Hitting the refresh button over and over again.
Extreme oral hygiene (FLOSSfit)
Pumping irony, in your favorite daily deal forum.
Dodging lawn darts (TossFit)
Damp Forest crawls (MossFit)
Old-school cowboy maneuvers (HossFit)
@shahnm Battery Battering rams (PowerFit)
Spending all your money on gym memberships, leaving nothing for food (CostFit)
Marathon watching Friends reruns (RossFit)
@shahnm Marathon watching Bob Ross
Playing catch, but never actually catching the ball (MissFit)
@heartny This is me playing badminton!
@heartny @Kyeh Because it is BADminton. Right?
@heartny @Kidsandliz It is when I play it.
Over-Hydration (VossFit)
Lots of margaritas. If you have enough, you’ll feel really fit.
Vigorously polishing things (GlossFit)
Careful - certain types of GlossFit activities can lead to early blindness or hairy palms…
Slam dancing (MoshFit)
Having a lot of tantrums (Hissy Fit Fit)
Chugging tabasco as a dietary aid (SauceFit)
Telling off your supervisors (BossFit)
Any exercise activity conducted in the company of a Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist, militant, and nationalist organization (HamasFit)
Extreme shrugging (MehFit)
Acting out Buffy and Serenity episodes (JossFit)
Tightly rapping your body in thin cotton ribbons (GauseFit)
Relentless upbeat encouragement from Voltaire (PanglossFit)
Day-Trading your savings (LossFit)
Flapping your arms and running about haphazardly (AlbatrossFit)
@shahnm I wanted to put a video of the Monty Python “Albatross!” sketch, but I can’t seem to find any that match the audio tape I grew up with. The others just don’t capture the magic quite right.
Striking pose after pose (PoshFit)
Wandering about in a state of perpetual confusion (At-a-LossFit)
Taking small shots of coffee to goose the metabolism (DemitasseFit)
Reading medieval short stories (ChauserFit)
Running around in a panic as you watch your 401k disappear (Capital-LossFit)
@shahnm No that is RetireFit
Basic math problem solving (MinusFit)
@Wookee And if you do it multiple times it is MultiFit
Just be mad about everything (ShitFit)
Escaping from captivity as a healthy lifestyle (Alcatrazercize)
Racing magnetically propelled projectiles (GaussFit)
Listening to campy singer-songwriter music while exercising (JasonMrazercize)
Just being generally energetic (Pizzazzercize)
Running in triangles (PythagorasFit)
Building strength and aerobic endurance by juggling apples and oranges (Fruit Camp)
@shahnm While dressed as Carmen Miranda, preferably.
Building strength and aerobic endurance by arguing vigorously (Dispute Camp)
High Intensity Discount Shopping (Woot Camp)
drive a (Honda Fit)
Bathing stray cats (WashFit)
Stocking shelves at home-impovement stores (BoschFit)
/showme the best way to get fit
@mediocrebot Ah yes, the Best Tuist of Fieffettt. Got it.
Lying on the coach watching “Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test” (PotatoFit)
Vigorously reinacting the 1939 film about a girl named Dorothy and her Dog Toto on a magical quest to return home to Kansas (The Wizard of OzFit)
Playing solitaire or minefield while maintaining situational awareness and quickly bring up a spreadsheet whenever the boss comes around (bossfit)
Going to Middle-Eastern restaurant with hooka pipes and eating fresh humas (HissiFit).
Bench pressing largest Bonaza character (HOSSfit), Millennials, look it up…
I thought it was a garden hose dispenser, but apparently this is exercise equipment.
@blaineg Or judging from the side, maybe it belongs to the Ministry of Silly Walks.
Buying hokey exercise equipment from a deal-a-day website (DROSSfit)
herding cats (IMPOSifit)
Buying all the prerequisite equipment, memberships, supplements, and clothing then never use any of it. (Mis-Fit)
I don’t have any good puns (or even any bad ones), but I’ve got this parody of exercise programs…
Hitting the refresh button over and over again.
Extreme oral hygiene (FLOSSfit)
Pumping irony, in your favorite daily deal forum.
Dodging lawn darts (TossFit)
Damp Forest crawls (MossFit)
Old-school cowboy maneuvers (HossFit)
@shahnm Battery Battering rams (PowerFit)
Spending all your money on gym memberships, leaving nothing for food (CostFit)
Marathon watching Friends reruns (RossFit)
@shahnm Marathon watching Bob Ross
Playing catch, but never actually catching the ball (MissFit)
This is me playing badminton!
@heartny @Kyeh Because it is BADminton. Right?
@heartny @Kidsandliz
It is when I play it.
Over-Hydration (VossFit)
Lots of margaritas. If you have enough, you’ll feel really fit.
Vigorously polishing things (GlossFit)
Careful - certain types of GlossFit activities can lead to early blindness or hairy palms…
Slam dancing (MoshFit)
Having a lot of tantrums (Hissy Fit Fit)
Chugging tabasco as a dietary aid (SauceFit)
Telling off your supervisors (BossFit)
Any exercise activity conducted in the company of a Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist, militant, and nationalist organization (HamasFit)
Extreme shrugging (MehFit)
Acting out Buffy and Serenity episodes (JossFit)
Tightly rapping your body in thin cotton ribbons (GauseFit)
Relentless upbeat encouragement from Voltaire (PanglossFit)
Day-Trading your savings (LossFit)
Flapping your arms and running about haphazardly (AlbatrossFit)
@shahnm I wanted to put a video of the Monty Python “Albatross!” sketch, but I can’t seem to find any that match the audio tape I grew up with. The others just don’t capture the magic quite right.
Striking pose after pose (PoshFit)
Wandering about in a state of perpetual confusion (At-a-LossFit)
Taking small shots of coffee to goose the metabolism (DemitasseFit)
Reading medieval short stories (ChauserFit)
Running around in a panic as you watch your 401k disappear (Capital-LossFit)
@shahnm No that is RetireFit
Basic math problem solving (MinusFit)
@Wookee And if you do it multiple times it is MultiFit
Just be mad about everything (ShitFit)
Escaping from captivity as a healthy lifestyle (Alcatrazercize)
Racing magnetically propelled projectiles (GaussFit)
Listening to campy singer-songwriter music while exercising (JasonMrazercize)
Just being generally energetic (Pizzazzercize)
Running in triangles (PythagorasFit)
Building strength and aerobic endurance by juggling apples and oranges (Fruit Camp)
@shahnm While dressed as Carmen Miranda, preferably.
Building strength and aerobic endurance by arguing vigorously (Dispute Camp)
High Intensity Discount Shopping
(Woot Camp)
drive a (Honda Fit)
Bathing stray cats (WashFit)
Stocking shelves at home-impovement stores (BoschFit)
/showme the best way to get fit
@mediocrebot Ah yes, the Best Tuist of Fieffettt. Got it.
Lying on the coach watching “Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test” (PotatoFit)
Vigorously reinacting the 1939 film about a girl named Dorothy and her Dog Toto on a magical quest to return home to Kansas (The Wizard of OzFit)
Playing solitaire or minefield while maintaining situational awareness and quickly bring up a spreadsheet whenever the boss comes around (bossfit)
Going to Middle-Eastern restaurant with hooka pipes and eating fresh humas (HissiFit).
Bench pressing largest Bonaza character (HOSSfit), Millennials, look it up…
I thought it was a garden hose dispenser, but apparently this is exercise equipment.
@blaineg Or judging from the side, maybe it belongs to the Ministry of Silly Walks.
Buying hokey exercise equipment from a deal-a-day website (DROSSfit)
herding cats (IMPOSifit)
Buying all the prerequisite equipment, memberships, supplements, and clothing then never use any of it. (Mis-Fit)
I don’t have any good puns (or even any bad ones), but I’ve got this parody of exercise programs…