@grmartin Glad you posted this actually...cool concept. I know everyone's jazzed about the Moto360, but I prefer the form factor of this device and the fact that it runs full Android 4.4. If their battery life ends up being worthwhile (doesn't look like it currently, at 1k mAh), I'd say its a high value purchase.
I got through a PSAT and some sort of competition math test using just my handy calculator watch. Sure, I would've preferred my TI-83, but I was under the impression that they weren't allowed in either test so I didn't even bring it.
@ardgedee They are like screwdrivers..... You can never have too many screwdrivers IMO. I have one on each floor of my house and then at least another 2 or 3 floating around in a drawer here or there.
@ardgedee What qualifies as a collection? I'd like to know if I'm approaching the critical boundary between 'useful device available as needed' and 'collector'. Collections are worth more, right?
@Mavyn 1 or less - Nancy; 2-4 - They are your tools, nothing more; 5-7 - you find multi-tools more useful than knives or other tools in your toolbox; 8-10 - slightly over doing it now, but you're still safe; 10-15 - You've hit 'collector', congrats you've spent way too much money on a collection worth nothing; >15 you're a soon-to-be-divorced horder
@jimmyd103 that is what my brother in law says "A man can't have too many screwdrivers". My sister says that you can't have too many flashlights. And yes I bought her one for Christmas. Am not telling her it was $3
Headlamps are awesome in some very particular situations. For example, when I had to crawl into the tiny space behind my shower to replace a pipe. After I dropped 3 flashlights down in to the wall, I remembered my headlamp.
I have a pocket knife, AND a multitool, AND an EDC flashlight, AND a keyring mini flashlight, AND a keyring micro-firesteel. Always with me except when on the far side of the TSA checkpoints (then I still have the flashlights). Other than the fire steel and mini flashlight I use every single one at least 3-4 times a week, and the pocket knife and EDC flashlight multiple times a day. They're all my favorite. And the folks at work who used to make fun but have all benefited from my gear collection (flashlights during power outages #1! Hell people in other offices keep coming by to borrow my gear then...) make fun no more.
Oh, also spare batteries for the lights. Why two lights? Because two is one and one is none, but three is right out.
Hey! Floppy sunhats are cute!
@MotherMaia Google floppy hats for men. Now imagine the hats on people that are not models.
How about the Rufus Cuff: the surfboard of watches?

@grmartin Glad you posted this actually...cool concept. I know everyone's jazzed about the Moto360, but I prefer the form factor of this device and the fact that it runs full Android 4.4. If their battery life ends up being worthwhile (doesn't look like it currently, at 1k mAh), I'd say its a high value purchase.
Except here in Washington it's a wide, lightweight, floppy rain hat.
Sun Cap. Everyone who dose not have experience of this blames its looks. yes, it's ugly. But once wear it, you can not take off it even in metro.
@Gaster This is true. Every lady in Gangnam over the age of 60 wears them.
Fanny pack? Travel vest? CROCS!?
@matthew slide rules
@matthew travel vests are dorky?
@matthew I wish i could find a fanny pack. Safe and secure travel.
@matthew Crocs are dorky? Dammit.
@matthew Fanny pack. Preferably leather, but dorky can't be choosy.
@matthew Fanny pack for sure. Sometimes convenience and practicality win out over coolness. And I'm okay with that.
I'm pretty sure that I'm a huge dork, but I don't own any of the stuff in the poll. I believe that your list is broken.
I got through a PSAT and some sort of competition math test using just my handy calculator watch. Sure, I would've preferred my TI-83, but I was under the impression that they weren't allowed in either test so I didn't even bring it.
My trusty hand held "Ham" radio. :)
Trash bags made into rain ponchos
@candelabra I actually have more respect for the guy or gal who makes the make-shift poncho than the one who comes prepared with a real one.
Multitools are really dorky. Collecting them is even dorkier, since if one was any good it'd be the only one you need, right?
@ardgedee Exactly! Why does my husband need three of these? WHY???
@Groovymarlin Only three?
@Groovymarlin because a man can't have too many multi tools? Better collecting them, than say, wives… or girlfriends...
@ardgedee They are like screwdrivers..... You can never have too many screwdrivers IMO. I have one on each floor of my house and then at least another 2 or 3 floating around in a drawer here or there.
@ardgedee My wife says the ones that go on key chains are even dorkier....I have 6
@jimmyd103 The mulititools should also have screwdriver tips on them. Whoa, recursion!
@ardgedee What qualifies as a collection? I'd like to know if I'm approaching the critical boundary between 'useful device available as needed' and 'collector'. Collections are worth more, right?
@Mavyn 1 or less - Nancy; 2-4 - They are your tools, nothing more; 5-7 - you find multi-tools more useful than knives or other tools in your toolbox; 8-10 - slightly over doing it now, but you're still safe; 10-15 - You've hit 'collector', congrats you've spent way too much money on a collection worth nothing; >15 you're a soon-to-be-divorced horder
@RedHot Whew, glad I'm already divorced. That will save me a LOT of money. And means I have more space for my collection. Double score!
@jimmyd103 that is what my brother in law says "A man can't have too many screwdrivers". My sister says that you can't have too many flashlights. And yes I bought her one for Christmas. Am not telling her it was $3
@Kidsandliz I won't tell her. now you may need to snag a screw driver and Xmas shopping is done
Headlamp...but not a stock one, a modified one using a much brighter LED...bordering on extreme dorkiness with that.
Dwyane Wade from the Cosby Show.
@caffeine_dude It was actually "Dwayne Wayne". Dwayne Wade plays for the Miami Heat ;) And it was A Different World, the Cosby spin-off.
@jsh139 Thanks! Been 15+ years since I watched Cosby.
@caffeine_dude No problem. Wouldn't want you to get that wrong on a trivia show or something! :)
My Crocs with socks.
Easy, my sunscreen flask. Google it
@commodog ![Yummy.][1] [1]:
Reading glasses on one of those string things worn around my neck.
Headlamps are awesome in some very particular situations. For example, when I had to crawl into the tiny space behind my shower to replace a pipe. After I dropped 3 flashlights down in to the wall, I remembered my headlamp.
R.I.P. three flashlights.
a headlight gets you in and out of a tight space or accident 'quick, fast, and safely'- no one messes with the 'light up head'
Reading glasses with a built-in LED light on each side. They are black with little sparkly things on them but I can read in bed without bothering sleeping beauty.
I had safety glasses with LEDs on the sides. Since anything I would need a headlamp for also requires safety glasses, I liked not needing extra gear
I have a pocket knife, AND a multitool, AND an EDC flashlight, AND a keyring mini flashlight, AND a keyring micro-firesteel. Always with me except when on the far side of the TSA checkpoints (then I still have the flashlights). Other than the fire steel and mini flashlight I use every single one at least 3-4 times a week, and the pocket knife and EDC flashlight multiple times a day. They're all my favorite. And the folks at work who used to make fun but have all benefited from my gear collection (flashlights during power outages #1! Hell people in other offices keep coming by to borrow my gear then...) make fun no more.
Oh, also spare batteries for the lights. Why two lights? Because two is one and one is none, but three is right out.