You have to get somewhere that you can’t reach by auto or other land travel
Get someplace faster.
A limited number of recreational fliers
(Non-occupational) Reasons to travel by boat:
You have to get somewhere that you can’t reach by auto or other land travel
Water-skiing, wake-boarding, tubing, etc.
White-water rafting
Leisure boating / swimming
Going on a cruise
Using a ferry
You are on an Ivy League sculling team
(probably more that I am forgetting)
There are more individual reasons to be on a boat, but since there are plenty of people that have zero interest in boat-themed leisure activities, the efficiency of flying on a plane probably does apply to more Americans than all the boat reasons combined.
@cengland0 Depends on who you are.
If you’re an Officer it’s a yacht or cruise ship.
If you’re enlisted it’s a canoe (crowded spaces).
If you’re an airdale it’s a [motor] boat. (Bubbleheads need not comment)
@OldCatLady Haze gray and underway. Or if you were a P3 sailor; Pointy at one end, blunt on the other, and you stand on the pier and wave goodby to them.
@nickiwhite@oldcatlady I used to work (summer job) on the Norfolk Rover - that green tall ship with red sails that goes up and down the Elizabeth River, past the Navy base with the 3 hour tourist sails. And I sailed my 14’ sailboat in the little bay on Willoughby Spit on the one side of the Navy base (my friend’s dad owned the middle marina there). Interesting to sail by there.
One day on the tall ship I was on bow watch and ran back to warn the captain that we were about ready to run over a sub. He said, “I don’t see it on radar”. Duh. It’s a sub and it’s not supposed to show up on radar. The river can get pretty crowded and lots of blind spots with a tall ship (as well as a lot of small boats on schooner watch who’d get too close wanting to get a good look at us and forget to watch what they were doing while videoing or gaping and/or had no clue about the rules of the road). We’d joke we were going to purposely stab the bowsprit (spar that sticks out in front of the boat) through the sails of a small sailboat and take it home as a pet. LOL
I went to Nashville and took the General Jackson up the Tennessee river. Its a nice touristy thing to do. I did have a tiny bit,of fear as i am a yankee and could have been thrown overboard should they have paid attention to my accent.
However, I’m really excited to be going on my first cruise in January. Will be the first time I’m on a cruise ship. Going on JamCruise 2017 baby!
The Diamant, a 100 ft sailboat with Island Windjammers, from St. Lucia to Grenada . 6 cabins holding 12 strangers that were all friends by the end of the week. Loved it so much we are going back next summer for our anniversary.
@chienfou We rented & sailed a 30ft boat for a week as part of a 4-ship flotilla in the Florida Keys about 20yr ago. The lead ship was 40 or 42ft and had a pro captain & chef. Our family were (are) experienced sailors, so we had full control of our boat, but always stayed in sight (and radio/walkie-talkie communication) of the lead. That allowed us to avoid any complicated navigation.
We later rented a similar boat for a week-long cruise around BVI
TL:DR: Love the barefoot/charter sailboat experience!
/image 40 foot sailboat
something like this
@2many2no I go back to the Bob Gibson, Tim Mc Carver, Curt Flood days…Left STL in '73. That was just my way of acknowledging I recognized the “boat” you had posted…
@chienfou It was a great place to grow up, but I rarely go back, just to see family. I left in 1972, courtesy of Uncle Sam.
It was a treat to see Stan the Man at the old Sportsman’s Park, the wood bleachers would shake like they were coming down when everyone started slamming their seats in time with La Cucaracha.
@2many2no Yeah, I grew up in Florissant and left in early 73 to move back to France with my parents. I then came back stateside and moved to Boulder CO when I found out my scholarships were cancelled since my parents no longer lived in MO and I was under 21 so no longer considered a ‘resident’.
Used to go see the Cards a couple of times a season when the Post Dispatch doled out tix for straight A students…Augie Busch was a great patron for STL.
wow, i can’t believe it’s been 6 years since i’ve been on a boat…
that was on a ferry crossing from Port Clinton(-ish) across to South Bass Island in lake Erie.
Home of Put-in-Bay, and the monument commemorating Commodore Perry’s Victory just off shore in the war of 1812.
Every time i see this thread i wish i could change my answer. I am currently on a sailboat but in last week have done motor ,sail, paddle wheel,row,kayak in no particular order
@cranky1950 First time I rode this it was called the 4 winds if the world and it was the pepsi pavillion at the ny world fair. Drove my father nuts, little did I suspect that he would get to gloat in about 20 yrs.
Never been on a boat of any kind in my life.
This is deeply weird
@TickledLizard Well that’s just sad. How do you know if you get sea sick or not?
Never had any reason to.
Just like I’ve never been on a plane.
I simply have no way of knowing if I would get seasick.
Never having flown is way less weird
There would technically be more of a reason to go on a plane than a boat though.
Depends on your circumstances, I guess. For you, that could be. For mankind generally, definitely not.
@matthew @TickledLizard I think it depends on how you define “more reason”.
(Non-occupational) Reasons to travel by airplane:
(Non-occupational) Reasons to travel by boat:
There are more individual reasons to be on a boat, but since there are plenty of people that have zero interest in boat-themed leisure activities, the efficiency of flying on a plane probably does apply to more Americans than all the boat reasons combined.
@TickledLizard that is very sad I will take you out on a boat if you want to go on boat’s everyday I was on two different boats today
Do you live anywhere near NYC? If so, do a round trip on the Staten Island Ferry sometime. Glorious.
Sounds nice.
~35 miles away.
@DrWorm You forgot - work for the mafia - oh wait that is an occupational reason…
I just realized something.
I WAS on a boat.
Once… When I was 10.
I’ll reduce my estimate for the depth of the weirdness of this accordingly.
So you still think it’s weird.
Oh, it’s hellza weird
Do you consider this weird?
Whoops, I mean this.
25’ Cabin Cruiser.
Wish I could afford a houseboat. Trailers of the sea.
@brhfl Here you go… cheap and easy to build.
@spitfire6006006 also
@SSteve I wish I was on that boat.
What about a Navy cruiser? As far as I know, no current Navy ships fit into any of those categories.
@cengland0 BGT. See comment below.
@cengland0 Depends on who you are.
If you’re an Officer it’s a yacht or cruise ship.
If you’re enlisted it’s a canoe (crowded spaces).
If you’re an airdale it’s a [motor] boat. (Bubbleheads need not comment)
Does “motorboating” count?
@Fish_Kungfu You motorboatin’ son of a bitch!
@plastrd Hahaha! ;-p
Crap. I thought I was on a barge but I was on a ferry. I checked other. Forgive me.
The USS George Washington for four years.
@nickiwhite BGT.
@OldCatLady Haze gray and underway. Or if you were a P3 sailor; Pointy at one end, blunt on the other, and you stand on the pier and wave goodby to them.
@Mehrocco_Mole That’s them! NAVSTA Norfolk for a few decades. Always a thrill to sneak onto the roof and watch the carriers come in.
@OldCatLady I was only in Norfolk for a couple of months before we shifted ports to Yokosuka, and left before she came back
@nickiwhite @oldcatlady I used to work (summer job) on the Norfolk Rover - that green tall ship with red sails that goes up and down the Elizabeth River, past the Navy base with the 3 hour tourist sails. And I sailed my 14’ sailboat in the little bay on Willoughby Spit on the one side of the Navy base (my friend’s dad owned the middle marina there). Interesting to sail by there.
One day on the tall ship I was on bow watch and ran back to warn the captain that we were about ready to run over a sub. He said, “I don’t see it on radar”. Duh. It’s a sub and it’s not supposed to show up on radar. The river can get pretty crowded and lots of blind spots with a tall ship (as well as a lot of small boats on schooner watch who’d get too close wanting to get a good look at us and forget to watch what they were doing while videoing or gaping and/or had no clue about the rules of the road). We’d joke we were going to purposely stab the bowsprit (spar that sticks out in front of the boat) through the sails of a small sailboat and take it home as a pet. LOL
@nickiwhite I was on U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln for three years. Right now, I work in King’s Bay. I hope to get a tour on a boomer one day.
A jet ski – does that float your boat?
Container ships don’t fit into any category either. I’m on those way too often.
“The Cat”, a fast ferry between Maine and Nova Scotia. Goes about 40mph once it gets out on the ocean.
the cat
Party boat!!
A harbor tour boat. SF
Paddle boat.
Edit: Pedal boat.
You should have another category: BGT.
Big Gray Things.
Do you count a submarine as a boat? If so, that.
@Luko26 BGT.
@OldCatLady I feel like subs don’t fit the ‘big’ or ‘gray’ part of that. Could fit SBT?
I went to Nashville and took the General Jackson up the Tennessee river. Its a nice touristy thing to do. I did have a tiny bit,of fear as i am a yankee and could have been thrown overboard should they have paid attention to my accent.
@OldCatLady might have brought up the fact that there should be another category.
@hems79 at least they have the “some other option you’ll bring up in the forum” choice this time.
A dinner cruise ship out of Destin Florida.
The Love Boat! Exciting and new!

@awk wtf.
Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland.
The Bateauxbus on the River Seine in Paris. I don’t think it is considered a ferry as it only transports people. It really is a waterborne bus.
@Cheddy Passenger-only ferries are ferries.
RMS Queen Mary. She needs a paint job.
Jon boat with a trolling motor
Last month we took the Victoria Clipper from Seattle to Victoria and back.
making love in a canoe…beer…
I stepped in the canoe on my way across the garage today… I guess that’s technically the most recent…
Tall ship!
@anemones YEA!!! I have a captain’s license for the 100 ton ones and a mate’s for 200 ton.
The Colonel Paddlewheel Boat! Several years ago now.

@greengalore I voted “canoe,” but you jogged my memory. The last boat I was on was the Dixie in North Webster, Indiana.
Carribean cruise

USS Harry W. Hill (DD-986), a Spruance class destroyer, 1983-1990 (E2 to E6). It was the Cadillac of the sea for the Navy at the time.
my baby
@NICKDCJ7 all I see in that picture is a hole in the water in which to pour money.
While standing under a full-force cold shower.
@f00l While trying to dock with no lights, against the wind, with a strong current, murmuring ‘That’s pitch. That’s roll. That’s yaw.’
Pontoon. Should totally have been a poll option.
@katylava I think you meant
@katylava Ah yes, I saw Little Big Town in concert.
White Water Raft.
@thismyusername No good in the rain but wonderful LOL
@thismyusername Something tells me I don’t want to know what it smells like there.
@thismyusername now THAT is a party barge.
My fly fishing boat . . .
@beavsco Dude
Took the Staten Island Ferry to and from an Air Guitar competition a couple of months ago. Nice ride. Staten Island sucks, though.
A kayak is the last boat I was on.
However, I’m really excited to be going on my first cruise in January. Will be the first time I’m on a cruise ship. Going on JamCruise 2017 baby!
Pontoon boat so I selected motor boat but I am disappointed in the choices. Very disappointed.
@chr another
S. S. Minnow
Technically, the most recent:
A Ship Of Fools
Actually, various fam/friends have these. And several sunfish.
Love the Staten Island Ferry, used to ride it for the fun.
Best ever: either a speedboat in the Mediterranean or the Channel Ferry from Calais to Dover.
Most wished for at this time:
The Intrepid
/giphy ship of fools

The Diamant, a 100 ft sailboat with Island Windjammers, from St. Lucia to Grenada . 6 cabins holding 12 strangers that were all friends by the end of the week. Loved it so much we are going back next summer for our anniversary.
@chienfou We rented & sailed a 30ft boat for a week as part of a 4-ship flotilla in the Florida Keys about 20yr ago. The lead ship was 40 or 42ft and had a pro captain & chef. Our family were (are) experienced sailors, so we had full control of our boat, but always stayed in sight (and radio/walkie-talkie communication) of the lead. That allowed us to avoid any complicated navigation.

We later rented a similar boat for a week-long cruise around BVI
TL:DR: Love the barefoot/charter sailboat experience!
/image 40 foot sailboat
something like this
@compunaut Nice!
Either a Canoe or a cruise ship. No, wait, I guess it would be a ferry.
I have been on a supercarrier.
@2many2no Go Cardinals…
@chienfou Yeah, I used to like the football Cardinals, then they moved.
Oh, you mean baseball? OK, Go Blues!
Wait, I moved too.
Go Cowboys.
Go Rangers, Go Stars, Go Mavs.
Go Longhorns!
/giphy Texas Longhorns

@2many2no I go back to the Bob Gibson, Tim Mc Carver, Curt Flood days…Left STL in '73. That was just my way of acknowledging I recognized the “boat” you had posted…
@chienfou It was a great place to grow up, but I rarely go back, just to see family. I left in 1972, courtesy of Uncle Sam.
It was a treat to see Stan the Man at the old Sportsman’s Park, the wood bleachers would shake like they were coming down when everyone started slamming their seats in time with La Cucaracha.
@f00l I love that giphy!
@2many2no Yeah, I grew up in Florissant and left in early 73 to move back to France with my parents. I then came back stateside and moved to Boulder CO when I found out my scholarships were cancelled since my parents no longer lived in MO and I was under 21 so no longer considered a ‘resident’.
Used to go see the Cards a couple of times a season when the Post Dispatch doled out tix for straight A students…Augie Busch was a great patron for STL.
i live in the NYC borough of this ferry’s namesake, so i find myself on it quite often.
did you know it is one of the few modes of transportation that is legal to drink on?
/giphy staten island ferry

Does it count if I went in alone?

@ELUNO Self love? OK for the Love Boat.

@ELUNO Not a boat, but because SRV.
@ELUNO If you listen to CSN&Y you should “Love the one you’re with”…
@f00l Thanks… I was too lazy to look it up and post a link!
@ELUNO If we count this then I need to change my answer to the boats in Escape From Pompeii.
wow, i can’t believe it’s been 6 years since i’ve been on a boat…
that was on a ferry crossing from Port Clinton(-ish) across to South Bass Island in lake Erie.
Home of Put-in-Bay, and the monument commemorating Commodore Perry’s Victory just off shore in the war of 1812.
@earlyre My cousins were doing reenactment stuff on shore!
Every time i see this thread i wish i could change my answer. I am currently on a sailboat but in last week have done motor ,sail, paddle wheel,row,kayak in no particular order
@CaptAmehrican So your answer is ‘yes’, is that right?
@OldCatLady well I have never been on a cruise ship.
@CaptAmehrican You on vacation or something?
@CaptAmehrican You only get on boats you can be the captain of?
My orange Sunstream 8’ kayak on Elk River in southwest Missouri, last weekend.
last boat was It’s a small world.
@cranky1950 LOL
@cranky1950 First time I rode this it was called the 4 winds if the world and it was the pepsi pavillion at the ny world fair. Drove my father nuts, little did I suspect that he would get to gloat in about 20 yrs.
The Jungle Cruise at Disneyland.
While I wasn’t actually on this “boat” today, I was standing next to it. Does that count? It’s the 145ft custom motor yacht “Island Heiress.” Nice.
@heartny Purists like @Kidsandliz (and me, sometimes) would label her a ‘stinkboat’. She’s lovely, though.
@OldCatLady Stinkpot
Royal Caribbean Liberty of the Seas
I was thinking that I have not been on many boats, but I have been on every type of boat listed.