What's your hobby?
9What's your hobby?
Mine is photography. I've been doing it ever since I was a kid. I love it.
This may or may not be for I can perhaps know more about my potential Mehrican swap person if they post here... And have the community discussing their passion.
- 41 comments, 64 replies
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You only have one?
@duodec I have more than one, but I wasn't making the first post about me.
It's not a hobby, but I'd also say for me, going to church and helping with a program on Thursdays where we feed about 60 neighborhood kids in the rough area it's located at..
I'm a nature lover. I also love to read, mostly fantasy/fiction.. I should read the Bible more often than I do.
@juststephen Let me save you the time. In Acts 2:13 Snape kills Dumbledore.
In Revelations 10:5 it is revealed that Vader is Luke's father.
@givemeyoursoul I checked and this is inaccurate.
@juststephen I think @givemeyoursoul is referencing the George Lucas Revision bible. In this one, Abel shoots first.
@SSteve This is correct. When shopping bibles, make sure you get the one with Spock in it.
3D Printing and electronics design.
Which 3D printer would you recommend for beginners?
@DVDBZN Depends upon your budget, but I would recommend something small and inexpensive; no need to blow $2k on something then decide it isn't for you. I will research a little bit, but I have a Tiko printer on the way (theoretically; it's a kickstarter). It has a decent build volume and cost 234. Commercial sales would begin after kickstarter rewards ship. Of course, there's the Dremel Ideabuilder, which I have heard good things about. There are just so many...
@PocketBrain OK, so what questions do I need to have answered to help me pick one out?
What is "self-leveling", and why do I want it?
Do I want dual color/spool?
Are there different filament sizes that help someone decide on a model, or are they the same size?
Easiest to program, modify open-source art, biggest library?
What would someone want to avoid at all costs?
@G1 Some tips:
- Be sure your model can work with 3rd party filaments; avoid proprietary cartridges. Proprietary spools are ok, since you can respool them from a 3rd party spool.
- Pick one from a reputable manufacture that is still in business.
- Self-leveling is cool, but not completely necessary. Skipping it can save you a buck, but then you have a fiddlier way to level the build plate. That being said, my Makerbot has manual leveling and I really only have to do it every couple of weeks or when I maintenance the build plate.
- Dual-extruder printing does more than just a two-color print (which can be done with layering on a single-extruder printer on some prints). It can print with two different materials for different effects like dissolvable supports or varying-attribute, like strength/density) or conductive filament. You can also queue up two different colors and print them alternately or change filament on one color while printing with another, if you are doing a lot of printing.
- The two most common sizes of filament diameter are 1.75mm and 3.0mm. I have a couple of 1.75mm printers.
- I would say avoid any printer that won't print open-source. Some lock you to their library, require an always-on internet connection and charge you a fee to print.
- As long as it supports slicing from .stl format, your choice of software will determine how easy it is to create and edit models. I use Autodesk 123D Design for design (It now supports conversion of .stl to solid) and Meshmixer mostly to heal meshes and reduce complexity. .stl format will give you the biggest available library, and there are ways to convert between different formats.
- Community support is great. When you are narrowing down your choices, look into the communities of your candidate machines.
- Again, avoid: Proprietary anything. Unsupported machines.
- Check me out on thingiverse.
Photography is a big one for me as well. Maybe less a hobby and more a… means for staying sane. Really just shooting digital (Fuji) for the time being, but I have a large stable of film cameras from Minox to Linhof.
@brhfl I agree with that! I don't do any film, just digital... I'm working on a portfolio website instead of just having a blog and FB page... I do it as a hobby, but I will happily do free shoots for folk if they ask. :)
@CaptAmehrican I do a little of that as well. Have a little Zuma now, but I've had a Mutineer (bro in MI has it now) & sailed my parents' Rhodes 22 too
3D printing and FPV racing
...and reddit
Geocaching. Also reading. I like watching movies, too. Napping?
@DaveInSoCal I also love to read - I'm reading several books at the moment. Also, I enjoy Geocaching. :) I haven't done it in a while as I'm pretty much stuck in this city, but I have a good many friends I've made doing it.
In fact, I met one of the ladies that worked at the neonatal ICU whilst I was a baby randomly while geocaching at an event. :)
@juststephen what the shit? Where are you? My wife was a NICU nurse for 5 years. We should totally hang out.
@DaveInSoCal Across the country, in Georgia. I know, it's really random. She just started at the hospital a few months before I was born in 1987 in the ICU, after coming from Germany.. She now lives mostly in the states (in the same city I'm in, travels to Germany a few months a year), but it's a coincidence that I'd meet her again after all of these years.
You never know who you'll meet. :)
@DaveInSoCal One of my more recent hides... I found a plaster banana at Goodwill. I added several layers of gold acrylic paint. I then added several coats of triple thick glaze and then several layers of whatever that sealant is called in a spray can.
The result:
It's hanging behind a tree by a carabiner. :)
@DaveInSoCal Geocaching as well. Northeast Pennsylvania has an excellent community. Speaking of which, I'm actually going to an event this morning, and 1-2 more next Saturday.
@hems79 Cool. I would've gone to an event today if I didn't have a meeting at church at 5. About 30 published for a geo-trail this evening, all throughout a city about an hour from here... A shiny coin for completion.. and a shirt.. but priorities.
@DaveInSoCal Do you collect coins and such?
@juststephen nope. Just junk from meh. :)
@hems79 Do you collect geocaching coins and such?
@juststephen Collect is a strong word, but I have about 10 coins (most proud of my 1,000 milestone coin, of course.) I have about 10 active trackables out in the world right now. I do like to discover TBs. You?
Restoring vintage bikes, reupholstery/refinishing furniture, drawing, electronics, and cooking... Guess I have a slight case of ADD...
@mehk I also enjoy cooking! I make some mean pralines.
@juststephen mmm... pralines, never made those... But I'm defintely a fan, I've resently taken up molecular gastronomy.
I change hobbies every few months it seems, so I guess I'll go with "having hobbies" as my hobby. Or more generally, "learning".
@awk I'd second this... Learning and trying new things...
My major hobby would be Photography as well (flickr.com/photos/kirgen if you are interested in some older ones.) Other hobbies are actually computer repair, and puzzles(any kind any time).
@Kirgen i have to stop skimming so fast, i read that as pornography, not photography
@DMlivezey Well my last couple shoots have been.... Boudoir. And a couples boudoir. I still prefer landscape and non-people oriented photography but this has been an experience.
@Kirgen i didn't see that shoot on your flickr, but i liked many of those photos
Outside of work, I coach 2 roller derby teams, serve on the habitat for humanity board, serve as secretary for the Elks district, hold a seat in the state Elks publication corporation, go to grad school full time, and buy weird things.
@MsELizardBeth Cool! I did a Habitat for Humanity-ish event many years ago, wasn't with them, but very similar, mission trips to repair old homes or tornado damaged homes.
Disney... The parks, primarily. Also roller coasters in general. I also enjoy smoking BBQ, technology/gadgets and shiny things.
Like awk above, I tend to bounce from hobby to hobby, project to project. I typically dive deep into whatever is my current fascination and research the hell out of it. Case in point: If you ever want to intimidate the hell out of a jewelry store salesperson, buy your own loupe and break that thing out at the counter. I did it when I bought my wife's engagement ring. The reactions I got were priceless.
@SpenceMan01 I prefer eating BBQ.
@cation I can't stand the stuff. Just enjoy the process. Usually toss it in the trash once it's cooked.
@SpenceMan01 Oh, that kind of smoking.
@SpenceMan01 I'd live at Disneyland if they'd let me. For a few months a few years ago many employees wondered if I ever left. I showered everyday and my wardrobe changed, but they were convinced I was somehow living in the park. I basically did live there - I even took business meetings there a few times - I was just sleeping across the street. Oh, and covertly coordinating a guerrilla film crew . . . there was that small thing.
@Pavlov I've never been. Too darned expensive.
@Pavlov Nice. Escape from Tomorrow, I assume? I've got my annual pass (even though I live halfway across the country) and I'll be down in two weeks for one last trip before it expires at the end of the month. I'm not renewing; neither are a bunch of my friends. The straw is finally breaking the camel's back, price-wise.
@juststephen I hear ya. It's been a 'frog in a boiling pot of water' scenario for me over the last several years in regards to the semi-annual price increases. I've finally woken up. One last hurrah in 2 weeks and I'll be done for a while.
@SpenceMan01 Worked for the production manager (Maddy Allen) on Bansky's Exit Through the Gift Shop. Spent 62 non-consecutive days scouting that park several years ago - and never have I been so happy to wake up and walk to work in my life as I was then. Truth is I could have submitted my rundown in less than half that time, I just liked being there . . . so I slacked to milk it.
@SpenceMan01 This is our last year as APs, too. We've had them since the late 80s.
We haven't been at all since we renewed back in October. Don't have the time or the energy to deal with the crowds. The only reason we renewed was some of our northern cal friends said they'd try to come down in December.
Woodworking/sculpture, but I really should be trying to learn the basics of photography.
@cercopithecoid that is wonderful art and ttuly lovely but for some reason i was expecting to see a wooden irk sculpture
@cercopithecoid that frame! Wow! Great work!
@cercopithecoid beautiful stuff!
Guitar, cooking, baseball, and waiting for death's sweet release.
Programming, game development/gaming, reading/learning, and dabble in photography. The prigramming and game development work out pretty well since I'm completing my AA in Software Development.
Magic the gathering, computers, gaming, fountain pens, politics (recently),
Paracord, mainly for dogs. My three Dobermans are quite the hobby as well. I'm dappeling into a bit of photography.
@calamityshuckle Cool. I've made paracord bracelets. :)
@calamityshuckle I did some paracord bracelets and keychain 'handles' some time ago. It was fun but fell by the wayside when work exploded.
Crocheting, photography, making little videos, paper crafting, blogging, stamp making....
Oh you know, I dabble in the needle felt thing, knitting, yarn making, general strange crafting, cycling. Mainly the cycling and needle felt right now.
Keeping my wife happy.
@hallmike That's not a hobby, that's a priority. ;-)
@hallmike Happy wife happy life!
Antique dealer; actually it just gives me a good excuse to go to auctions, yard sales, and antique malls to buy stuff.
Riding my 1300cc cruiser bike on weekends.
When I was younger I used to race dirt track cars, back before mortgages, kids, and other expensive necessities put a dent in the budget.
Live music concerts; try to go to at least one a month. Especially enjoy outdoor blues festivals with camping.
Wine making.
I have a huge garden; we raise a lot of our own food and can it for the winter. I have pet goats. Yard work and landscaping in the summer.
Playing with my border collie friend and taking him everywhere.
Wood working in the winter; restoring old furniture.
Cooking when the wife lets me in the kitchen. Used to do it professionally, but our styles clash so I ceded the kitchen to her.
I built a mobile Pizza trailer and make artisan pizza from scratch at a local fair in the fall; I have been in the food concession business for 25+ years, but scaled back to just one fair now. It's a lot more work than you might think.
I used to enjoy restoring antique radios, short wave listening, and building home brew radio equipment. Always wanted to get a ham license, but never did; perhaps when I get old enough to retire.
Home remodeling projects; no end to those. I also have 2 investment houses to renovate at the moment. Was in the apartment rental business for 15 years, but gave it up to enjoy a better quality of life.
There is no shortage of things to do with free time in our house.
Kayaking, Alternative music outdoor concerts during summer by the waterfront, getting back into vintage stereo equipment, Vinyl (as it's called now), trolling thrift stores/flea markets/pawn shops for electronics, alternative energy solar/wind always interested me, boating in summer. Want to hike but may be long shot.
Throughout my life work has always interfered with my hobbies. Lately (meaning the last few years) I've been into 3D printing. I used to ride my bike a lot (after I built it), scuba dive, take pictures, build audio equipment including electrostatic speakers, and probably a few others that are not coming to mind right now.
I'm not sure, but if you observed my weekend behavior you'd probably think it's procrastinating.
@katylava Nothing wrong with that- work hard all week, do nothing all weekend.
@katylava I was going to observe your weekend behavior, but figured I'd do it tomorrow.
@katylava I'm sorry the cameras went dead... What weekend behavior? Actually I don't want you to think I'm a stalker... your Significant other is a chemist right... I don't want to mess with people that are smart enough and have all the ingredients at home already...
I love drawing. Another photographer here too. There's a ton of other stuff I'd like to dabble in if I had more time. Sadly I don't often realize I don't have time until I've bought the gear.
@kevlar51 I have a low end dslr with mostly put stuff.. 18 to 55 is stm, 55 to 250 is stm and a 50mm.. Which is technically a 75mm as the sl1 is a crop sensor camera. That last one is the only one any good at low lighting.
@juststephen the lenses are more important than the body. Work with the nifty fifty as much as you can because that's the best performer that you have (it's a very good lens). I was stunned at how much better my camera (xsi at the time) became once I finally moved away from that wretched 18-55. Honestly, just sell that lens. I have the same zoom lens as you; I keep it for the reach but rarely use it.
@kevlar51 I meant kit stuff, not put stuff. It came with the 55-300 for the kit, however I replaced it with the 55-250 IS STM as I wanted that image stabilization.
I really want a 35mm for I can have a true nifty fifty, but they're so expensive!
I've done pretty well with what I have. I mostly try to do photos in daylight hours - and it does pretty well.
It's frustrating having to switch between. I'll likely be shooting a friend's wedding next month during sunset at the beach, which will be interesting. I also recommended to them that I should just be a second shooter - as I don't have the best equipment.
I definitely have the knowledge necessary and practical experience, but not the equipment that a pro has.
Writing song parodies. And drinking wine. And drinking wine while writing song parodies.
, Gaming
, Coffee
All at the same time when I can
Hot air balloon chasing and practicing how to fly them.
Lately a little bit of gaming (after 10 years out, preceded by 8 years playing text MMORPGs). Its taking too much time but it is so much fun, and a great way to recuperate from work.
My '71 Challenger keeps getting worked on (and parts purchased for) a bit at a time.
Raspberry Pi for learning *nix, and a home OpenVMS Alphaserver to stay fresh on the best OS ever.
On and off reader. Binge then drought as other items (mostly work) interfere
Cooking. We have a temperature controller to try sous vide in a slow cooker (no circulator though). Until work exploded last year we were trying new cooking/grilling/BBQing recipes and techniques constantly. I miss that.
A dog is not a hobby but dogs fill a hole in our lives that hobbies can only sort-of patch over so we'll be re-upping as packmates to some fine canines down the road. Besides being a pack member can enhance other hobbies; it leads to dog walking that leads to meeting people, keeping up on the neighborhood, getting cool pictures of dogs, other critters, amazing clouds and gorgeous sunrises and sunsets... and our next dogs will be the back seaters when we go weekend cruising in the Challenger once it is back on the road.
@duodec MUDs? I've been playing one since 1998.
@juststephen Gemstone II on Genie from 1988 to 90, then Gemstone III for a few months (didn't like it), then Dragonrealms on Genie (and then internet) from 1996 to 2006. My wife still plays free MUDs after we both left the paid ones above. I still miss them but the producers took them in directions I didn't care to follow.
Currently having too much fun with Robocraft and getting started with Civ V
@duodec www.alteraeon.com is the one I play.
Spend a lot of spare time that I should be doing home-improvement projects on Ultimate (frisbee) instead. At this point, I'm almost twice the age of most other participants
Music and porn here.
Love this retirement gig except for the getting old part.
@funco49 what kind of porn do you make?
Oh, my gawd, the porn of the 70s...the Pussycat Theater in El Cajon, the awful music, the crazy storylines...date night with the whole bunch of our group, the movie employees must have hated us....
I'm just a looker at my age Dave, but it keeps me busy.
Still looking for the end of the internet.
@funco49 http://endoftheinternet.com/
@funco49 "i like to watch, eve"
- Chauncey Gardiner
@DMlivezey Being There should be mandated to be watched at least twice in every lifetime. Great example (and yet sorely under-appreciated) of a cinematic masterwork.
An interesting analysis:
Having hobbies. My latest one is fishing and Go.
@DrunkCat Going to try to beat the Google computer? ;)
@brhfl I can barely beat a 18kyu AI.
Trolling the Meh. forums, photography, astronomy, thinking about learning to play bass guitar (that's as far as that hobby has advanced, Meh.), computers/gadgets, music.
Electronics, 3D printing, Ingress, wrenching on cars & drag racing, woodworking, bar/brewery tourist,
My latest is glassblowing... OMG I can't believe how fun playing with 2100*F molten glass on the end of a 3' pipe can be - it makes me feel artistic and I love the teamwork aspect, too.
I also practice Shudokan karate; make jewelry (wire wrap and stringing - not casting or weaving); I'm learning to draw; acrylic painting (a hobby I started with my mom - she died in December and I haven't had the heart to pick up my brushes since... But soon); knitting; spinning (wool into yarn, not riding a stationary bike); lamp work bead making; photography (general snapshots and architectural - I especially love old doors and window, but sometimes that freaks people out if you get caught in what they think is "casing the joint" activities); weaving (if I can keep my cats from sleeping on - and hence breaking- my warps); lately I've really enjoyed coloring (wow coloring books have grown up!); pottery (Making from clay, preferably on a wheel). My next hobby (probably won't start for a while as glassblowing is expensive and time consuming) - I want to learn fine woodworking - cabinetry and boxes not sculptural..... And oh gods... I guess I can't really say I'm not artistic, can I?
Can we get some pix? Artisctic, artistic plus cats....
@inanna Hiya, fellow spinner!
Current hobbies:
1: Screaming and cheering for a local amateur soccer team...we've been to the National Championship 5 times - always runners-up. This hobby involves wearing scarves in 105° July weather and a lot of beer pong.
2: Rebuilding vintage bicycles (1980s era). I have 2 in my garage, so it's plural.
3: Skating Referee for WFTDA Roller Derby. God, it's fun.
Brewing beer offers a lot of see projects. I'm building a keezer. I also grow hops, and this summer I'm going to build some planter boxes to grow berries and other things that I could use to make beer with.
Other activities include BBQ and playing rugby.
I figure that BBQ and beer come with a lot of calories. I need some hobby that attempts to offset them, like playing rugby.
I have far too many hobbies. I don't dare try to list them all for fear of causing someone to die of boredom by trying to read through all of them.
However my favorite hobbies include:
-Building things... could be almost anything, I build lots of things usually with a military style
-Airsoft, What can I say, I was in the military so I enjoy shooting people.
-R/C vehicles, mainly trucks, but I have begun dabbling in quadcopters.
-Photography, probably my most expensive hobby so far but I am far from the level of some people.
-Cycling, but not the way normal cyclists do. For example my favorite bicycle is one I built from scratch that weighs over 100 lbs. I'm also proud to say I do not own a single piece of spandex.
-Cars, but after having three kids this hobby has become too expensive and has mainly devolved to just keeping them running.
-Technology, I may not always have the latest and greatest devices, but I can usually tell you what they are, and why. I generally consider myself a fairly "early adopter" that is to say I like to be one of the first people to get the next new thing, but I have never stood in a line for the privilege to do so.
@Lokiparts I've always wanted to try 'real' R/C vehicles. There was a group of R/C tankers (airsoft and/or infrared) and another of fighting ship 'commanders' I watched online for a bit that just looked awesome. But way too expensive, and nothing in my area of illinois.
Drikin' beer. Reading about beer. Beer.