@Pony I was in menopause for the latter half of my twenties (related to a medical condition), and even though I’m now pre-menopausal again, the little 'stache I acquired along the way decided to stay with me. Figures.
Shaving is an absolute pain in the ass. Not shaving is also an absolute pain in the ass. I cannot win either way so I am extremely erratic with it. Sometimes I’ll shave every other day. Sometimes I’ll go a few weeks without shaving. It depends on how much I’m not feeling the shaving thing.
@serpent since the invention of the safety razor, every American President has been clean-shaven. Most other elected officials worldwide are, by a vast majority, clean-shaven. Most men I know who aren’t clean-shaven are retired, working non-supervisorial positions, or in some more “creative” field like music or art. Or unemployed. There has been a definite decline in the need to be clean-shaven, leaning increasingly toward simply being well kept, but clean faces still hold more power.
@simplersimon my husband has sported a beard most of his life. He was once told (about 25 yrs ago) that he’d never get promoted unless he shaved. He noted one of the company execs had a beard and was told “he’s a retired 4 star general, no one tells that guy what to do. But i see no stars on your collar, so plan on shaving if you want to move up.”
@mollama@simplesimon I worked for a company in the 80’s where the policy was white shirt, red tie, no facial hair. They were very particular only because we were customer facing employees.
@RedOak Totally agreed! Fuck those conformist a-holes. Doing anything like anybody else is for sheep (no offense to Kiwis, of course). Rebel (for life!) or die.
I plan to shave every day, but I generally am halfway through showering when I realize I forgot, and resolve to get it the next day. As a result, my beard can be anywhere from nonexistent to about 3 months, which is long enough to be visible when I’m pulling clothes out for the day.
Currently rolling with a full beard, though I shave the neck area. I’m cursed with an eternal, round baby face, so having a long beard, and keeping the sides trim helps me look like my head is longer and look older. Especially when combined with those short on the back-and-sides, but long on top haircuts all the hip young kids have.
@cengland0 Thanks! I was confused. @LaVikinga I don’t generally go around feeling beards, so I don’t know how it compares to other, but I’m willing to mail you some of it, next time I shave. @chienfou@jml326 There is a lot more grey than you can see in the picture. Not sure how it doesn’t show. I think some color was restored, when the Cubs won the World Series. @haydesigner I wish the Cubs would take up this design, on their caps. The plain ‘C’ is kind of boring. @medz That’s the best compliment anyone could ever give me.
Menopause. Shut up and pass the tweezers.
@Pony I was in menopause for the latter half of my twenties (related to a medical condition), and even though I’m now pre-menopausal again, the little 'stache I acquired along the way decided to stay with me. Figures.
@currawong Ain’t that the way? Ugh.
@Pony Coffee. ALL OVER my laptop. And tears of laughter.
Eternal 5 o’clock shadow. Yes, I look just like Don Johnson.
/giphy Don Johnson beard

Mustache, what do you mean “ironically”?
Shaving is an absolute pain in the ass. Not shaving is also an absolute pain in the ass. I cannot win either way so I am extremely erratic with it. Sometimes I’ll shave every other day. Sometimes I’ll go a few weeks without shaving. It depends on how much I’m not feeling the shaving thing.
@Mehsturbator imagine that your a girl and you didn’t have to shave yer face… just everything else
@ragingredd At least all the other hairs don’t end up in your own mouth very often.
@ragingredd HAVE TO shave everything else is a pretty strong term… maybe you just need a more European-minded mate…
I guess if you’re normal you’re male. Pity.
@gertiestn based on the statistics for mehtizens, yes, we are primarily male.
Finally don’t have to look at a long list of songs to vote.
@cengland0 that’s just Sundays. I quickly learned not to bother scrolling down on Sundays as a result.
Covered with hair, occasionally I shave out openings for my eyes and mouth.
Real men have long beards. Shaving is for plebeians.
@serpent since the invention of the safety razor, every American President has been clean-shaven. Most other elected officials worldwide are, by a vast majority, clean-shaven. Most men I know who aren’t clean-shaven are retired, working non-supervisorial positions, or in some more “creative” field like music or art. Or unemployed. There has been a definite decline in the need to be clean-shaven, leaning increasingly toward simply being well kept, but clean faces still hold more power.
@simplersimon my husband has sported a beard most of his life. He was once told (about 25 yrs ago) that he’d never get promoted unless he shaved. He noted one of the company execs had a beard and was told “he’s a retired 4 star general, no one tells that guy what to do. But i see no stars on your collar, so plan on shaving if you want to move up.”
@mollama @simplesimon I worked for a company in the 80’s where the policy was white shirt, red tie, no facial hair. They were very particular only because we were customer facing employees.
Fuck politicians (they do everyone else).
Fuck the establishment.
Fuck soul-sucking, people-eating, corporate life.
(Normally I reserve that word for one scenario, however it seemed to be the only appropriate word here.)
@mollama so did he…?
@RedOak Totally agreed! Fuck those conformist a-holes. Doing anything like anybody else is for sheep (no offense to Kiwis, of course). Rebel (for life!) or die.
Shave head and face randomly about once a year…And that’s it.
@Ignorant that was most of college for me. My day was always Halloween or the next day, depending on my costume.
I wait until my wife hates it, then finally trim my beard to look like 2-3 day old stubble. Repeat every two weeks.
Out of largely laziness, I seem to only shave every 3 days or so, so a pretty regular 5 o’clock shadow.
Ditto, though I’ve been known to go about 5 before it starts to bother me.
@jqubed @cinoclav I have a buddy who’s such an overachiever that he gets his 5 o’clock shadow by lunch time.
It’s under control.
I plan to shave every day, but I generally am halfway through showering when I realize I forgot, and resolve to get it the next day. As a result, my beard can be anywhere from nonexistent to about 3 months, which is long enough to be visible when I’m pulling clothes out for the day.
@simplersimon That’s one reason I generally shave in the shower…
Currently rolling with a full beard, though I shave the neck area. I’m cursed with an eternal, round baby face, so having a long beard, and keeping the sides trim helps me look like my head is longer and look older. Especially when combined with those short on the back-and-sides, but long on top haircuts all the hip young kids have.
@sanspoint so wait… you look older by sporting a haircut associated with younger people… how does that work???
@sanspoint My chin is narrow, so I grew a goatee in college (still have it 30 years later) to make my face less pointy.
Never could decide if it makes me look older or younger. Probably just fuzzier.
@chienfou The haircut lengthens the perceived shape of the face, so it doesn’t look so round and cherubic. Simple!
I don’t know. You tell me.
@TheCO2 You don’t know? That’s the 3rd option.
@TheCO2 It looks soft!
@LaVikinga WAY less gray than mine!
@TheCO2 @LaVikinga I’m surprised there is not more gray… for a cubs fan.
The hat rocks, @TheCO2

/giphy meh
@cengland0 Thanks! I was confused.

@LaVikinga I don’t generally go around feeling beards, so I don’t know how it compares to other, but I’m willing to mail you some of it, next time I shave.
@chienfou @jml326 There is a lot more grey than you can see in the picture. Not sure how it doesn’t show. I think some color was restored, when the Cubs won the World Series.
@haydesigner I wish the Cubs would take up this design, on their caps. The plain ‘C’ is kind of boring.
@medz That’s the best compliment anyone could ever give me.
Hooray for beards!
I’m a lady so I can’t grow majestic beard. So I’ll appreciate them instead.
So eyeballing those survey stats bars, it appears at least half the males here have some form of facial hair.
That seems quite a bit higher than the general population and proably says something about this place.
(Made the assumption the stats were not warped by an overabundance of she-hair.)
@RedOak so we are either
@chienfou … perhaps that… and I was pondering, we might have an anti-establishment streak.
Don’t establishment types simply, quietly, buy on Amazon (perhaps, perish the thought, even without checking camelcamelcamel.com) and shut up.
Here folks feel the need to get all “talky”. Or at least “ready” (read and maybe star) if not commenting.
(Perhaps we need some kind of non-star indicator that says “I read it” so the participation factor is more transparent.)
@chienfou Don’t forget
3. ugly
@sammydog01 hey… I resemble that remark…
@sammydog01 Yes; that’s the whole reason I don’t shave it off. It’s pretty darn scary, if I do.

Wait, if you don’t have facial hair you have two X chromosomes? That seems like fake news to me.
Fake news was said, unironically.
Not sure what the style is called, but it’s similar to the beard on young Robert the Bruce in the film Braveheart.
Since I started getting the power surges I have about four whiskers on my chin that I pluck out every couple of weeks.
This post made me realize I forgot to shave today…