It’s sure nothing as good as what you can get in Little Italy. But they have drive-thru and now they have almond-milk. And I am weak and lazy and, “just gimme the fucking coffee already”.
So when I am tired and want to eat something because I am tired, an almond-milk latte or similar iced coffee fixes me. No longer want 4 tacos or a large bag of m&m’s or a box of crackers.
@f00l Starbucks is nice, if you like dark roasts. I for one enjoy their espresso roast a lot and before my foray into the fancy specialized coffees French roast (and French coffee in general) was my choice.
That being said, they don’t have packaged hazelnut coffee and they discontinued hazelnut drizzle for frapps months ago (those bastards). Thankfully, I bought 64 hazelnut K-Cups and 7 pounds of hazelnuts themselves, so it should tide me over.
I can’t. Coffee gives me a hangover. A real, swear upon all that is true and verifiable, hangover. And it’s not the caffeine. Multiple energy drinks don’t do me in the way a single mouthful of coffee will.
I can’t even have frickin’ tiramisu. I don’t know what I did to deserve this.
@Pixy not caffeine? Seriously would like to understand this.
My doc told me I have a caffeine intolerance. It built up over years. In my teens I could have 4 sodas a day and it only bothered me when I ran (shortness of breathe). By my mid 30s 1 cup of coffee a day and I’d get what I’d call a killer “hangover” (a 3 day migraine) if I didn’t drink a cup the next day. Now even a tiny amount of caffeine of any type (half cup of decaf, a Hershey minature, half a bottle Crush orange soda) and I get that migraine every time. I had to give up coffee, chocolate, etc (tirami su).
But you say yours isn’t caffeine. What is it?
P.S. I am an annoyingly happy morning person without coffee (it’s 5:30 on Sat and am wide awake so trying to figure out things I can work on without waking family), but I miss chocolate and coffee and this poll made me sad.
@mollama I wish I knew. But I am one of those people who practically has a tea cup grafted to her hand (if it ain’t strong enough to melt the spoon, it’s not steeped enough), I’ve even taken caffeine pills without the same effect that coffee has on me. The ONLY times tea has done it to me are a few cases where I’ve had Tim Hortons steeped tea… and that might be because they use the same filter baskets as when they make coffee and maybe someone didn’t rinse it very well so there was cross contamination.
And I am NOT a cheery morning person. If I could, I would volunteer for graveyard shifts. When I did work those (different job) I actually felt LESS tired at the end of my shift.
Do. Not. Drink. Coffee. Smells gross tastes even worse. Hate anything coffee flavored. Including coffee ice cream and ice cream is one of my favorite foods (well that and chocolate, which if you eat it as M&M’s I am positive it is a vitamin as in vitamin M - chocolate is necessary for your health, well being and future happiness).
@Kidsandliz How do you feel about cilantro, licorice, and saffron? Like cilantro, but licorice gives me a whopper headache, & I hate the taste. Doing better with the saffron these days. No problems when eating all the paella everywhere because buttery ricey flavorful goodness. It used to give me headaches, too.
(I will gratefully accept the burden of drinking your share of coffee, although I’m supposed to be shifting to drinking half caff because my heart got an irritable attitude about the caffeine.)
@LaVikinga A big no to those too except never had paella. You can have all my coffee. A lifetime supply. And I’ll be nice - it won’t even be walmart generic brand.
@Kidsandliz I wonder if you might be one of those individuals who are known as "super tasters?"
@LaVikinga I have wondered that myself. My dad and I were at odds with the rest of the family over spices, pepper (even a few grains tastes too hot to me), things with after taste (which is why I hate alcohol), etc.
If coffee tasted the way it smelled I would be all over it.
Coffee does NOT taste the way it smells so I have to be content hanging out by the coffee grinders.
Living as an adult and Not Loving Coffee much be such a terrible burden. I am glad to hear that chocolate works as an alternate supreme pleasure. I hope your chocolate emergency supply never falls below 6 months worth.
Just kicked coffee after a couple years of ungodly early work hours + free breakroom coffee led me to form more of a habit than I was comfortable with. I didn’t think I’d miss it, since I considered it more of a convenient caffeine delivery system rather than a taste I actually enjoyed, but now my mouth is watering just thinking about it :__;
@anemones Go smoke a cig to get the coffee craving out of your mind - just kidding : ) I’m being a smart ass.
I stopped drinking caffeine a few years ago. I get my caffeine from pills that cost less than a dime each, 200mg at a time.
I get my morning caffeine before I even get out of bed. I carry extra with me in a little canister on my key chain. Most days, I don’t use those pills most days.
Now that I’m on pharmaceutical-grade speed for my ADD, I’m drinking a lot less coffee than I used to. I’ll still enjoy a cup from time to time, but usually later in the day, after I take my medication. I find if I drink coffee before I take my Adderall, it reduces the effect. Afterwards, I don’t notice much difference, as long as I don’t have too much.
@sanspoint So you drink this?
Today, it wasn’t until 5:00 p.m., when the power came back on.
I found out last week that I have the blood pressure of a fire hydrant. That first cup is all I get anymore.
Go much more or mostly vegetarian or vegan and dump the processed food for a week (hidden salt). See if it fixes much of the blood pressure issue. It did for my cousin.
Oh yeah. Dump the sodas and colas too for the test week. Use water or iced tea.
If you drink beer during that week, make it a craft beer.
@f00l No iced tea either. Caffeine.
I wouldn’t know how to be conscious all day without caffeine. You have my sympathy.
@f00l you’d be surprised how your body adapts after a few weeks. I was a Mt. dew junkie. I function better now that I rarely drink caffeine.
@f00l Enough sleep at night would work…
According to my sister, the coffee drinker:
There is no first, there is no last,
There is only coffee.
I’ve never had coffee.
@PlacidPenguin I never have snow skied.
I’ve never done ANY skiing.
@PlacidPenguin I never have eaten sushi.
@PlacidPenguin I never have been on a zip line.
Sorry, had to remove that last one. Realized it wasn’t true.
I never have had a cheeseburger.
@PlacidPenguin I never have seen nuggets on a chicken.
I never have seen wings on a buffalo.
I have never seen a lizard being tickled.

/giphy ticklish lizard
@therealjrn (@f00l @narfcake since both of you decided to get involved)
I have never had a “close” friend.
Good ones? Sure. “Close” ? Nope.
Define “close” vs “good”, if you don’t object to so doing.
@PlacidPenguin I have never taken a Sonoma Spa Lavender Bubble Bath.
I have never met anyone who has taken a Sonoma Spa Lavender Bubble Bath.
(Does this count?)
@PlacidPenguin Mehbe invite some friends over for a Sonoma Spa Lavender Bubble Bath and mehbe change “good” to “close.”
I have never hot-tubbed naked.
I have never been to a real beach in my life.
@PlacidPenguin I have never caught a fish…well…a proper fish. I have caught some little baby fishes.
I have never seen a penguin being placid, or being otherwise, while in Antarctica.
I don’t do bucket lists, but this one temps me.
I have never had bacon.
@PlacidPenguin I have never seen a whole episode of “The View,” “The Talk” or “The Wendy Williams Show.” I have seen a whole episode of “Fab Life” though.
I have never been anywhere in the world except northeast US of A, and 2 places in Canada.
@PlacidPenguin I have never been a billionaire.
@PlacidPenguin I have never taken a cross-country bus trip. Come to think of it I have never been on a transit train or subway either.
I have never been to a farm (which is extremely ironic).
I have never been in a helicopter (though I have been on a Military transport aircraft).
@PlacidPenguin I have never been hang-gliding.
I have never been on a snowmobile.
@PlacidPenguin Huh. Me neither.
I have never seen a real-life clown.
That’s one thing that nobody ever wants to say in past-tense.
@PlacidPenguin I have never been to the Ice Capades.
I’ve never been to the State of Liberty.
Have you been to the State of Freedonia?
@PlacidPenguin Me neither I have never been to RIO to see that big Christ statue. I have been to Arkansas though, and saw the one there.
I’ve never been to Sherwood Forest. Unless you count virtually. Or imaginatively.
I’ve never had a picnic.
@PlacidPenguin I’ve never driven a jet-ski. Or snowmobile.
I’ve never ridden a T-Rex on a cattle drive. Or on a cat drive.
/giphy T-Rex

@f00l I have never let my cat drive either.

I’ve never drank beer.
@PlacidPenguin I have never shot heroin.
I’ve never shot a heron.
@PlacidPenguin I have never shot a skeet.
@therealjrn Catvertising.
I have never let my cat (that I don’t have) drink coffee.
I have never hogtied a person from California who moved to Texas.
Re: hogtie moving persons activity
That sounds bucket list worthy!
I’ve “Nevermore”, quoth the Raven.
@f00l Cue @narfcake with “The Raven” t-shirt. I bought one but I have never worn it.
Yeah @narfcake gets that honor.
I am not worthy. Even tho I own the shirt in various colors.
@f00l Colors … like gray and grey?
I’ve never studied the works of Poe.
They had some kinda themed special sale once. Literary t-shirts or something? No, I remember, it was special sale that honored that shirt for being in the top 20 for five years straight.
And I think you could get a cream-colored one and perhaps another color. Or a light text black shirt. There were color options. and also a hoodie or jacket. I think a tote.
I think I have the tote and a non-grey shirt.
I’ve never studied lit in college.
I’m sorta lying, I sat in on a poetry survey course. I wish I still had the textbook.
@f00l Possibly this side sale?
The long sleeve was originally offered in black instead of asphalt, however.
That might be the sale I remember. Perhaps I now have the light and dark grey shirts? I would have to figure out where I have hidden that shirts from myself, in order to be sure.
But I do remember it specifically being mentioned on the sale page, or in a link to the page, about the sale being specifically in honor of that shirt being in the top 20 for five years. I remember I was both happy and sad for that shirt. Happy the design was being honored. Sad, because if a buncha holdouts bought it from that special sale, it would prob drop off the top 20. And that did happen, within a few weeks if I remember.
Only beware my memory sux.
Pretty sure “Nevermore” was the first shirt - possibly the first thing - I ever bought from Woot. Too lazy to go check my purchase history to confirm.
@PlacidPenguin @therealjrn
Has anyone shot a heroine?
@compunaut On purpose? Or just by accident?
Shoot a heroine with heroin on a porpoise?
That’s good aim.
@f00l That’s a waste of a good heroine…or is it just a waste of good heroin? Well…either way it just annoys the porpoise.
Sorta Intra-Venus.
/image Birth Of Venus